Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-pre.1110
Author: pre
Time: 2 October 2019, 3:12:18.602738 pm
UUID: 9b6a14ee-b7dd-664d-b120-58ec32ad76b7
Ancestors: System-mt.1109
Adds asSimpleSetter and isSimpleSetter to String.
=============== Diff against System-mt.1109 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Preferences class>>addPragmaPreference: (in category 'add/remove') -----
addPragmaPreference: pragma
"Note that there will be no accessor method generated because the pragma's method does already govern that."
| preference |
((pragma keyword beginsWith: #preference:) and: [self respondsTo: pragma keyword])
ifFalse: [
"no pragma pref to be defined. do nothing"
^ self].
self assert: pragma methodClass isMeta.
preference := self
perform: pragma keyword
withArguments: pragma arguments.
provider: pragma methodClass theNonMetaClass
getter: pragma method selector
+ setter: pragma method selector asSimpleSetter.
- setter: pragma method selector asMutator.
self atomicUpdatePreferences: [ :copyOfDictionaryOfPreferences |
at: preference id
put: preference].
^ preference!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>asSimpleSetter (in category '*System-Support') -----
+ asSimpleSetter
+ "Return a setter message from a getter message. For example, #name asMutator returns #name:"
+ ^ self last = $:
+ ifTrue: [ self asSymbol ]
+ ifFalse: [ (self copyWith: $:) asSymbol ]!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>isSimpleSetter (in category '*System-Support') -----
+ isSimpleSetter
+ ^ self isKeyword and: [self numArgs = 1]!