The Trunk: System-tfel.846.mcz

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The Trunk: System-tfel.846.mcz

Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-tfel.846
Author: tfel
Time: 28 July 2016, 4:52:57.324263 pm
UUID: 7f191604-b02d-4e48-946a-9001cd9c6480
Ancestors: System-mt.845

various fixes for locale support

=============== Diff against System-mt.845 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator class>>availableLanguageLocaleIDs (in category 'accessing') -----
  "GetTextTranslator availableLanguageLocaleIDs"
  | ids dirs localeDirForLang directoryNames |
  ids := Set new.
  dirs := Set new.
  dirs addAll: LocaleDirsForDomain values.
  dirs addAll: self defaultLocaleDirs.
  dirs do: [:dir |
  | localesDir |
  localesDir := FileDirectory on: dir.
  directoryNames := [localesDir directoryNames] on: InvalidDirectoryError do: [:e | #()].
  do: [:langDirName |
  | localeID  |
  localeID := LocaleID posixName: langDirName.
  localeDirForLang := localesDir directoryNamed: (self langDirNameForLocaleID: localeID).
  localeDirForLang ifNotNil: [
+ (localeDirForLang fileNamesMatching: '*.mo') ifNotEmpty: [ids add: localeID]].
+ localeID hasParent ifTrue: [
+ localeDirForLang := localesDir directoryNamed: (self langDirNameForLocaleID: localeID parent).
+ localeDirForLang ifNotNil: [
+ (localeDirForLang fileNamesMatching: '*.mo') ifNotEmpty: [ids add: localeID parent]]].
- (localeDirForLang fileNamesMatching: '*.mo') ifNotEmpty: [ids add: localeID]
- ]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LocaleID class>>posixName: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  posixName: aString
  ^ self
+ isoString: (aString copyReplaceAll: '_' with: '-')!
- isoString: (aString copyReplaceAll: ':=' with: '-')!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LocaleID>>displayName (in category 'accessing') -----
  "Answer a proper name to represent the receiver in GUI.
  The wording is provided by translations of the magic value
  '<language display name>'.
  'English' -> 'English'  
  'German' -> 'Deutsch'  
  | magicPhrase translatedMagicPhrase |
  magicPhrase := '<language display name>'.
+ translatedMagicPhrase := NaturalLanguageTranslator translateWithoutLoading: magicPhrase toLocaleID: self.
- translatedMagicPhrase := GetTextTranslator translateWithoutLoading: magicPhrase toLocaleID: self.
  ^ translatedMagicPhrase = magicPhrase
  ifTrue: [self displayLanguage]
  ifFalse: [translatedMagicPhrase]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: LocaleID>>isoCountry: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ isoCountry: aValue
+ isoCountry := aValue!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LocaleID>>parent (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^ (self class
+ isoLanguage: self isoLanguage)
+ isoCountry: nil;
+ yourself!
- ^self class isoLanguage: self isoLanguage!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LocaleID>>posixName (in category 'printing') -----
  "(LocaleID isoString: 'es-MX') posixName"
  "(LocaleID isoString: 'es') posixName"
  ^ self isoCountry
  ifNil: [self isoLanguage]
+ ifNotNil: [self isoLanguage , '_' , self isoCountry]!
- ifNotNil: [self isoLanguage , ':=' , self isoCountry]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Object>>localeChanged (in category '*System-Localization-locales') -----
+ "Can react to changed locales"!
- self shouldBeImplemented!