Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-nice.235
Author: nice
Time: 16 January 2010, 1:45:02.329 pm
UUID: 6f1cdd9c-e620-43d1-87d8-f76f086a4e22
Ancestors: System-nice.234
Oops, correct my last bug
=============== Diff against System-nice.234 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseUncommentedMethodsWithInitials: (in category 'browse') -----
browseUncommentedMethodsWithInitials: targetInitials
"Browse uncommented methods whose initials (in the time-stamp, as logged to disk) match the given initials. Present them in chronological order. CAUTION: It will take several minutes for this to complete."
"Time millisecondsToRun: [SystemNavigation default browseUncommentedMethodsWithInitials: 'jm']"
| methodReferences |
methodReferences := OrderedCollection new.
self allBehaviorsDo:
+ [:aClass | aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo: [:sel :cm |
- [:aClass | aClass selectorsDo: [:sel :cm |
| timeStamp initials |
timeStamp := Utilities timeStampForMethod: cm.
timeStamp isEmpty ifFalse:
[initials := timeStamp substrings first.
initials first isDigit ifFalse:
[((initials = targetInitials) and: [(aClass firstPrecodeCommentFor: sel) isNil])
[methodReferences add: (MethodReference new
setStandardClass: aClass
methodSymbol: sel)]]]]].
browseMessageSet: methodReferences
name: 'Uncommented methods with initials ', targetInitials
autoSelect: nil!