Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-mt.1078 Author: mt Time: 2 August 2019, 2:36:47.057946 pm UUID: 7e1a1567-d617-dd42-aa20-a69264d0fea4 Ancestors: System-mt.1077 Adds missing returns of (constructed) tool windows to system navigation's browse*-calls. Many were already there. Note that there is the non-browse-interface in system navigation to just execute and return queries such as #allCallsOn: vs. #browseAllCallsOn:. =============== Diff against System-mt.1077 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllCallsOn: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllCallsOn: aLiteral "Create and schedule a message browser on each method that refers to aLiteral." "self default browseAllCallsOn: #open:label:." + ^ self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: aLiteral do: [ :label :autoSelect | - self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: aLiteral do: [ :label :autoSelect | self browseMessageList: [ self allCallsOn: aLiteral ] name: label autoSelect: autoSelect]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllCallsOn:and:localToPackage: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllCallsOn: literal1 and: literal2 localToPackage: packageNameOrInfo "Create and schedule a message browser on each method in the given package that refers to both literal1 and literal2." "self default browseAllCallsOn: #open:label: localToPackage: 'Tools'." + ^ self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: literal1 do: [ :label :autoSelect | - self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: literal1 do: [ :label :autoSelect | self browseMessageList: [ self allCallsOn: literal1 and: literal2 localToPackage: packageNameOrInfo ] name: label, ' local to package ', (self packageInfoFor: packageNameOrInfo) name autoSelect: autoSelect ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllCallsOn:localTo: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllCallsOn: aLiteral localTo: aBehavior "Create and schedule a message browser on each method in or below the given class that refers to aLiteral." "self default browseAllCallsOn: #open:label: localTo: CodeHolder" aBehavior ifNil: [ ^self inform: 'No behavior selected.' ]. + ^ self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: aLiteral do: [ :label :autoSelect | - self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: aLiteral do: [ :label :autoSelect | self browseMessageList: [ self allCallsOn: aLiteral from: aBehavior ] name: label, ' local to ', aBehavior name autoSelect: autoSelect ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllCallsOn:localToPackage: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllCallsOn: aLiteral localToPackage: packageNameOrInfo "Create and schedule a message browser on each method in the given package that refers to aLiteral." "self default browseAllCallsOn: #open:label: localToPackage: 'Tools'." + ^ self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: aLiteral do: [ :label :autoSelect | - self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: aLiteral do: [ :label :autoSelect | self browseMessageList: [ self allCallsOn: aLiteral localToPackage: packageNameOrInfo ] name: label, ' local to package ', (self packageInfoFor: packageNameOrInfo) name autoSelect: autoSelect ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllCallsOnClass: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllCallsOnClass: aBehaviorOrBinding "Create and schedule a message browser on each method that refers to aBehavior." "self default browseAllCallsOnClass: Array" | behaviorName | behaviorName := aBehaviorOrBinding isBehavior ifTrue: [aBehaviorOrBinding theNonMetaClass name] ifFalse: [aBehaviorOrBinding key]. + ^ self - self browseMessageList: [ self allCallsOnClass: aBehaviorOrBinding ] name: 'Users of ', behaviorName autoSelect: behaviorName! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllImplementorsOf:localToPackage: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllImplementorsOf: selector localToPackage: packageNameOrInfo "Create and schedule a message browser on each method in the given package that implements the message whose selector is the argument, selector. For example, SystemNavigation new browseAllImplementorsOf: #at:put: localToPackage: 'Collections'." + ^ self browseMessageList: (self - self browseMessageList: (self allImplementorsOf: selector localToPackage: packageNameOrInfo) name: 'Implementors of ' , selector, ' local to package ', (self packageInfoFor: packageNameOrInfo) name! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllImplementorsOfList: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllImplementorsOfList: selectorList "Create and schedule a message browser on each method that implements the message whose selector is in the argument selectorList. For example, Smalltalk browseAllImplementorsOf: #(at:put: size). 1/16/96 sw: defer to the titled version" + ^ self browseAllImplementorsOfList: selectorList title: 'Implementors of all'! - self browseAllImplementorsOfList: selectorList title: 'Implementors of all'! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllObjectReferencesTo:except:ifNone: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllObjectReferencesTo: anObject except: objectsToExclude ifNone: aBlock "Bring up a list inspector on the objects that point to anObject. If there are none, then evaluate aBlock on anObject. " | aList shortName | aList := Utilities pointersTo: anObject except: objectsToExclude. aList size > 0 ifFalse: [^aBlock value: anObject]. shortName := (anObject name ifNil: [anObject printString]) contractTo: 20. + ^ aList inspectWithLabel: 'Objects pointing to ' , shortName! - aList inspectWithLabel: 'Objects pointing to ' , shortName! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllReferencesToPool:from: (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllReferencesToPool: poolOrName from: aClass "Open a message list on all messages referencing the given pool" | pool list | (poolOrName isString) ifTrue:[pool := Smalltalk at: poolOrName asSymbol] ifFalse:[pool := poolOrName]. list := self allReferencesToPool: pool from: aClass. + ^ self - self browseMessageList: list + name: 'users of ', poolOrName name! - name: 'users of ', poolOrName name. - ^list! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllUnSentMessages (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllUnSentMessages "Create and schedule a message browser on each method whose message is not sent in any method in the system." "self new browseAllUnSentMessages" + ^ self browseAllImplementorsOfList: self allUnSentMessages title: 'Messages implemented but not sent'! - self browseAllImplementorsOfList: self allUnSentMessages title: 'Messages implemented but not sent' - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseAllUnimplementedCalls (in category 'browse') ----- browseAllUnimplementedCalls "Create and schedule a message browser on each method that includes a message that is not implemented in any object in the system." + ^self browseMessageList: self allUnimplementedCalls name: 'Unimplemented calls'! - ^self browseMessageList: self allUnimplementedCalls name: 'Unimplemented calls'! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseClass: (in category 'browse') ----- browseClass: aBehavior | targetClass | targetClass := aBehavior isMeta ifTrue: [aBehavior theNonMetaClass] ifFalse: [aBehavior ]. + ^ ToolSet browse: targetClass selector: nil! - ToolSet browse: targetClass selector: nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseClassesWithNamesContaining:caseSensitive: (in category 'browse') ----- browseClassesWithNamesContaining: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive "SystemNavigation default browseClassesWithNamesContaining: 'eMorph' caseSensitive: true " "Launch a class-list list browser on all classes whose names containg aString as a substring." | suffix aList | suffix := caseSensitive ifTrue: [' (case-sensitive)'] ifFalse: [' (use shift for case-sensitive)']. aList := OrderedCollection new. Cursor wait showWhile: [Smalltalk allClassesDo: [:class | (class name includesSubstring: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive) ifTrue: [aList add: class name]]]. + ^ ToolSet openClassListBrowser: aList asSet sorted title: 'Classes whose names contain ' , aString , suffix! - aList size > 0 - ifTrue: [ToolSet openClassListBrowser: aList asSet sorted title: 'Classes whose names contain ' , aString , suffix]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseHierarchy: (in category 'browse') ----- browseHierarchy: aBehavior | targetClass | targetClass := aBehavior isMeta ifTrue: [aBehavior theNonMetaClass] ifFalse: [aBehavior ]. + ^ ToolSet browseHierarchy: targetClass selector: nil! - ToolSet browseHierarchy: targetClass selector: nil.! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: (in category 'browse') ----- browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: aString "Launch a tool which shows all methods whose names contain the given string; case-insensitive. · 1/16/1996 sw, at the dawn of Squeak: this was the classic implementation that provided the underpinning for the 'method names containing it' (cmd-shift-W) feature that has always been in Squeak -- the feature that later inspired the MethodFinder (aka SelectorBrowser). · sw 7/27/2001: Switched to showing a MessageNames tool rather than a message-list browser, if in Morphic." + ^ Smalltalk isMorphic + ifTrue: [ToolSet browseMessageNames: aString] + ifFalse: [ + self + browseAllImplementorsOfList: (Symbol selectorsContaining: aString) + title: 'Methods whose names contain ''', aString, '''']! - | aList | - Smalltalk isMorphic - ifFalse: - [aList := Symbol selectorsContaining: aString. - aList size > 0 ifTrue: - [self browseAllImplementorsOfList: aList title: 'Methods whose names contain ''', aString, '''']] - - ifTrue: - [ToolSet browseMessageNames: aString] - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseMethodsWithLiteral: (in category 'browse') ----- browseMethodsWithLiteral: aString "Launch a browser on all methods that contain string literals with aString as a substring. Make the search case-sensitive or insensitive as dictated by the caseSensitive boolean parameter" + ^ self browseAllSelect: - self browseAllSelect: [:method | method hasLiteralSuchThat: [:lit | (lit isString and: [lit isSymbol not]) and: [lit = aString]]] name: 'Methods with string ', aString printString + autoSelect: aString! - autoSelect: aString. - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseMethodsWithString:matchCase: (in category 'browse') ----- browseMethodsWithString: aString matchCase: caseSensitive "Launch a browser on all methods that contain string literals with aString as a substring. Make the search case-sensitive or insensitive as dictated by the caseSensitive boolean parameter" + ^ self - self browseMessageList: (self allMethodsWithString: aString matchCase: caseSensitive) name: 'Methods with string ', aString printString, (caseSensitive ifTrue: [' (case-sensitive)'] ifFalse: [' (case-insensitive)']) autoSelect: aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseMyChanges (in category 'browse') ----- browseMyChanges "Browse only the changes (in the changes file) by the current author." "SystemNavigation default browseMyChanges" + ^ self browseAllSelect: [ :method | - self browseAllSelect: [ :method | method fileIndex > 1 "only look at changes file" and: [ method timeStamp beginsWith: Utilities authorInitials ]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseObsoleteMethodReferences (in category 'browse') ----- browseObsoleteMethodReferences "Open a browser on all referenced behaviors that are obsolete" "SystemNavigation default browseObsoleteMethodReferences" | list | list := self obsoleteMethodReferences. + ^ self - self browseMessageList: list name: 'Method referencing obsoletes' autoSelect: nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseObsoleteReferences (in category 'browse') ----- browseObsoleteReferences "self new browseObsoleteReferences" | references | references := OrderedCollection new. (LookupKey allSubInstances select: [:x | ((x value isKindOf: Behavior) and: ['AnOb*' match: x value name]) or: ['AnOb*' match: x value class name]]) do: [:x | references addAll: (self allCallsOn: x)]. + ^ self - self browseMessageList: references name: 'References to Obsolete Classes'! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseUncommentedMethodsWithInitials: (in category 'browse') ----- browseUncommentedMethodsWithInitials: targetInitials "Browse uncommented methods whose initials (in the time-stamp, as logged to disk) match the given initials. Present them in chronological order. CAUTION: It will take several seconds for this to complete." "Time millisecondsToRun: [SystemNavigation default browseUncommentedMethodsWithInitials: 'jm']" + ^ self - self browseMessageList: [ self allUncommentedMethodsWithInitials: targetInitials ] name: 'Uncommented methods with initials ', targetInitials autoSelect: nil! |
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