Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.1116
Author: mt
Time: 15 October 2019, 10:32:19.21925 am
UUID: e4a790ee-39ea-cc4d-ae42-990feedf8410
Ancestors: System-mt.1115
Caches ScaleFactor. Removes the use of #bigDisplay property because it does not work at the moment. Everything relates to the default font size. Further #bigDisplay scaling makes things look awkward.
=============== Diff against System-mt.1115 ===============
Item was changed:
Object subclass: #RealEstateAgent
instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: 'PlaceWindowsAtPointer ReverseStaggerOffset ScaleFactor StaggerOffset StaggerOrigin StandardSize StandardWindowOrigins'
- classVariableNames: 'PlaceWindowsAtPointer ReverseStaggerOffset StaggerOffset StaggerOrigin StandardSize StandardWindowOrigins'
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'System-Support'!
!RealEstateAgent commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
Responsible for real-estate management on the screen, which is to say, controlling where new windows appear, with what sizes, etc. 5/20/96 sw!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RealEstateAgent class>>applyUserInterfaceTheme (in category 'preferences') -----
+ applyUserInterfaceTheme
+ ScaleFactor := nil.
+ !
Item was changed:
----- Method: RealEstateAgent class>>scaleFactor (in category 'display scale') -----
"Use the default font height to calculate some factor. Better than nothing..."
+ ^ ScaleFactor ifNil: [ScaleFactor := (TextStyle defaultFont height / 14 "reference value")]!
- ^ (TextStyle defaultFont height / 14 "reference value") * (Preferences bigDisplay ifTrue: [1.75] ifFalse: [1.0])!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RealEstateAgent class>>themeProperties (in category 'preferences') -----
+ themeProperties
+ ^ {
+ { #scaleFactor. 'Scaling & Hi-DPI'. 'The factor to scale geometry such as window extent.' }.
+ }!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RealEstateAgent>>canApplyUserInterfaceTheme (in category 'preferences') -----
+ canApplyUserInterfaceTheme
+ "See class side."
+ ^ false!
Item was changed:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'System') postscript: 'Preferences removePreference: #bigDisplay.'!
- (PackageInfo named: 'System') postscript: 'Utilities initializeCommonRequestStrings.
- Preferences removePreference: #thoroughSenders.'!