Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-nice.178
Author: nice
Time: 27 November 2009, 10:44:20 am
UUID: 6792adea-f148-4dab-9c20-44834bf6e624
Ancestors: System-dtl.177
Remove two more uggly SmalltalkImage current getSystemAttribute: 1002
IMO SmalltalkImage current osVersion is a bit more future proof than an obscure message with an hardcoded value
=============== Diff against System-dtl.177 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Locale class>>defaultInputInterpreter (in category 'platform specific') -----
| platformName osVersion |
platformName := SmalltalkImage current platformName.
+ osVersion := SmalltalkImage current osVersion.
- osVersion := SmalltalkImage current getSystemAttribute: 1002.
(platformName = 'Win32' and: [osVersion = 'CE'])
ifTrue: [^NoInputInterpreter new].
platformName = 'Win32' ifTrue: [^MacRomanInputInterpreter new].
^NoInputInterpreter new!
Item was changed:
----- Method: Locale class>>defaultEncodingName: (in category 'platform specific') -----
defaultEncodingName: languageSymbol
| encodings platformName osVersion |
platformName := SmalltalkImage current platformName.
+ osVersion := SmalltalkImage current osVersion.
- osVersion := SmalltalkImage current getSystemAttribute: 1002.
encodings := self platformEncodings at: languageSymbol
ifAbsent: [self platformEncodings at: #default].
encodings at: platformName ifPresent: [:encoding | ^encoding].
encodings at: platformName , ' ' , osVersion
ifPresent: [:encoding | ^encoding].
^encodings at: #default!