tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-tpr.999.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-tpr.999 Author: tpr Time: 1 February 2018, 4:13:05.258994 pm UUID: 70bdd4f7-96fe-4233-bff2-48012f607163 Ancestors: System-dtl.998 Finally, remove the Project>>dispatchTo:addPrefixAndSend:withArguments: method. See prior commits ToolBuilder-Kernel-tpr.121 ToolBuilder-MVC-tpr.53 ToolBuilder-Morphic-tpr.207 ST80-tpr.234 Tools-tpr.795 Network-tpr.217 MorphicExtras-tpr.217 Morphic-tpr.1392 CommandLine-tpr.10 =============== Diff against System-dtl.998 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>restoreDefaultFonts (in category 'prefs - fonts') ----- restoreDefaultFonts "Since this is called from menus, we can take the opportunity to prompt for missing font styles." " Preferences restoreDefaultFonts " UserInterfaceTheme allThemes detect: [:ea | UserInterfaceTheme current name ~= ea name and: [UserInterfaceTheme current name includesSubstring: ea name]] ifFound: [:ea | + (Project uiManager - (Project current uiManager confirm: ('Do you want to apply\"{1}"?' translated withCRs format: {ea name}) title: 'Apply UI Theme' translated) ifTrue: [ea apply]] ifNone: [self inform: 'Sorry, could not revert font choices.\Please apply a UI theme with smaller fonts.' translated withCRs].! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Project class>>isDispatchSelector: (in category 'dispatching') ----- - isDispatchSelector: aSelector - "In support of package modularity, some method selectors are generated based - on project type and dispatched to the appropriate implementation for that project. - For methods with these selectors, let dispatchTo:addPrefixAndSend:withArguments: - be found as a sender." - | dispatchPrefixes prefix otherSelector | - dispatchPrefixes := Project allSubclasses collect: - [:cls | cls basicNew selectorPrefixForDispatch]. - "If it doesn't start with a recognized prefix, it's not dispatchable" - prefix := dispatchPrefixes detect: [:each | aSelector beginsWith: each] - ifNone: [^false]. - "If a similar symbol exists for all other prefixes, it's likely dispatchable" - ^(dispatchPrefixes copyWithout: prefix) - allSatisfy: [:otherPrefix | - otherSelector := otherPrefix, (aSelector allButFirst: prefix size). - Symbol hasInterned: otherSelector ifTrue: [:s]] - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Project>>dispatchTo:addPrefixAndSend:withArguments: (in category 'dispatching') ----- - dispatchTo: requestor addPrefixAndSend: baseSelector withArguments: arguments - "Sender wants to perform a method with dependencies on the type of project. - Dispatch to an appropriate method for the current project. - - This method is a workaround for lack of proper ToolBuilder support in the sender, - and should be eliminated when possible (dtl Feb 2010)" - - <hasLiteralTest: #isDispatchSelector:> - | selector | - selector := (self selectorPrefixForDispatch, baseSelector) asSymbol. - ^ requestor perform: selector withArguments: arguments! Item was changed: ----- Method: Project>>okToChange (in category 'release') ----- okToChange "Answer whether the window in which the project is housed can be dismissed -- which is destructive. We never clobber a project without confirmation" | answer | (self confirm: ('Do you really want to delete the project\{1}\and all its content?' withCRs translated format:{self name})) ifFalse: [^ false]. self subProjects ifNotEmpty: [:sp | + answer := Project uiManager - answer := Project current uiManager chooseFrom: #( "1" 'Lift all sub-projects' "2" 'Discard all sub-projects (NO UNDO!!)' "3 or 0" 'Cancel') lines: #(2) title: ('The project {1}\contains {2} sub-project(s).' withCRs translated format:{self name. sp size}). (answer = 0 or: [answer = 3]) ifTrue: [^ false]. answer = 1 ifTrue: [self liftSubProjects. ^ true]. answer = 2 ifTrue: [^ sp allSatisfy: [:ea | ea okToChange]]]. ^ true! |
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