The Trunk: System-ul.525.mcz

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The Trunk: System-ul.525.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-ul.525
Author: ul
Time: 27 April 2013, 10:55:01.783 pm
UUID: 53a81762-7921-4495-9fb1-2fae75e89b63
Ancestors: System-fbs.524

Reshaped SpaceTally a bit. It's still messy, but simpler and faster than before. Also fixed the printing part.

=============== Diff against System-fbs.524 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SpaceTally>>computeSpaceUsage (in category 'class analysis') -----
+ results
+ do: [ :entry |
+ | class instanceSpaceAndCount |
+ class := self class environment at: entry analyzedClassName.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollectMost.
+ instanceSpaceAndCount := self spaceForInstancesOf: class.
+ entry
+ codeSize: class spaceUsed;
+ instanceCount: instanceSpaceAndCount second;
+ spaceForInstances: instanceSpaceAndCount first ]
+ displayingProgress: 'Taking statistics...'!
- | entry c instanceCount |
- 1 to: results size do: [:i |
- entry := results at: i.
- c := self class environment at: entry analyzedClassName.
- instanceCount := c instanceCount.
- entry codeSize: c spaceUsed.
- entry instanceCount: instanceCount.
- entry spaceForInstances: (self spaceForInstancesOf: c withInstanceCount: instanceCount).
- Smalltalk garbageCollectMost].
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SpaceTally>>printSpaceAnalysis:on: (in category 'fileOut') -----
  printSpaceAnalysis: threshold on: fileName
  "SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis: 1000 on: 'STspace.text1'"
  "sd-This method should be rewrote to be more coherent within the rest of the class
  ie using preAllocate and spaceForInstanceOf:"
  "If threshold > 0, then only those classes with more than that number
  of instances will be shown, and they will be sorted by total instance space.
  If threshold = 0, then all classes will appear, sorted by name."
+ FileStream newFileNamed: fileName do: [ :file |
+ self printSpaceAnalysis: threshold onStream: file ]!
- | f totalCodeSpace totalInstCount totalInstSpace n totalPercent |
- Smalltalk garbageCollect.
- totalCodeSpace := totalInstCount := totalInstSpace := n := 0.
- results := OrderedCollection new: Smalltalk classNames size.
- 'Taking statistics...'
- displayProgressFrom: 0
- to: Smalltalk classNames size
- during: [:bar |
- Smalltalk allClassesDo:
- [:cl | | instSpace eltSize instCount codeSpace | codeSpace := cl spaceUsed.
- bar value: (n := n+1).
- Smalltalk garbageCollectMost.
- instCount := cl instanceCount.
- instSpace := (cl indexIfCompact > 0 ifTrue: [4] ifFalse: [8])*instCount. "Object headers"
- cl isVariable
- ifTrue: [eltSize := cl isBytes ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [4].
- cl allInstancesDo: [:x | instSpace := instSpace + (x basicSize*eltSize)]]
- ifFalse: [instSpace := instSpace + (cl instSize*instCount*4)].
- results add: (SpaceTallyItem analyzedClassName: cl name codeSize: codeSpace instanceCount:  instCount spaceForInstances: instSpace).
- totalCodeSpace := totalCodeSpace + codeSpace.
- totalInstCount := totalInstCount + instCount.
- totalInstSpace := totalInstSpace + instSpace]].
- totalPercent := 0.0.
- f := FileStream newFileNamed: fileName.
- f timeStamp.
- f nextPutAll: ('Class' padded: #right to: 30 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: ('code space' padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: ('# instances' padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: ('inst space' padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: ('percent' padded: #left to: 8 with: $ ); cr.
- threshold > 0 ifTrue:
- ["If inst count threshold > 0, then sort by space"
- results := (results select: [:s | s instanceCount >= threshold or: [s spaceForInstances > (totalInstSpace // 500)]])
- asSortedCollection: [:s :s2 | s spaceForInstances > s2 spaceForInstances]].
- results do:
- [:s | | percent | f nextPutAll: (s analyzedClassName padded: #right to: 30 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: (s codeSize printString padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: (s instanceCount printString padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: (s spaceForInstances printString padded: #left to: 14 with: $ ).
- percent := s spaceForInstances*100.0/totalInstSpace roundTo: 0.1.
- totalPercent := totalPercent + percent.
- percent >= 0.1 ifTrue:
- [f nextPutAll: (percent printString padded: #left to: 8 with: $ )].
- f cr].
- f cr; nextPutAll: ('Total' padded: #right to: 30 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: (totalCodeSpace printString padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: (totalInstCount printString padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: (totalInstSpace printString padded: #left to: 14 with: $ );
- nextPutAll: ((totalPercent roundTo: 0.1) printString padded: #left to: 8 with: $ ).
- f close!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SpaceTally>>printSpaceAnalysis:onStream: (in category 'fileOut') -----
+ printSpaceAnalysis: threshold onStream: stream
+ "If threshold > 0, then only those classes with more than that number
+ of instances will be shown, and they will be sorted by total instance space.
+ If threshold = 0, then all classes will appear, sorted by name."
+ | totalCodeSpace totalInstCount totalInstSpace totalPercent classNameLength printRow |
+ self systemWideSpaceTally.
+ totalCodeSpace := totalInstCount := totalInstSpace := 0.
+ classNameLength := 1.
+ results do: [ :each |
+ classNameLength := classNameLength max: each analyzedClassName size.
+ totalCodeSpace := totalCodeSpace + each codeSize.
+ totalInstCount := totalInstCount + each instanceCount.
+ totalInstSpace := totalInstSpace + each spaceForInstances ].
+ totalPercent := 0.0.
+ printRow := [ :class :codeSpace :instanceCount :instanceSpace :percent |
+ stream
+ nextPutAll: (class padded: #right to: classNameLength + 1 with: $ );
+ nextPutAll: (codeSpace padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
+ nextPutAll: (instanceCount padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
+ nextPutAll: (instanceSpace padded: #left to: 14 with: $ );
+ nextPutAll: (percent padded: #left to: 8 with: $ );
+ cr ].
+ stream timeStamp.
+ printRow valueWithArguments: { 'Class'. 'code space'. '# instances'. 'inst space'. 'percent' }.
+ threshold > 0 ifTrue: [
+ "If inst count threshold > 0, then sort by space"
+ results := results select: [ :s |
+ s instanceCount >= threshold or: [
+ s spaceForInstances > (totalInstSpace // 500) ] ].
+ results sort: [ :s :s2 | s spaceForInstances > s2 spaceForInstances ] ].
+ results do: [ :s |
+ | percent |
+ percent := s spaceForInstances * 100.0 / totalInstSpace.
+ totalPercent := totalPercent + percent.
+ printRow valueWithArguments: {
+ s analyzedClassName.
+ s codeSize printString.
+ s instanceCount printString.
+ s spaceForInstances printString.
+ percent printShowingDecimalPlaces: 1 } ].
+ stream cr.
+ printRow valueWithArguments: {
+ 'Total'.
+ totalCodeSpace printString.
+ totalInstCount printString.
+ totalInstSpace printString.
+ totalPercent printShowingDecimalPlaces: 1 }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SpaceTally>>spaceForInstancesOf: (in category 'instance size') -----
+ spaceForInstancesOf: aClass
+ "Answer the number of bytes consumed by all instances of the given class, including their object headers and the number of instances."
+ | smallHeaderSize instVarBytes isVariable bytesPerElement  total lastInstance instance instanceCount |
+ instance := aClass someInstance ifNil: [ ^#(0 0) ].
+ smallHeaderSize := aClass isCompact ifTrue: [ 4 ] ifFalse: [ 8 ].
+ instVarBytes := aClass instSize * 4.
+ isVariable := aClass isVariable.
+ bytesPerElement := isVariable
+ ifFalse: [ 0 ]
+ ifTrue: [ aClass isBytes ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ 4 ] ].
+ total := 0.
+ instanceCount := 0.
+ "A modified version of #allInstancesDo: is inlined here. It avoids an infinite loop when another process is creating new instances of aClass."
+ self flag: #allInstancesDo:.
+ lastInstance := aClass basicNew.
+ [ instance == lastInstance ] whileFalse: [
+ | contentBytes headerBytes |
+ contentBytes := instVarBytes + (isVariable
+ ifFalse: [ 0 ]
+ ifTrue: [ instance basicSize * bytesPerElement ]).
+ headerBytes := contentBytes > 255
+ ifTrue: [ 12 ]
+ ifFalse: [ smallHeaderSize ].
+ total := total + headerBytes + (contentBytes roundUpTo: 4).
+ instanceCount := instanceCount + 1.
+ instance := instance nextInstance ].
+ ^{ total. instanceCount }!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SpaceTally>>spaceForInstancesOf:withInstanceCount: (in category 'instance size') -----
- spaceForInstancesOf: aClass withInstanceCount: instCount
- "Answer the number of bytes consumed by all instances of the given class, including their object headers."
- | isCompact instVarBytes bytesPerElement headerBytes total |
- instCount = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0].
- isCompact := aClass indexIfCompact > 0.
- instVarBytes := aClass instSize * 4.
- aClass isVariable
- ifTrue: [
- bytesPerElement := aClass isBytes ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [4].
- total := 0.
- aClass allInstancesDo: [:inst | | contentBytes |
- contentBytes := instVarBytes + (inst size * bytesPerElement).
- headerBytes :=
- contentBytes > 255
- ifTrue: [12]
- ifFalse: [isCompact ifTrue: [4] ifFalse: [8]].
- total := total + headerBytes + contentBytes].
- ^ total]
- ifFalse: [
- headerBytes :=
- instVarBytes > 255
- ifTrue: [12]
- ifFalse: [isCompact ifTrue: [4] ifFalse: [8]].
- ^ instCount * (headerBytes + instVarBytes)].
- !