Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-ul.380.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: System-ul.380
Author: ul
Time: 27 September 2010, 1:58:00.722 pm
UUID: d9fb6dad-55ca-a048-82bd-161222f88e4d
Ancestors: System-ul.379, System-topa.378
=============== Diff against System-ul.379 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemNavigation>>showMenuOf:withFirstItem:ifChosenDo:withCaption: (in category 'ui') -----
showMenuOf: selectorCollection withFirstItem: firstItem ifChosenDo: choiceBlock withCaption: aCaption
"Show a sorted menu of the given selectors, preceded by firstItem, and all abbreviated to 40 characters. Use aCaption as the menu title, if it is not nil. Evaluate choiceBlock if a message is chosen."
| index menuLabels sortedList |
sortedList := selectorCollection asSortedCollection.
+ menuLabels := Array streamContents:
+ [:strm | strm nextPut: (firstItem contractTo: 40).
+ sortedList do: [:sel | strm nextPut: (sel contractTo: 40)]].
+ index := UIManager default chooseFrom: menuLabels lines: #(1).
- menuLabels := String streamContents:
- [:strm | strm nextPutAll: (firstItem contractTo: 40).
- sortedList do: [:sel | strm cr; nextPutAll: (sel contractTo: 40)]].
- index := UIManager default chooseFrom: (menuLabels substrings) lines: #(1).
index = 1 ifTrue: [choiceBlock value: firstItem].
index > 1 ifTrue: [choiceBlock value: (sortedList at: index - 1)]!