Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.807
Author: mt
Time: 6 April 2016, 10:23:29.549834 am
UUID: c31c80b3-f1ff-3d4e-887c-dcdc490c2412
Ancestors: System-bf.806
Make SoundService usable in code just like ToolSet is.
=============== Diff against System-bf.806 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: AbstractSoundSystem>>playSound: (in category 'playing') -----
+ playSound: sound
+ self subclassResponsibility.!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DummySoundSystem>>playSound: (in category 'playing') -----
+ playSound: sound
+ "Do nothing."!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SoundService class>>beep (in category 'playing') -----
+ beep
+ self soundEnabled ifFalse: [^ self].
+ self defaultOrNil ifNotNil: [:soundSystem | soundSystem beep].!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SoundService class>>play: (in category 'playing') -----
+ play: sound
+ self soundEnabled ifFalse: [^ self].
+ self defaultOrNil ifNotNil: [:soundSystem |
+ soundSystem playSound: sound].!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SoundService class>>stop (in category 'playing') -----
+ stop
+ self defaultOrNil ifNotNil: [:soundSystem |
+ soundSystem shutDown].!