Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-nice.286
Author: nice
Time: 7 March 2010, 12:18:46.401 am
UUID: 1fcd0d5b-4e5f-2c49-b937-e49246f3d05a
Ancestors: System-nice.285
Restore #extractParameters for loading of Seaside 2.8.3
=============== Diff against System-nice.285 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>extractParameters (in category 'system attribute') -----
+ extractParameters
+ "This method is used by Seaside 2.8.3"
+ | pName value index paramNameValueDictionary |
+ paramNameValueDictionary := Dictionary new.
+ index := 3. "Muss bei 3 starten, da 2 documentName ist"
+ [pName := self getSystemAttribute: index.
+ pName isEmptyOrNil] whileFalse:[
+ index := index + 1.
+ value := self getSystemAttribute: index.
+ value ifNil: [value := ''].
+ paramNameValueDictionary at: pName asUppercase put: value.
+ index := index + 1].
+ ^paramNameValueDictionary!
Item was changed:
IdentityDictionary subclass: #SystemDictionary
instanceVariableNames: 'cachedClassNames'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'System-Support'!
+ !SystemDictionary commentStamp: 'nice 3/6/2010 21:56' prior: 0!
- !SystemDictionary commentStamp: 'nice 3/6/2010 20:54' prior: 0!
I represent a special dictionary used as global namespace for class names :
Smalltalk globals classNames.
and for traits too:
Smalltalk globals traitNames.
and a few other globals:
(Smalltalk globals keys reject: [:k | (Smalltalk globals at: k) isBehavior])
collect: [:k | k -> (Smalltalk globals at: k) class].
+ As the above example let you guess, the global namespace of Smalltalk system is accessed through:
- As the above example let you guess, the global namespace of Smalltalk system is accessed though:
Smalltalk globals.!