Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.839
Author: mt
Time: 21 July 2016, 12:00:37.651126 pm
UUID: b03d59a3-0b13-6f45-87f3-6cc36ac0eb78
Ancestors: System-mt.838
A more descriptive dialog when removing a selector that is used in the system.
=============== Diff against System-mt.838 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemNavigation>>confirmRemovalOf:on: (in category 'ui') -----
confirmRemovalOf: aSelector on: aClass
"Determine if it is okay to remove the given selector. Answer 1 if it
should be removed, 2 if it should be removed followed by a senders
browse, and 3 if it should not be removed."
| count answer caption allCalls |
allCalls := self allCallsOn: aSelector.
(count := allCalls size) = 0
ifTrue: [^ 1].
"no senders -- let the removal happen without warning"
count = 1
ifTrue: [(allCalls first actualClass == aClass
and: [allCalls first methodSymbol == aSelector])
ifTrue: [^ 1]].
"only sender is itself"
+ caption := 'The message "{1}" has {2} sender{3}.' translated format: {aSelector. count. count > 1 ifTrue: ['s'] ifFalse: ['']}.
- caption := 'This message has ' , count printString , ' sender'.
- count > 1
- ifTrue: [caption := caption copyWith: $s].
answer := UIManager default
chooseFrom: #('Remove it'
'Remove, then browse senders'
'Don''t remove, but show me those senders'
'Forget it -- do nothing -- sorry I asked') title: caption.
answer = 3
ifTrue: [self
browseMessageList: allCalls
name: 'Senders of ' , aSelector
autoSelect: aSelector keywords first].
answer = 0
ifTrue: [answer := 3].
"If user didn't answer, treat it as cancel"
^ answer min: 3!