Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.837
Author: mt
Time: 13 July 2016, 11:54:51.034252 am
UUID: 2f906c4c-c55b-614b-af91-73b8444b0be0
Ancestors: System-eem.836
When dropping image files into Squeak, use the file services instead of a single drop handler. Then the user can, for example, directly set the image as project background instead of creating a SketchMorph with it.
=============== Diff against System-eem.836 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ExternalDropHandler class>>cleanUp (in category 'class initialization') -----
"Reset and reinstall the drop handlers"
+ self initialize.!
- self resetRegisteredHandlers.
- self registerStandardExternalDropHandlers.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ExternalDropHandler class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
"ExternalDropHandler initialize"
self resetRegisteredHandlers.
+ "registerHandler: self defaultImageHandler;" "we have file services for images"
- registerHandler: self defaultImageHandler;
registerHandler: self defaultGZipHandler;
registerHandler: self defaultProjectHandler!
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ExternalDropHandler class>>registerStandardExternalDropHandlers (in category 'class initialization') -----
- registerStandardExternalDropHandlers
- "ExternalDropHandler registerStandardExternalDropHandlers"
- self registeredHandlers add: (
- ExternalDropHandler
- type: 'image/'
- extension: nil
- action: [:stream :pasteUp :event |
- pasteUp addMorph: (World drawingClass withForm: (Form fromBinaryStream: stream binary)) centeredNear: event position])!