Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-nice.216 Author: nice Time: 3 January 2010, 3:54:13 am UUID: 7a4b7b12-1c22-4ec0-9b06-c8cb60d57bf6 Ancestors: System-ar.215 remove some #or:or: #and:and: sends =============== Diff against System-ar.215 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MethodReference>>= (in category 'comparisons') ----- = anotherMethodReference "Answer whether the receiver and the argument represent the same object." ^ self species == anotherMethodReference species + and: [self classSymbol = anotherMethodReference classSymbol + and: [self classIsMeta = anotherMethodReference classIsMeta + and: [self methodSymbol = anotherMethodReference methodSymbol]]]! - and: [self classSymbol = anotherMethodReference classSymbol] - and: [self classIsMeta = anotherMethodReference classIsMeta] - and: [self methodSymbol = anotherMethodReference methodSymbol]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>fixObsoleteReferences (in category 'image cleanup') ----- fixObsoleteReferences "SmalltalkImage current fixObsoleteReferences" Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect. Preference allInstances do: [:each | | informee | informee := each instVarNamed: #changeInformee. ((informee isKindOf: Behavior) and: [informee isObsolete]) ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'Preference: '; show: each name; cr. each instVarNamed: #changeInformee put: (Smalltalk at: (informee name copyReplaceAll: 'AnObsolete' with: '') asSymbol)]]. CompiledMethod allInstances do: [:method | | obsoleteBindings | obsoleteBindings := method literals select: [:literal | literal isVariableBinding + and: [literal value isBehavior + and: [literal value isObsolete]]]. - and: [literal value isBehavior] - and: [literal value isObsolete]]. obsoleteBindings do: [:binding | | obsName realName realClass | obsName := binding value name. Transcript show: 'Binding: '; show: obsName; cr. realName := obsName copyReplaceAll: 'AnObsolete' with: ''. realClass := Smalltalk at: realName asSymbol ifAbsent: [UndefinedObject]. binding isSpecialWriteBinding ifTrue: [binding privateSetKey: binding key value: realClass] ifFalse: [binding key: binding key value: realClass]]]. Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses. Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect. SystemNavigation default obsoleteBehaviors size > 0 ifTrue: [ SystemNavigation default obsoleteBehaviors inspect. self error:'Still have obsolete behaviors. See inspector']. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Utilities class>>summariesForUpdates:through: (in category 'fetching updates') ----- summariesForUpdates: startNumber through: stopNumber "Answer the concatenation of summary strings for updates numbered in the given range" ^ String streamContents: [:aStream | ((ChangeSet changeSetsNamedSuchThat: + [:aName | aName first isDigit + and: [aName initialIntegerOrNil >= startNumber + and: [aName initialIntegerOrNil <= stopNumber]]]) asSortedCollection: - [:aName | aName first isDigit and: - [aName initialIntegerOrNil >= startNumber] and: - [aName initialIntegerOrNil <= stopNumber]]) asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a name < b name]) do: [:aChangeSet | aStream cr; nextPutAll: aChangeSet summaryString]] "Utilities summariesForUpdates: 4899 through: 4903" ! |
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