The Trunk: System.spur-dtl.672.mcz

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The Trunk: System.spur-dtl.672.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System.spur-dtl.672
Author: eem
Time: 26 June 2014, 5:29:00.917 pm
UUID: d844b99d-9d06-45b8-8103-50365ae4543d
Ancestors: System-dtl.672

System-dtl.672 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.160

Provide DateAndTme>>floor so that ObjectHistoryMark does not need to use instVarAt:put: to obtain a time stamp with whole seconds. This protects for future changes to DateAndTime that may not rely on an instance variable named #nanos.

=============== Diff against System-dtl.672 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>compactClassesArray (in category 'special objects') -----
  "Smalltalk compactClassesArray"
+ "Backward-compatibility support.  Spur does not have compact classes."
+ ^{}!
- "Return the array of 31 classes whose instances may be
- represented compactly"
- ^ self specialObjectsArray at: 29!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>growMemoryByAtLeast: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ growMemoryByAtLeast: numBytes
+ "Grow memory by at least the requested number of bytes.
+ Primitive.  Essential. Fail if no memory is available."
+ <primitive: 180>
+ (numBytes isInteger and: [numBytes > 0]) ifTrue:
+ [OutOfMemory signal].
+ ^self primitiveFailed!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>maxIdentityHash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ maxIdentityHash
+ "Answer the maximum identityHash value supported by the VM."
+ <primitive: 176>
+ ^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>setGCParameters (in category 'snapshot and quit') -----
+ "Adjust the VM's default GC parameters to avoid too much tenuring.
+ Maybe this should be left to the VM?"
- "Adjust the VM's default GC parameters to avoid premature tenuring."
+ | proportion edenSize survivorSize averageObjectSize numObjects |
+ proportion := 0.9. "tenure when 90% of pastSpace is full"
+ edenSize := SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 44.
+ survivorSize := edenSize / 5.0. "David's paper uses 140Kb eden + 2 x 28kb survivor spaces; Spur uses the same ratios :-)"
+ averageObjectSize := 8 * self wordSize. "a good approximation"
+ numObjects := (proportion * survivorSize / averageObjectSize) rounded.
+ SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 6 put: numObjects  "tenure when more than this many objects survive the GC"!
- self vmParameterAt: 5 put: 4000.  "do an incremental GC after this many allocations"
- self vmParameterAt: 6 put: 2000.  "tenure when more than this many objects survive the GC"
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SpaceTally>>spaceForInstancesOf: (in category 'instance size') -----
  spaceForInstancesOf: aClass
+ "Answer a pair of the number of bytes consumed by all instances of the
+ given class, including their object headers, and the number of instances."
- "Answer the number of bytes consumed by all instances of the given class, including their object headers and the number of instances."
+ | instances total |
+ instances := aClass allInstances.
+ instances isEmpty ifTrue: [^#(0 0)].
- | smallHeaderSize instVarBytes isVariable bytesPerElement  total lastInstance instance instanceCount |
- instance := aClass someInstance ifNil: [ ^#(0 0) ].
- smallHeaderSize := aClass isCompact ifTrue: [ 4 ] ifFalse: [ 8 ].
- instVarBytes := aClass instSize * 4.
- isVariable := aClass isVariable.
- bytesPerElement := isVariable
- ifFalse: [ 0 ]
- ifTrue: [ aClass isBytes ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ 4 ] ].
  total := 0.
+ aClass isVariable
+ ifTrue:
+ [instances do:
+ [:i| total := total + (aClass byteSizeOfInstanceOfSize: i basicSize)]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [total := instances size * aClass byteSizeOfInstance].
+ ^{ total. instances size }!
- instanceCount := 0.
- "A modified version of #allInstancesDo: is inlined here. It avoids an infinite loop when another process is creating new instances of aClass."
- self flag: #allInstancesDo:.
- lastInstance :=
- aClass == CompiledMethod "CompiledMethod has special format, see its class comment"
- ifTrue: [aClass new]
- ifFalse: [aClass basicNew].
- [ instance == lastInstance ] whileFalse: [
- | contentBytes headerBytes |
- contentBytes := instVarBytes + (isVariable
- ifFalse: [ 0 ]
- ifTrue: [ instance basicSize * bytesPerElement ]).
- headerBytes := contentBytes > 255
- ifTrue: [ 12 ]
- ifFalse: [ smallHeaderSize ].
- total := total + headerBytes + (contentBytes roundUpTo: 4).
- instanceCount := instanceCount + 1.
- instance := instance nextInstance ].
- ^{ total. instanceCount }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemDictionary>>growMemoryByAtLeast: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ growMemoryByAtLeast: numBytes
+ "Grow memory by at least the requested number of bytes.
+ Primitive.  Fail if no memory is available.  Essential."
+ <primitive: 180>
+ ^(numBytes isInteger and: [numBytes > 0])
+ ifTrue: [OutOfMemory signal]
+ ifFalse: [self primitiveFailed]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemDictionary>>maxIdentityHash (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ maxIdentityHash
+ "Answer the maximum identityHash value supported by the VM."
+ <primitive: 176>
+ ^self primitiveFailed!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemDictionary>>setGCParameters (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ setGCParameters
+ "Adjust the VM's default GC parameters to avoid too much tenuring.
+ Maybe this should be left to the VM?"
+ | proportion edenSize survivorSize averageObjectSize numObjects |
+ proportion := 0.9. "tenure when 90% of pastSpace is full"
+ edenSize := SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 44.
+ survivorSize := edenSize / 5.0. "David's paper uses 140Kb eden + 2 x 28kb survivor spaces; Spur uses the same ratios :-)"
+ averageObjectSize := 8 * self wordSize. "a good approximation"
+ numObjects := (proportion * survivorSize / averageObjectSize) rounded.
+ SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 6 put: numObjects  "tenure when more than this many objects survive the GC"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>allObjects (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ allObjects
+ "Answer an Array of all objects in the system.  Fail if
+ there isn't enough memory to instantiate the result."
+ <primitive: 178>
+ ^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>allObjectsDo: (in category 'query') -----
  allObjectsDo: aBlock
+ "Evaluate the argument, aBlock, for each object in the system, excluding immediates
+ such as SmallInteger and Character."
+ self allObjectsOrNil
+ ifNotNil: [:allObjects| allObjects do: aBlock]
+ ifNil:
+ ["Fall back on the old single object primitive code.  With closures, this needs
+  to use an end marker (lastObject) since activation of the block will create
+  new contexts and cause an infinite loop.  The lastObject must be created
+  before calling someObject, so that the VM can settle the enumeration (e.g.
+  by flushing new space) as a side effect of  someObject"
+ | object lastObject |
+ lastObject := Object new.
+ object := self someObject.
+ [lastObject == object or: [0 == object]] whileFalse:
+ [aBlock value: object.
+ object := object nextObject]]!
- "Evaluate the argument, aBlock, for each object in the system
- excluding SmallIntegers. With closures, this needs to use an end
- marker (lastObject) since activation of the block will create new
- contexts and cause an infinite loop."
- | object lastObject |
- object := self someObject.
- lastObject := Object new.
- [lastObject == object or: [0 == object]]
- whileFalse: [aBlock value: object.
- object := object nextObject]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>allObjectsOrNil (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ allObjectsOrNil
+ "Answer an Array of all objects in the system.  Fail if there isn't
+ enough memory to instantiate the result and answer nil."
+ <primitive: 178>
+ ^nil!