Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-ul.393.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-ul.393 Author: ul Time: 16 November 2010, 5:11:01.011 am UUID: ee4afd6d-fcb8-2d42-976e-4a4c427a2213 Ancestors: System-ul.392 - use #= for integer comparison instead of #== (http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2788 ) =============== Diff against System-ul.392 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSet class>>scanVersionsOf:class:meta:category:selector: (in category 'scanning') ----- scanVersionsOf: method class: class meta: meta category: cat selector: selector | position prevPos prevFileIndex preamble tokens sourceFilesCopy stamp changeList file | changeList := OrderedCollection new. position := method filePosition. sourceFilesCopy := SourceFiles collect:[:x | x ifNotNil:[x readOnlyCopy]]. + method fileIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. - method fileIndex == 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. file := sourceFilesCopy at: method fileIndex. [position notNil & file notNil] whileTrue:[ preamble := method getPreambleFrom: file at: (0 max: position - 3). "Preamble is likely a linked method preamble, if we're in a changes file (not the sources file). Try to parse it for prior source position and file index" prevPos := nil. stamp := ''. (preamble findString: 'methodsFor:' startingAt: 1) > 0 ifTrue: [tokens := [Scanner new scanTokens: preamble] on: Error do:[#()]] ifFalse: [tokens := Array new "ie cant be back ref"]. ((tokens size between: 7 and: 8) and: [(tokens at: tokens size-5) = #methodsFor:]) ifTrue:[ (tokens at: tokens size-3) = #stamp: ifTrue:[ "New format gives change stamp and unified prior pointer" stamp := tokens at: tokens size-2. prevPos := tokens last. prevFileIndex := sourceFilesCopy fileIndexFromSourcePointer: prevPos. prevPos := sourceFilesCopy filePositionFromSourcePointer: prevPos. ] ifFalse: ["Old format gives no stamp; prior pointer in two parts" prevPos := tokens at: tokens size-2. prevFileIndex := tokens last. ]. (prevPos = 0 or: [prevFileIndex = 0]) ifTrue: [prevPos := nil] ]. ((tokens size between: 5 and: 6) and: [(tokens at: tokens size-3) = #methodsFor:]) ifTrue:[ (tokens at: tokens size-1) = #stamp: ifTrue: [ "New format gives change stamp and unified prior pointer" stamp := tokens at: tokens size. ] ]. changeList add: (ChangeRecord new file: file position: position type: #method class: class name category: cat meta: meta stamp: stamp). position := prevPos. prevPos notNil ifTrue:[file := sourceFilesCopy at: prevFileIndex]. ]. sourceFilesCopy do: [:x | x ifNotNil:[x close]]. ^changeList! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSet>>lookForSlips (in category 'fileIn/Out') ----- lookForSlips "Scan the receiver for changes that the user may regard as slips to be remedied" | slips nameLine msg | nameLine := ' "', self name, '" '. + (slips := self checkForSlips) size = 0 ifTrue: - (slips := self checkForSlips) size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'No slips detected in change set', nameLine]. + msg := slips size = 1 - msg := slips size == 1 ifTrue: [ 'One method in change set', nameLine, 'has a halt, reference to the Transcript, and/or some other ''slip'' in it. Would you like to browse it? ?'] ifFalse: [ slips size printString, ' methods in change set', nameLine, 'have halts or references to the Transcript or other ''slips'' in them. Would you like to browse them?']. (UIManager default chooseFrom: #('Ignore' 'Browse slips') title: msg) = 2 ifTrue: [self systemNavigation browseMessageList: slips name: 'Possible slips in ', name]! Item was changed: ----- Method: DataStream>>next (in category 'write and read') ----- next "Answer the next object in the stream." | type selector anObject isARefType pos internalObject | type := byteStream next. type ifNil: [pos := byteStream position. "absolute!!!!" byteStream close. "clean up" byteStream position = 0 ifTrue: [self error: 'The file did not exist in this directory'] ifFalse: [self error: 'Unexpected end of object file']. pos. "so can see it in debugger" ^ nil]. type = 0 ifTrue: [pos := byteStream position. "absolute!!!!" byteStream close. "clean up" self error: 'Expected start of object, but found 0'. ^ nil]. isARefType := self noteCurrentReference: type. selector := #(readNil readTrue readFalse readInteger "<-4" readStringOld readSymbol readByteArray "<-7" readArray readInstance readReference readBitmap "<-11" readClass readUser readFloat readRectangle readShortInst "<-16" readString readWordArray readWordArrayForSegment "<-19" + readWordLike readMethod "<-21") at: type ifAbsent: [ + pos := byteStream position. "absolute!!!!" + byteStream close. + self error: 'file is more recent than this system'. ^ nil]. - readWordLike readMethod "<-21") at: type. - selector == 0 ifTrue: [pos := byteStream position. "absolute!!!!" - byteStream close. - self error: 'file is more recent than this system'. ^ nil]. anObject := self perform: selector. "A method that recursively calls next (readArray, readInstance, objectAt:) must save & restore the current reference position." isARefType ifTrue: [self beginReference: anObject]. "After reading the externalObject, internalize it. #readReference is a special case. Either: (1) We actually have to read the object, recursively calling next, which internalizes the object. (2) We just read a reference to an object already read and thus already interalized. Either way, we must not re-internalize the object here." selector == #readReference ifTrue: [^ anObject]. internalObject := anObject comeFullyUpOnReload: self. internalObject == String ifTrue:[ "This is a hack to figure out if we're loading a String class that really should be a ByteString. Note that these days this will no longer be necessary since we use #withClassVersion: for constructing the global thus using a different classVersion will perfectly do the trick." ((anObject isKindOf: DiskProxy) and:[anObject globalObjectName == #String and:[anObject constructorSelector == #yourself]]) ifTrue:[ internalObject := ByteString]]. ^ self maybeBeginReference: internalObject! Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalDropHandler>>handle:in:dropEvent: (in category 'accessing') ----- handle: dropStream in: pasteUp dropEvent: anEvent | numArgs | numArgs := action numArgs. + numArgs = 1 - numArgs == 1 ifTrue: [^action value: dropStream]. + numArgs = 2 - numArgs == 2 ifTrue: [^action value: dropStream value: pasteUp]. + numArgs = 3 - numArgs == 3 ifTrue: [^action value: dropStream value: pasteUp value: anEvent]. self error: 'Wrong number of args for dop action.'! Item was changed: ----- Method: ImageSegment>>copySmartRootsExport: (in category 'read/write segment') ----- copySmartRootsExport: rootArray "Use SmartRefStream to find the object. Make them all roots. Create the segment in memory. Project should be in first five objects in rootArray." | newRoots list segSize symbolHolder replacements naughtyBlocks allClasses sizeHint proj dummy | Smalltalk forgetDoIts. "self halt." symbolHolder := Symbol allSymbols. "Hold onto Symbols with strong pointers, so they will be in outPointers" dummy := ReferenceStream on: (DummyStream on: nil). "Write to a fake Stream, not a file" "Collect all objects" dummy insideASegment: true. "So Uniclasses will be traced" dummy rootObject: rootArray. "inform him about the root" dummy nextPut: rootArray. (proj :=dummy project) ifNotNil: [self dependentsSave: dummy]. allClasses := SmartRefStream new uniClassInstVarsRefs: dummy. "catalog the extra objects in UniClass inst vars. Put into dummy" allClasses do: [:cls | dummy references at: cls class put: false. "put Player5 class in roots" dummy blockers removeKey: cls class ifAbsent: []]. "refs := dummy references." arrayOfRoots := self smartFillRoots: dummy. "guaranteed none repeat" self savePlayerReferences: dummy references. "for shared References table" replacements := dummy blockers. dummy project "recompute it" ifNil: [self error: 'lost the project!!']. dummy project class == DiskProxy ifTrue: [self error: 'saving the wrong project']. dummy := nil. "force GC?" naughtyBlocks := arrayOfRoots select: [ :each | (each isKindOf: ContextPart) and: [each hasInstVarRef] ]. "since the caller switched ActiveWorld, put the real one back temporarily" naughtyBlocks isEmpty ifFalse: [ World becomeActiveDuring: [ | goodToGo | goodToGo := (UIManager default chooseFrom: #('keep going' 'stop and take a look') title: 'Some block(s) which reference instance variables are included in this segment. These may fail when the segment is loaded if the class has been reshaped. + What would you like to do?') = 1. - What would you like to do?') == 1. goodToGo ifFalse: [ naughtyBlocks inspect. self error: 'Here are the bad blocks']. ]. ]. "Creation of the segment happens here" "try using one-quarter of memory min: four megs to publish (will get bumped later)" sizeHint := (Smalltalk garbageCollect // 4 // 4) min: 1024*1024. self copyFromRoots: arrayOfRoots sizeHint: sizeHint areUnique: true. segSize := segment size. [(newRoots := self rootsIncludingBlockMethods) == nil] whileFalse: [ arrayOfRoots := newRoots. self copyFromRoots: arrayOfRoots sizeHint: segSize areUnique: true]. "with methods pointed at from outside" [(newRoots := self rootsIncludingBlocks) == nil] whileFalse: [ arrayOfRoots := newRoots. self copyFromRoots: arrayOfRoots sizeHint: segSize areUnique: true]. "with methods, blocks from outPointers" list := self compactClassesArray. outPointers := outPointers, ((list select: [:cls | cls ~~ nil]), (Array with: 1717 with: list)). 1 to: outPointers size do: [:ii | (outPointers at: ii) isBlock ifTrue: [outPointers at: ii put: nil]. (outPointers at: ii) class == MethodContext ifTrue: [outPointers at: ii put: nil]. "substitute new object in outPointers" (replacements includesKey: (outPointers at: ii)) ifTrue: [ outPointers at: ii put: (replacements at: (outPointers at: ii))]]. proj ifNotNil: [self dependentsCancel: proj]. symbolHolder.! Item was changed: ----- Method: Locale>>fetchISO2Language (in category 'private') ----- fetchISO2Language "Locale current fetchISO2Language" | lang isoLang | lang := self primLanguage. lang ifNil: [^nil]. lang := lang copyUpTo: 0 asCharacter. + lang size = 2 - lang size == 2 ifTrue: [^lang]. isoLang := ISOLanguageDefinition iso3LanguageDefinition: lang. ^isoLang ifNil: [nil] ifNotNil: [isoLang iso2]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ReferenceStream>>isAReferenceType: (in category 'writing') ----- isAReferenceType: typeID "Return true iff typeID is one of the classes that can be written as a reference to an instance elsewhere in the stream." "too bad we can't put Booleans in an Array literal" + ^ (RefTypes at: typeID) = 1 - ^ (RefTypes at: typeID) == 1 "NOTE: If you get a bounds error here, the file probably has bad bits in it. The most common cause is a file unpacking program that puts linefeeds after carriage returns."! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmartRefStream>>restoreClassInstVars (in category 'read write') ----- restoreClassInstVars "Install the values of the class instance variables of UniClasses (i.e. scripts slotInfo). classInstVars is ((#Player25 scripts slotInfo) ...). Thank you Mark Wai for the bug fix." | normal trans classPlayer | self flag: #bobconv. classPlayer := Smalltalk at: #Player ifAbsent:[^self]. self moreObjects ifFalse: [^ self]. "are no UniClasses with class inst vars" classInstVars := super next. "Array of arrays" normal := Object class instSize. "might give trouble if Player class superclass changes size" (structures at: #Player ifAbsent: [#()]) = #(0 'dependents' 'costume') ifTrue: [trans := 1]. "now (0 costume costumes). Do the conversion of Player class inst vars in Update 509." classInstVars do: [:list | | aName newCls rList newName start | aName := (list at: 1) asSymbol. rList := list. newName := renamed at: aName ifAbsent: [aName]. newCls := Smalltalk at: newName ifAbsent: [self error: 'UniClass definition missing']. + ("old conversion" trans = 1 and: [newCls inheritsFrom: classPlayer]) ifTrue: [ - ("old conversion" trans == 1 and: [newCls inheritsFrom: classPlayer]) ifTrue: [ "remove costumeDictionary from Player class inst vars" rList := rList asOrderedCollection. rList removeAt: 4]. "costumeDictionary's value" start := list second = 'Update to read classPool' ifTrue: [4] ifFalse: [2]. newCls class instSize = (normal + (rList size) - start + 1) ifFalse: [self error: 'UniClass superclass class has changed size']. "Need to install a conversion method mechanism" start = 4 ifTrue: [newCls instVarAt: normal - 1 "classPool" put: (list at: 3)]. start to: rList size do: [:ii | newCls instVarAt: normal + ii - start + 1 put: (rList at: ii)]]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>confirmRemovalOf:on: (in category 'ui') ----- confirmRemovalOf: aSelector on: aClass "Determine if it is okay to remove the given selector. Answer 1 if it should be removed, 2 if it should be removed followed by a senders browse, and 3 if it should not be removed." | count answer caption allCalls | allCalls := self allCallsOn: aSelector. + (count := allCalls size) = 0 - (count := allCalls size) == 0 ifTrue: [^ 1]. "no senders -- let the removal happen without warning" + count = 1 - count == 1 ifTrue: [(allCalls first actualClass == aClass and: [allCalls first methodSymbol == aSelector]) ifTrue: [^ 1]]. "only sender is itself" caption := 'This message has ' , count printString , ' sender'. count > 1 ifTrue: [caption := caption copyWith: $s]. answer := UIManager default chooseFrom: #('Remove it' 'Remove, then browse senders' 'Don''t remove, but show me those senders' 'Forget it -- do nothing -- sorry I asked') title: caption. + answer = 3 - answer == 3 ifTrue: [self browseMessageList: allCalls name: 'Senders of ' , aSelector autoSelect: aSelector keywords first]. + answer = 0 - answer == 0 ifTrue: [answer := 3]. "If user didn't answer, treat it as cancel" ^ answer min: 3! Item was changed: ----- Method: Utilities class>>applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber:stopIfGap: (in category 'fetching updates') ----- applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber: lastUpdateNumber stopIfGap: stopIfGapFlag "To use this mechanism, be sure all updates you want to have considered are in a folder named 'updates' which resides in the same directory as your image. Having done that, simply evaluate: Utilities applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber: 1234 stopIfGap: false and all numbered updates <= lastUpdateNumber not yet in the image will be loaded in numerical order." | previousHighest currentUpdateNumber done fileNames aMessage updateDirectory loaded | updateDirectory := self getUpdateDirectoryOrNil. updateDirectory ifNil: [^ self]. previousHighest := SystemVersion current highestUpdate. currentUpdateNumber := previousHighest. done := false. loaded := 0. [done] whileFalse: [currentUpdateNumber := currentUpdateNumber + 1. currentUpdateNumber > lastUpdateNumber ifTrue: [done := true] ifFalse: [fileNames := updateDirectory fileNamesMatching: currentUpdateNumber printString , '*'. fileNames size > 1 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'ambiguity -- two files both start with ' , currentUpdateNumber printString , ' (at this point it is probably best to remedy the situation on disk, then try again.)']. + fileNames size = 0 - fileNames size == 0 ifTrue: [Transcript cr; show: 'gap in updates from disk for update number '; print: currentUpdateNumber; show: ' found...'. done := stopIfGapFlag] ifFalse: [ChangeSet newChangesFromStream: (updateDirectory readOnlyFileNamed: fileNames first) named: fileNames first. SystemVersion current registerUpdate: currentUpdateNumber. loaded := loaded + 1]]]. aMessage := loaded = 0 ifTrue: ['No new updates found.'] ifFalse: [loaded printString , ' update(s) loaded.']. self inform: aMessage , ' Highest numbered update is now ' , (currentUpdateNumber - 1) printString , '.'! Item was changed: ----- Method: Utilities class>>instanceComparisonsBetween:and: (in category 'miscellaneous') ----- instanceComparisonsBetween: fileName1 and: fileName2 "For differential results, run printSpaceAnalysis twice with different fileNames, then run this method... Smalltalk printSpaceAnalysis: 0 on: 'STspace.text1'. --- do something that uses space here --- Smalltalk printSpaceAnalysis: 0 on: 'STspace.text2'. Smalltalk instanceComparisonsBetween: 'STspace.text1' and 'STspace.text2'" | instCountDict report f aString items className newInstCount oldInstCount newSpace oldPair oldSpace | instCountDict := Dictionary new. report := ReadWriteStream on: ''. f := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName1. [f atEnd] whileFalse: [aString := f nextLine. items := aString findTokens: ' '. + (items size = 4 or: [items size = 5]) ifTrue: - (items size == 4 or: [items size == 5]) ifTrue: [instCountDict at: items first put: (Array with: items third asNumber with: items fourth asNumber)]]. f close. f := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName2. [f atEnd] whileFalse: [aString := f nextLine. items := aString findTokens: ' '. + (items size = 4 or: [items size = 5]) ifTrue: - (items size == 4 or: [items size == 5]) ifTrue: [className := items first. newInstCount := items third asNumber. newSpace := items fourth asNumber. oldPair := instCountDict at: className ifAbsent: [nil]. oldInstCount := oldPair ifNil: [0] ifNotNil: [oldPair first]. oldSpace := oldPair ifNil: [0] ifNotNil: [oldPair second]. oldInstCount ~= newInstCount ifTrue: [report nextPutAll: (newInstCount - oldInstCount) printString; tab; nextPutAll: (newSpace - oldSpace) printString; tab; nextPutAll: className asString; cr]]]. f close. (StringHolder new contents: report contents) openLabel: 'Instance count differentials between ', fileName1, ' and ', fileName2! Item was changed: ----- Method: Utilities class>>offerCommonRequests (in category 'common requests') ----- offerCommonRequests "Offer up the common-requests menu. If the user chooses one, then evaluate it, and -- provided the value is a number or string -- show it in the Transcript." "Utilities offerCommonRequests" | reply result aMenu index normalItemCount strings | Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [^ self offerCommonRequestsInMorphic]. (CommonRequestStrings == nil or: [CommonRequestStrings isKindOf: Array]) ifTrue: [self initializeCommonRequestStrings]. strings := CommonRequestStrings contents. normalItemCount := strings asString lineCount. aMenu := UIManager default chooseFrom: (strings asString lines copyWith: 'edit this menu') lines: (Array with: normalItemCount). index := aMenu startUp. + index = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. - index == 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. reply := aMenu labelString lineNumber: index. + reply size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. - reply size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. index > normalItemCount ifTrue: [^ self editCommonRequestStrings]. result := self evaluate: reply in: nil to: nil. (result isNumber) | (result isString) ifTrue: [Transcript cr; nextPutAll: result printString]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Utilities class>>revertLastMethodSubmission (in category 'recent method submissions') ----- revertLastMethodSubmission | changeRecords lastSubmission theClass theSelector | "If the most recent method submission was a method change, revert that change, and if it was a submission of a brand-new method, remove that method." RecentSubmissions isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ Beeper beep]. lastSubmission := RecentSubmissions last. theClass := lastSubmission actualClass ifNil: [^ Beeper beep]. theSelector := lastSubmission methodSymbol. changeRecords := theClass changeRecordsAt: theSelector. changeRecords isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ Beeper beep]. + changeRecords size = 1 - changeRecords size == 1 ifTrue: ["method has no prior version, so reverting in this case means removing" theClass removeSelector: theSelector] ifFalse: [changeRecords second fileIn]. "Utilities revertLastMethodSubmission"! |
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