tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-tpr.970.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: System-tpr.970
Author: tpr
Time: 21 October 2017, 6:02:31.987517 pm
UUID: 6fa3986a-3897-42ce-aca9-139253493f33
Ancestors: System-dtl.969
Improve two Browser related comments; one so the example actually works.
=============== Diff against System-dtl.969 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemNavigation>>browseClassesWithNamesContaining:caseSensitive: (in category 'browse') -----
browseClassesWithNamesContaining: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive
+ "SystemNavigation default browseClassesWithNamesContaining: 'eMorph' caseSensitive: true "
- "Smalltalk browseClassesWithNamesContaining: 'eMorph' caseSensitive: true "
"Launch a class-list list browser on all classes whose names containg aString as a substring."
| suffix aList |
suffix := caseSensitive
ifTrue: [' (case-sensitive)']
ifFalse: [' (use shift for case-sensitive)'].
aList := OrderedCollection new.
Cursor wait
showWhile: [Smalltalk
allClassesDo: [:class | (class name includesSubstring: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive)
ifTrue: [aList add: class name]]].
aList size > 0
ifTrue: [ToolSet openClassListBrowser: aList asSet sorted title: 'Classes whose names contain ' , aString , suffix]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ToolSet class>>openClassListBrowser:title: (in category 'browsing') -----
openClassListBrowser: anArray title: aString
+ "Open a class list browser on the list of classes named"
- "Open a class list browser"
self default ifNil:[^self inform: 'Cannot open ClassListBrowser'].
^self default openClassListBrowser: anArray title: aString!