The Trunk: System-ul.607.mcz

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The Trunk: System-ul.607.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-ul.607
Author: ul
Time: 25 October 2013, 6:47:30.844 pm
UUID: 5d2174eb-547d-44d1-8466-98c855eff27e
Ancestors: System-cmm.606

ChangeRecord >> #fileIn: must use the environment to look up the methodClass.
RecentMessages >> #revertMostRecent must pass the environment to the changeRecord, otherwise it can't be filed in.

=============== Diff against System-cmm.606 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ChangeRecord>>fileIn: (in category 'initialization') -----
  fileIn: anEnvironment
  "File the receiver in.  If I represent a method or a class-comment, file the method in and make a note of it in the recent-submissions list; if I represent a do-it, then, well, do it; if I represent a reorganization then get organized!!"
  Cursor read showWhile:
  [| s cls aSelector |
  type == #doIt
  [((s := self string) beginsWith: '----') ifFalse: [Compiler evaluate: s]]
+ [cls := self methodClass: anEnvironment.
- [cls := self methodClass.
  type == #method ifTrue:
  [[cls compile: self text classified: category withStamp: stamp notifying: nil]
  on: EnvironmentRequest do: [:e | e resume: anEnvironment].
  (aSelector := self methodSelector) ifNotNil:
  [RecentMessages default recordSelector: aSelector forClass: cls inEnvironment: anEnvironment]].
  type == #classComment ifTrue:
  [cls comment: self text stamp: stamp.
  RecentMessages default recordSelector: #Comment forClass: cls inEnvironment: anEnvironment].
  type == #reorganize ifTrue:
  [cls organization changeFromString: self text]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RecentMessages>>revertMostRecent (in category 'accessing') -----
  "If the most recent method submission was a method change, revert
  that change, and if it was a submission of a brand-new method,
  remove that method."
  | changeRecords lastSubmission theClass theSelector |
  methodReferences ifEmpty: [ ^ Beeper beep ].
  lastSubmission := self mostRecent.
  theClass := lastSubmission actualClass ifNil: [ ^ Beeper beep ].
  theSelector := lastSubmission methodSymbol.
  changeRecords := theClass changeRecordsAt: theSelector.
  changeRecords isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [ ^ Beeper beep ].
  changeRecords size = 1
  ifTrue: [ "method has no prior version, so reverting in this case means removing"
  theClass removeSelector: theSelector ]
+ ifFalse: [ changeRecords second fileIn: lastSubmission environment ]
- ifFalse: [ changeRecords second fileIn ]