Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-nice.236 Author: nice Time: 18 January 2010, 3:37:10.564 pm UUID: abcc9501-98b4-8740-aaed-9740044deb36 Ancestors: System-nice.235 Use readOnlyFileNamed:do: pattern Use literal ByteArray =============== Diff against System-nice.235 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: DigitalSignatureAlgorithm class>>testExamplesFromDisk (in category 'examples') ----- testExamplesFromDisk "verify messages from file on disk" "Note: Secure random numbers are needed for key generation and message signing, but not for signature verification. There is no need to call initRandomFromUser if you are merely checking a signature." "DigitalSignatureAlgorithm testExamplesFromDisk" + FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'dsa.test.out' do: [:file | - | file | - file := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'dsa.test.out'. - [ | msg sig publicKey | [file atEnd] whileFalse: [ sig := file nextChunk. msg := file nextChunk. publicKey := Compiler evaluate: file nextChunk. (self verify: sig isSignatureOf: msg publicKey: publicKey) ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'SUCCESS: ',msg; cr. ] ifFalse: [ self error: 'ERROR!! Signature verification failed' ]. ]. + ]! - ] ensure: [file close] - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MidiPrimTester>>playNoteOnPort: (in category 'tests') ----- playNoteOnPort: portNum "MidiPrimTester new playNoteOnPort: 0" | noteOn noteOff bytesWritten | + noteOn := #[144 60 100]. + noteOff := #[144 60 0]. - noteOn := #(144 60 100) as: ByteArray. - noteOff := #(144 60 0) as: ByteArray. self openPort: portNum andDo: [ bytesWritten := self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: noteOn at: 0. (Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait. bytesWritten := bytesWritten + (self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: noteOff at: 0)]. bytesWritten = 6 ifFalse: [self error: 'not all bytes were sent']. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MidiPrimTester>>playDrumRoll:count:onPort: (in category 'tests') ----- playDrumRoll: mSecsBetweenNotes count: tapCount onPort: portNum "MidiPrimTester new playDrumRoll: 75 count: 64 onPort: 0" "Play middle-C tapCount times with the given space between notes. This example works best with a short percussive voice, like a drum." "Details: This test can be used to investigate the real-time performance of your system. On a 110 MHz PowerPC Mac, this method can genererate very fast and smooth drum rolls up to about 100 beats/sec (10 mSecs between notes). However, many factors can prevent one from seeing this level of performance including a slow CPU, lack of a level-2 cache, networking or other background processes stealing chunks of processor time from Squeak, or a sluggish MIDI synthesizer." "Details: By default, this method does an incremental GC on every note. While not really needed for this example, it illustrates a useful technique for real-time processing in Squeak: do an incremental GC when you know you have a few milliseconds of idle time to avoid triggering one during a time-critical task. In this case, we're also using the GC time to provide a small delay between the note-on and note-off events. If the GC time is too short, as it could be on a fast machine, the note may not sound at all unless you add a few milliseconds of additional delay!!" "Note: This example works best if the VM's millisecond clock has 1 millisecond resolution." | gcDuringNote noteOn noteOff endTime waitTime | gcDuringNote := true. "these events use running status, so the command byte is omitted" noteOn := #(60 100) as: ByteArray. noteOff := #(60 0) as: ByteArray. self primMIDIOpenPort: portNum readSemaIndex: 0 interfaceClockRate: 1000000. "send an initial event with command byte to initiate running status" + self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: #[144 60 0] at: 0. - self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: (#(144 60 0) as: ByteArray) at: 0. 1 to: tapCount do: [:i | endTime := Time millisecondClockValue + mSecsBetweenNotes. self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: noteOn at: 0. gcDuringNote ifTrue: [ "do quick GC; takes a few milliseconds and provides the note-down time" "Note: if GC is too fast on your machine, you need to add a few mSecs delay!!" Smalltalk garbageCollectMost] ifFalse: [(Delay forMilliseconds: 3) wait]. self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: noteOff at: 0. waitTime := endTime - Time millisecondClockValue. waitTime > 0 ifTrue: [(Delay forMilliseconds: waitTime) wait]]. self primMIDIClosePort: portNum. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FilePackage>>fromFileNamed: (in category 'initialize') ----- fromFileNamed: aName - | stream | fullName := aName. + FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aName do: [:stream | + stream setConverterForCode. + self fileInFrom: stream]! - stream := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aName. - stream setConverterForCode. - [self fileInFrom: stream] ensure:[stream close].! Item was changed: ----- Method: MidiPrimTester>>playScale:onPort: (in category 'tests') ----- playScale: mSecsPerNote onPort: portNum "MidiPrimTester new playScale: 130 onPort: 0" | noteOn noteOff | + noteOn := #[144 0 100]. + noteOff := #[144 0 0]. - noteOn := #(144 0 100) as: ByteArray. - noteOff := #(144 0 0) as: ByteArray. self openPort: portNum andDo: [ #(60 62 64 65 67 69 71 72 74 72 71 69 67 65 64 62 60) do: [:midiKey | noteOn at: 2 put: midiKey. noteOff at: 2 put: midiKey. self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: noteOn at: 0. (Delay forMilliseconds: mSecsPerNote - 10) wait. self primMIDIWritePort: portNum from: noteOff at: 0. (Delay forMilliseconds: 10) wait]]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>mergeTranslationFileNamed: (in category 'file-services') ----- mergeTranslationFileNamed: fileFullNameString "merge the translation in the file named fileFullNameString" + FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileFullNameString do: [:stream | + | localeID translator | + localeID := LocaleID isoString: stream localName sansPeriodSuffix. + translator := self localeID: localeID. + translator loadFromStream: stream] - | stream | - stream := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileFullNameString. - [ | localeID translator | - localeID := LocaleID isoString: stream localName sansPeriodSuffix. - translator := self localeID: localeID. - translator loadFromStream: stream] - ensure: [stream close]. LanguageEnvironment resetKnownEnvironments. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: DigitalSignatureAlgorithm class>>writeExamplesToDisk (in category 'examples') ----- writeExamplesToDisk "Example of signing a message and verifying its signature. Used to create samples from one implementation that could later be tested with a different implementation" "Note: Secure random numbers are needed for key generation and message signing, but not for signature verification. There is no need to call initRandomFromUser if you are merely checking a signature." "DigitalSignatureAlgorithm writeExamplesToDisk" + | keyList dsa msgList | - | file keyList dsa msgList | - dsa := DigitalSignatureAlgorithm new. dsa initRandomFromUser. self inform: 'About to generate 5 key sets. Will take a while'. keyList := {self testKeySet},((1 to: 5) collect: [ :ignore | self generateKeySet]). msgList := {'This is a test...'. 'This is the second test period.'. 'And finally, a third message'}. + FileStream newFileNamed: 'dsa.test.out' do: [:file | - file := FileStream newFileNamed: 'dsa.test.out'. - [ msgList do: [ :msg | keyList do: [ :keys | | sig | sig := self sign: msg privateKey: keys first dsa: dsa. (self verify: sig isSignatureOf: msg publicKey: keys last) ifTrue: [ file nextChunkPut: sig; nextChunkPut: msg; nextChunkPut: keys last storeString. ] ifFalse: [ self error: 'ERROR!! Signature verification failed' ]. ]. ]. + ] - ] ensure: [file close] ! |
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