The Trunk: System-mt.1178.mcz

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The Trunk: System-mt.1178.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-mt.1178
Author: mt
Time: 11 October 2020, 1:36:25.615652 pm
UUID: fd8d0758-0935-c34c-8cb9-64d908b75f70
Ancestors: System-eem.1177

Refactoring 'Active' variables -- Step 2 of 2. Removes all uses of Active(World|Hand|Event) by replacing those with "self current(World|Hand|Event)" or "Project current world" when required to not add/cement Morphic dependency.


=============== Diff against System-eem.1177 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NativeImageSegment>>smartFillRoots: (in category 'read/write segment') -----
  smartFillRoots: dummy
  | refs known ours ww blockers |
  "Put all traced objects into my arrayOfRoots.  Remove some
  that want to be in outPointers.  Return blockers, an
  IdentityDictionary of objects to replace in outPointers."
  blockers := dummy blockers.
  known := (refs := dummy references) size.
  refs keys do: [:obj | "copy keys to be OK with removing items"
  (obj isSymbol) ifTrue: [refs removeKey: obj.  known := known-1].
  (obj class == PasteUpMorph) ifTrue: [
  obj isWorldMorph & (obj owner == nil) ifTrue: [
  (dummy project ~~ nil and: [obj == dummy project world]) ifFalse: [
  refs removeKey: obj.  known := known-1.
  blockers at: obj put:
  (StringMorph contents: 'The worldMorph of a different world')]]].
  "Make a ProjectViewMorph here"
  "obj class == Project ifTrue: [Transcript show: obj; cr]."
  (blockers includesKey: obj) ifTrue: [
  refs removeKey: obj ifAbsent: [known := known+1].  known := known-1].
+ ours := (dummy project ifNil: [Project current]) world.
- ours := dummy project ifNotNil: [dummy project world] ifNil: [ActiveWorld].
  refs keysDo: [:obj |
  obj isMorph ifTrue: [
  ww := obj world.
  (ww == ours) | (ww == nil) ifFalse: [
  refs removeKey: obj.  known := known-1.
  blockers at: obj put: (StringMorph contents:
  obj printString, ' from another world')]]].
  "keep original roots on the front of the list"
  dummy rootObject do: [:rr | refs removeKey: rr ifAbsent: []].
  (self respondsTo: #classOrganizersBeRoots:) ifTrue: "an EToys extension"
  [self classOrganizersBeRoots: dummy].
  ^dummy rootObject, refs keys asArray!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>roundedWindowCornersChanged (in category 'updating - system') -----
  "The user changed the value of the roundedWindowCorners preference.  React"
+ Project current world fullRepaintNeeded.!
- ActiveWorld fullRepaintNeeded!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>vectorVocabularySettingChanged (in category 'updating - system') -----
  "The current value of the useVectorVocabulary flag has changed; now react.  No senders, but invoked by the Preference object associated with the #useVectorVocabulary preference."
+ Smalltalk isMorphic ifFalse: [^ self].
+ Project current world makeVectorUseConformToPreference.!
- Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue:
- [ActiveWorld makeVectorUseConformToPreference]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RealEstateAgent class>>maximumUsableArea (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^ self maximumUsableAreaInWorld: Project current world!
- ^self maximumUsableAreaInWorld: ActiveWorld!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RealEstateAgent class>>maximumUsableAreaInWorld: (in category 'accessing') -----
  maximumUsableAreaInWorld: aWorldOrNil
  | allowedArea |
  allowedArea := Display usableArea.
  aWorldOrNil ifNotNil: [
- allowedArea := allowedArea intersect: aWorldOrNil visibleClearArea.
  Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [
+ allowedArea := allowedArea intersect: aWorldOrNil visibleClearArea.
  (((Smalltalk classNamed: 'Flaps') ifNil: [false] ifNotNil: [:cls | cls anyFlapsVisibleIn: aWorldOrNil])
  and: [self respondsTo: #reduceByFlaps:])
  ifTrue: [allowedArea := self reduceByFlaps: allowedArea]]].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SARInstaller>>fileInMorphsNamed:addToWorld: (in category 'client services') -----
  fileInMorphsNamed: memberName addToWorld: aBoolean
  "This will load the Morph (or Morphs) from the given member.
  Answers a Morph, or a list of Morphs, or nil if no such member or error.
  If aBoolean is true, also adds them and their models to the World."
  | member morphOrList |
  member := self memberNamed: memberName.
+ member ifNil: [^ self errorNoSuchMember: memberName].
- member ifNil: [ ^self errorNoSuchMember: memberName ].
  self installed: member.
  morphOrList := member contentStream fileInObjectAndCode.
+ morphOrList ifNil: [^ nil].
+ aBoolean ifTrue: [Project current world addMorphsAndModel: morphOrList].
+ ^ morphOrList!
- morphOrList ifNil: [ ^nil ].
- aBoolean ifTrue: [ ActiveWorld addMorphsAndModel: morphOrList ].
- ^morphOrList
- !