The Trunk: System-nice.1139.mcz

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The Trunk: System-nice.1139.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-nice.1139
Author: nice
Time: 3 March 2020, 11:49:13.969231 pm
UUID: f83a4bb3-c9ca-4c3a-b4d1-c4e5adcefd0d
Ancestors: System-mt.1138, System-nice.1128, System-ct.1133

Merge System-mt.1138, System-nice.1128, System-ct.1133

        Nuke windows CE OS support.
Let Win32 VM default to UTF32InputInterpreter rather than MacRomanInputInterpreter.

Note: I think that this method is unused and is just adding confusion to already convoluted code... But it is difficult to analyze the source, so it's better to differ this after 5.3 release if unsure. Unless we have a good set of tests?

        Fix execution-around pattern to forward return value in some during methods

So that
        Utilities useAuthorName: 'Squeak' during: [Utilities authorName]
but not

=============== Diff against System-mt.1138 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Locale class>>defaultInputInterpreter (in category 'platform specific') -----
+ | platformName |
- | platformName osVersion |
  platformName := Smalltalk platformName.
+ platformName = 'Win32' ifTrue: [^UTF32InputInterpreter new].
- osVersion := Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1002.
- (platformName = 'Win32' and: [osVersion = 'CE'])
- ifTrue: [^NoInputInterpreter new].
- platformName = 'Win32' ifTrue: [^MacRomanInputInterpreter new].
  ^NoInputInterpreter new!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>setFlag:toValue:during: (in category 'get/set - flags') -----
  setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: aBoolean during: aBlock
  "Set the flag to the given value for the duration of aBlock"
  (self valueOfFlag: prefSymbol) in: [:previous |
  self setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: aBoolean.
+ ^ aBlock ensure: [self setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: previous]].!
- aBlock ensure: [self setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: previous]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>setPreference:toValue:during: (in category 'get/set') -----
  setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: anObject during: aBlock
  (self valueOfPreference: prefSymbol) in: [:previous |
  self setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: anObject.
+ ^ aBlock ensure: [self setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: previous]]!
- aBlock ensure: [self setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: previous]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>useAuthorInitials:during: (in category 'identification') -----
  useAuthorInitials: temporaryAuthorInitials during: aBlock
  | originalAuthorInitials |
  originalAuthorInitials := AuthorInitials.
+ ^[ AuthorInitials := temporaryAuthorInitials.
+    aBlock value ]
- [
- AuthorInitials := temporaryAuthorInitials.
- aBlock value ]
  ensure: [ AuthorInitials := originalAuthorInitials ]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>useAuthorName:during: (in category 'identification') -----
  useAuthorName: temporaryAuthorName during: aBlock
  | originalAuthorName |
  originalAuthorName := AuthorName.
+ ^[ AuthorName := temporaryAuthorName.
+    aBlock value ]
- [
- AuthorName := temporaryAuthorName.
- aBlock value ]
  ensure: [ AuthorName := originalAuthorName ]