Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-nice.365 Author: nice Time: 28 August 2010, 11:04:20.183 pm UUID: 1bf5db4f-8a26-4a8b-b5e8-1341c113f4db Ancestors: System-nice.364 Boost non primitive version of SecureHashAlgorithm by about 33% with these two simple things: 1) replace ThirtyTwoBitRegister>>load: postCondition with a cheaper preCondition 2) provide two instance creation message to avoid loading ThirtyTwoBitRegister value twice Last, remove a useless ThirtyTwoBitRegister copy, though it does not make much difference. =============== Diff against System-nice.364 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SecureHashAlgorithm>>expandedBlock: (in category 'private') ----- expandedBlock: aByteArray "Convert the given 64 byte buffer into 80 32-bit registers and answer the result." | out src v | out := Array new: 80. src := 1. 1 to: 16 do: [:i | + out at: i put: (ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromByteArray: aByteArray at: src). - out at: i put: (ThirtyTwoBitRegister new loadFrom: aByteArray at: src). src := src + 4]. 17 to: 80 do: [:i | v := (out at: i - 3) copy. v bitXor: (out at: i - 8); bitXor: (out at: i - 14); bitXor: (out at: i - 16); leftRotateBy: 1. out at: i put: v]. ^ out ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SecureHashAlgorithm>>initializeTotals (in category 'private') ----- initializeTotals "Initialize totalA through totalE to their seed values." "total registers for use when primitives are absent" + totalA := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16r67452301. + totalB := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16rEFCDAB89. + totalC := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16r98BADCFE. + totalD := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16r10325476. + totalE := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16rC3D2E1F0. - totalA := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16r67452301. - totalB := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16rEFCDAB89. - totalC := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16r98BADCFE. - totalD := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16r10325476. - totalE := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16rC3D2E1F0. self initializeTotalsArray. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SecureHashAlgorithm class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- initialize "SecureHashAlgorithm initialize" "For the curious, here's where these constants come from: #(2 3 5 10) collect: [:x | ((x sqrt / 4.0) * (2.0 raisedTo: 32)) truncated hex]" + K1 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16r5A827999. + K2 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16r6ED9EBA1. + K3 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16r8F1BBCDC. + K4 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister fromInteger: 16rCA62C1D6. - K1 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16r5A827999. - K2 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16r6ED9EBA1. - K3 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16r8F1BBCDC. - K4 := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new load: 16rCA62C1D6. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ThirtyTwoBitRegister>>load: (in category 'accessing') ----- load: anInteger "Set my contents to the value of given integer." + (anInteger positive and: [anInteger digitLength <= 4]) - low := anInteger bitAnd: 16rFFFF. - hi := (anInteger bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFFFF. - self asInteger = anInteger ifFalse: [self error: 'out of range: ', anInteger printString]. + low := anInteger bitAnd: 16rFFFF. + hi := (anInteger bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFFFF ! Item was added: + ----- Method: ThirtyTwoBitRegister class>>fromInteger: (in category 'instance creation') ----- + fromInteger: aPositiveInteger + "Answer a new instance whose initial contents is copied from aPositiveInteger. + It is required that aPositiveInteger has no more than 32 bits." + + ^ self basicNew load: aPositiveInteger + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SecureHashAlgorithm>>processBuffer: (in category 'private') ----- processBuffer: aByteArray "Process given 64-byte buffer, accumulating the results in totalA through totalE." | a b c d e w tmp | self primHasSecureHashPrimitive ifTrue: [^ self processBufferUsingPrimitives: aByteArray] ifFalse: [totals := nil]. "initialize registers a through e from the current totals" a := totalA copy. b := totalB copy. c := totalC copy. d := totalD copy. e := totalE copy. "expand and process the buffer" w := self expandedBlock: aByteArray. 1 to: 80 do: [:i | tmp := (a copy leftRotateBy: 5) += (self hashFunction: i of: b with: c with: d); += e; += (w at: i); += (self constantForStep: i). e := d. d := c. + c := b leftRotateBy: 30. - c := b copy leftRotateBy: 30. b := a. a := tmp]. "add a through e into total accumulators" totalA += a. totalB += b. totalC += c. totalD += d. totalE += e. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: ThirtyTwoBitRegister class>>fromByteArray:at: (in category 'instance creation') ----- + fromByteArray: aByteArray at: startIndex + "Answer a new instance whose initial contents is copied from next four bytes from aByteArray starting at startIndex.. + Convention is Most Significant Byte first (aka big endian)." + + ^ self basicNew loadFrom: aByteArray at: startIndex + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SecureHashAlgorithm>>hashInteger:seed: (in category 'public') ----- hashInteger: aPositiveInteger seed: seedInteger "Hash the given positive integer. The integer to be hashed should have 512 or fewer bits. This entry point is used in the production of random numbers" | buffer dstIndex | "Initialize totalA through totalE to their seed values." + totalA := ThirtyTwoBitRegister + fromInteger: ((seedInteger bitShift: -128) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). + totalB := ThirtyTwoBitRegister + fromInteger: ((seedInteger bitShift: -96) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). + totalC := ThirtyTwoBitRegister + fromInteger: ((seedInteger bitShift: -64) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). + totalD := ThirtyTwoBitRegister + fromInteger: ((seedInteger bitShift: -32) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). + totalE := ThirtyTwoBitRegister + fromInteger: (seedInteger bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). - totalA := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new - load: ((seedInteger bitShift: -128) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). - totalB := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new - load: ((seedInteger bitShift: -96) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). - totalC := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new - load: ((seedInteger bitShift: -64) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). - totalD := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new - load: ((seedInteger bitShift: -32) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). - totalE := ThirtyTwoBitRegister new - load: (seedInteger bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF). self initializeTotalsArray. "pad integer with zeros" buffer := ByteArray new: 64. dstIndex := 0. aPositiveInteger digitLength to: 1 by: -1 do: [:i | buffer at: (dstIndex := dstIndex + 1) put: (aPositiveInteger digitAt: i)]. "process that one block" self processBuffer: buffer. ^ self finalHash ! |
2010/8/28 <[hidden email]>:
> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: > > > ==================== Summary ==================== > > Name: System-nice.365 > Author: nice > Time: 28 August 2010, 11:04:20.183 pm > UUID: 1bf5db4f-8a26-4a8b-b5e8-1341c113f4db > Ancestors: System-nice.364 > > Boost non primitive version of SecureHashAlgorithm by about 33% with these two simple things: Hem, no, boost primitive version by 33%. Non primitive has only 5% gain because load: time is masked by expensive ThirtyTwoBitRegister operations Nicolas > 1) replace ThirtyTwoBitRegister>>load: postCondition with a cheaper preCondition > 2) provide two instance creation message to avoid loading ThirtyTwoBitRegister value twice > Last, remove a useless ThirtyTwoBitRegister copy, though it does not make much difference. > |
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