Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-tfel.917.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: System-tfel.917
Author: tfel
Time: 27 September 2016, 2:52:54.264629 pm
UUID: 6436c2ff-4a02-d845-9b8e-45b8130a609c
Ancestors: System-bf.916
when trying to load a project from my local server when that is not set, at least try to fall back to the default directory
=============== Diff against System-bf.916 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Project>>fromMyServerLoad: (in category 'file in/out') -----
fromMyServerLoad: otherProjectName
| pair pr dirToUse |
"If a newer version of me is on the server, load it."
(pr := Project named: otherProjectName) ifNotNil: ["it appeared"
^ pr enter
dirToUse := self primaryServerIfNil: [
+ lastDirectory
+ ifNil: [FileDirectory default]
+ ifNotNil: [lastDirectory]].
- lastDirectory ifNil: [
- self inform: 'Current project does not know a server either.'.
- ^nil].
- lastDirectory].
pair := self class mostRecent: otherProjectName onServer: dirToUse.
pair first ifNil: [^self decideAboutCreatingBlank: otherProjectName]. "nothing to load"
installRemoteNamed: pair first
from: dirToUse
named: otherProjectName
in: self