Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-ul.411.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-ul.411 Author: ul Time: 10 January 2011, 4:38:07.417 pm UUID: 4fc51c8b-58f7-a541-a57a-65f3aa38ca24 Ancestors: System-cmm.410 - ensure that DictionaryOfPreferences (a class variable of Preferences) is not accessed concurrently when it's possible. The goal is to keep the integrity of the dictionary. See http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7593 . =============== Diff against System-cmm.410 =============== Item was changed: Object subclass: #Preferences instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: 'AccessLock DesktopColor DictionaryOfPreferences Parameters' - classVariableNames: 'DesktopColor DictionaryOfPreferences Parameters' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'System-Preferences'! !Preferences commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! A general mechanism to store preference choices. The default setup treats any symbol as a potential boolean flag; flags unknown to the preference dictionary are always returned as false. To open the control panel: Preferences openFactoredPanel To read how to use the panel (and how to make a preference be per-project): Preferences giveHelpWithPreferences All messages are on the class side. To query a a preference: Preferences logDebuggerStackToFile or some people prefer the more verbose Preferences valueOfFlag: #logDebuggerStackToFile You can make up a new preference any time. Do not define a new message in Preferences class. Accessor methods are compiled automatically when you add a preference as illustrated below: To add a preference (e.g. in the Postscript of a fileout): Preferences addPreference: #samplePreference categories: #(general browsing) default: true balloonHelp: 'This is an example of a preference added by a do-it' projectLocal: false changeInformee: nil changeSelector: nil. To change a preference programatically: Preferences disable: #logDebuggerStackToFile. Or to turn it on, Preferences enable: #logDebuggerStackToFile. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Preferences class>>accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: (in category 'accessing') ----- + accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: aBlock + + ^(AccessLock ifNil: [ AccessLock := Mutex new ]) + critical: [ aBlock value: DictionaryOfPreferences ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>addPreference:categories:default:balloonHelp:projectLocal:changeInformee:changeSelector:type: (in category 'add preferences') ----- addPreference: aName categories: categoryList default: aValue balloonHelp: helpString projectLocal: localBoolean changeInformee: informeeSymbol changeSelector: aChangeSelector type: aType "Add or replace a preference as indicated. Reuses the preexisting Preference object for this symbol, if there is one, so that UI artifacts that interact with it will remain valid." | aPreference aPrefSymbol | aPrefSymbol := aName asSymbol. + aPreference := self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences + at:aPrefSymbol + ifAbsent: [ Preference new ] ]. - aPreference := self dictionaryOfPreferences at:aPrefSymbol - ifAbsent:[Preference new]. aPreference name:aPrefSymbol defaultValue:aValue helpString:helpString localToProject:localBoolean categoryList:categoryList changeInformee:informeeSymbol changeSelector:aChangeSelector type: aType. + self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences at: aPrefSymbol put: aPreference ]. - self dictionaryOfPreferences at:aPrefSymbol put:aPreference. self compileAccessMethodForPreference:aPreference! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>allPreferenceObjects (in category 'preference-object access') ----- allPreferenceObjects "Answer a list of all the Preference objects registered in the system" + ^self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences values ]! - ^ self dictionaryOfPreferences values! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>categoryNames (in category 'preferences panel') ----- categoryNames + | aSet | aSet := Set new. + self allPreferenceObjects do: [ :aPreference | + aSet addAll: ( + aPreference categoryList collect: [ :aCategory | + aCategory asSymbol ]) ]. + ^aSet! - self dictionaryOfPreferences do: - [:aPreference | - aSet addAll:(aPreference categoryList - collect:[:aCategory | aCategory asSymbol])]. - ^ aSet! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>dictionaryOfPreferences (in category 'accessing') ----- dictionaryOfPreferences + "The use of this accessor doesn't ensure that the dictionary is not accessed concurrently. Use #accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: instead." + ^DictionaryOfPreferences! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>inspectPreferences (in category 'preferences panel') ----- inspectPreferences + "Open a window on the current preferences dictionary, allowing the user to inspect and change the current preference settings. This is fallen back upon if Morphic is not present. This is dangerous, the dictionary of preferences should not be accessed concurrently." - "Open a window on the current preferences dictionary, allowing the user to inspect and change the current preference settings. This is fallen back upon if Morphic is not present" "Preferences inspectPreferences" + self dictionaryOfPreferences inspectWithLabel:'Preferences'! - self dictionaryOfPreferences inspectWithLabel:'Preferences'! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>prefEvent: (in category 'dynamic preferences') ----- prefEvent: anEvent "Check if this system event defines or removes a preference. TODO: Queue the event and handle in background process. There is zero reason to be so eager here." | aClass aSelector prefSymbol method | (anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier classKind and: [anEvent isRemoved]) ifTrue:[self removePreferencesFor: anEvent item]. anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier methodKind ifTrue:[ aClass := anEvent itemClass. aClass isMeta ifFalse:[^self]. "ignore instance methods" aClass := aClass theNonMetaClass. aSelector := anEvent itemSelector. (anEvent isRemoved or:[anEvent isModified]) ifTrue:[ prefSymbol := (aClass name,'>>', aSelector) asSymbol. + self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences removeKey: prefSymbol ifAbsent:[] ] ]. - self dictionaryOfPreferences removeKey: prefSymbol ifAbsent:[]]. (anEvent isAdded or:[anEvent isModified]) ifTrue:[ method := anEvent item. method pragmas do:[:pragma| | aPreference aPrefSymbol | pragma keyword == #preference:category:description:type: ifTrue:[ aPrefSymbol := (aClass name,'>>', method selector) asSymbol. aPreference := self preference: pragma arguments first category: pragma arguments second description: pragma arguments third type: pragma arguments fourth. aPreference provider: aClass getter: method selector setter: method selector asMutator. + self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences at: aPrefSymbol put: aPreference ] ] ] ] ]. - self dictionaryOfPreferences at: aPrefSymbol put: aPreference]]]]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>preferenceAt: (in category 'preference-object access') ----- preferenceAt: aSymbol "Answer the Preference object at the given symbol, or nil if not there" + ^self preferenceAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ nil ]! - ^ self dictionaryOfPreferences at:aSymbol ifAbsent:[nil]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>preferenceAt:ifAbsent: (in category 'preference-object access') ----- preferenceAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: aBlock "Answer the Preference object at the given symbol, or the value of aBlock if not present" + ^self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences at: aSymbol ifAbsent: aBlock ]! - ^ self dictionaryOfPreferences at:aSymbol ifAbsent:[aBlock value]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>preferenceObjectsInCategory: (in category 'preferences panel') ----- preferenceObjectsInCategory: aCategorySymbol + "Answer a list of Preference objects that reside in the given category." - "Answer a list of Preference objects that reside in the given category, in alphabetical order" + ^self allPreferenceObjects select: [ :aPreference | + aPreference categoryList includes: aCategorySymbol ]! - ^ (self dictionaryOfPreferences - select:[:aPreference | aPreference categoryList includes:aCategorySymbol])! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>registerForEvents (in category 'dynamic preferences') ----- registerForEvents "Preferences registerForEvents" SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance noMoreNotificationsFor: self. SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #prefEvent:. Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass| aClass class methodsDo:[:method| method pragmas do:[:pragma| | aPreference aPrefSymbol | pragma keyword == #preference:category:description:type: ifTrue:[ aPrefSymbol := (aClass name,'>>', method selector) asSymbol. aPreference := self preference: pragma arguments first category: pragma arguments second description: pragma arguments third type: pragma arguments fourth. aPreference provider: aClass getter: method selector setter: method selector asMutator. + self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences at: aPrefSymbol put: aPreference ] ] ] ] ]. - self dictionaryOfPreferences at: aPrefSymbol put: aPreference]]]]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>removePreference: (in category 'initialization') ----- removePreference: aSymbol "Remove all memory of the given preference symbol in my various structures." | pref | pref := self preferenceAt:aSymbol ifAbsent:[^ self]. pref localToProject ifTrue: [Project allInstancesDo: [:proj | proj projectPreferenceFlagDictionary ifNotNil: [proj projectPreferenceFlagDictionary removeKey:aSymbol ifAbsent:[]]]]. + self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences removeKey: aSymbol ifAbsent: [] ]. - self dictionaryOfPreferences removeKey:aSymbol ifAbsent:[]. self class removeSelector:aSymbol "Preferences removePreference: #tileToggleInBrowsers"! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>removePreferencesFor: (in category 'dynamic preferences') ----- removePreferencesFor: aClass "Remove all the preferences registered for the given class" "Preferences removePreferencesFor: PreferenceExample" + + self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + | map | + map := dictionaryOfPreferences select: [ :pref | pref provider == aClass ]. + map keysDo: [ :prefName | dictionaryOfPreferences removeKey: prefName ] ]! - | map | - map := self dictionaryOfPreferences select:[:pref| pref provider == aClass]. - map keysDo:[:prefName| self dictionaryOfPreferences removeKey: prefName].! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>savePersonalPreferences (in category 'personalization') ----- savePersonalPreferences "Save the current list of Preference settings as the user's personal choices" + self + setParameter:#PersonalDictionaryOfPreferences + to: ( + self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences deepCopy ])! - self setParameter:#PersonalDictionaryOfPreferences - to:self dictionaryOfPreferences deepCopy! Item was changed: ----- Method: Preferences class>>storePreferencesIn: (in category 'personalization') ----- storePreferencesIn: aFileName | stream prefsSnapshot | #(#Prevailing #PersonalPreferences ) do:[:ea | Parameters removeKey:ea ifAbsent:[]]. stream := ReferenceStream fileNamed: aFileName. stream nextPut:Parameters. + prefsSnapshot := self accessDictionaryOfPreferencesIn: [ :dictionaryOfPreferences | + dictionaryOfPreferences copy ]. - prefsSnapshot := self dictionaryOfPreferences copy. prefsSnapshot keysAndValuesDo: [:key :pref | prefsSnapshot at: key put: pref asPreference]. stream nextPut: prefsSnapshot. Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue:[stream nextPut:World fillStyle] ifFalse:[stream nextPut:DesktopColor]. stream close! |
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