Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.842
Author: mt
Time: 28 July 2016, 10:59:39.771276 am
UUID: b894e8fa-54e5-b949-9ffc-692b40146ba3
Ancestors: System-mt.841
Fixes uni-class check due to latest updates in EToys package.
=============== Diff against System-mt.841 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DeepCopier>>checkBasicClasses (in category 'like fullCopy') -----
"Check that no indexes of instance vars have changed in certain classes. If you get an error in this method, an implementation of veryDeepCopyWith: needs to be updated. The idea is to catch a change while it is still in the system of the programmer who made it.
DeepCopier new checkVariables "
| str str2 objCls morphCls playerCls |
str := '|veryDeepCopyWith: or veryDeepInner: is out of date.'.
(objCls := self objInMemory: #Object) ifNotNil: [
objCls instSize = 0 ifFalse: [self error:
'Many implementers of veryDeepCopyWith: are out of date']].
(morphCls := self objInMemory: #Morph) ifNotNil: [
morphCls superclass == Object ifFalse: [self error: 'Morph', str].
(morphCls instVarNames copyFrom: 1 to: 6) = #('bounds' 'owner' 'submorphs'
'fullBounds' 'color' 'extension')
ifFalse: [self error: 'Morph', str]]. "added ones are OK"
str2 := 'Player|copyUniClassWith: and DeepCopier|mapUniClasses are out of date'.
(playerCls := self objInMemory: #Player) ifNotNil: [
+ playerCls class instVarNames = #('scripts' 'slotInfo' 'variableDocks')
- playerCls class instVarNames = #('scripts' 'slotInfo')
ifFalse: [self error: str2]].