Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tests-ct.429 Author: ct Time: 22 March 2020, 8:19:10.72456 pm UUID: 5337340d-652e-744e-ba7e-9ae42bce2751 Ancestors: Tests-cmm.428 Extends tests for parser notifications and tests bugs that were fixed in Morphic-ct.1640 & Compiler-ct.423. Also tests cancel button that was added in Compiler-ct.422. Depends on Regex-Core-ct.56. Please review! I see it as a desirable goal to test as much of things like this that caused various bugs in the past. However, it was hard for me to find an appropriate trade-off between maximizing the test coverage and keeping the tests readable, not too prescriptive. =============== Diff against Tests-cmm.428 =============== Item was changed: TestCase subclass: #CompilerExceptionsTest + instanceVariableNames: 'text nextSelectionInterval selectionInterval originalText previousSelection originalSelection tearDowns' - instanceVariableNames: 'text' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Tests-Compiler'! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>assertCanceled (in category 'assertions') ----- + assertCanceled + + self + assertText: originalText; + assertSelection: previousSelection.! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>assertSelection: (in category 'assertions') ----- + assertSelection: selectionMatch + + selectionMatch isBlock ifTrue: [ + ^ self assertSelection: selectionMatch value]. + ^ self + assert: selectionMatch + equals: (selectionMatch isInterval + ifTrue: [self selectionInterval] + ifFalse: [self selection])! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>assertSucceeded (in category 'assertions') ----- + assertSucceeded + + ^ self assertSucceeded: originalText! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>assertSucceeded: (in category 'assertions') ----- + assertSucceeded: textMatch + + self + assertText: textMatch; + assertSelection: originalSelection.! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>assertText: (in category 'assertions') ----- + assertText: textMatch + + text isBlock ifTrue: [ + ^ self assertText: text value]. + ^ (textMatch respondsTo: #matches:) + ifTrue: [ + self assert: [textMatch matches: text]] + ifFalse: [ + self assert: textMatch equals: text]! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>compile: (in category 'private') ----- compile: sourceString + | result | + originalText := text := sourceString. + previousSelection := originalSelection := 1 to: text size + 1. + selectionInterval := nextSelectionInterval := nil. + result := self class - text := sourceString. - self class compileSilently: text classified: 'generated' + notifying: self. + result ifNil: [^ self]. + selectionInterval := originalSelection.! - notifying: self! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>compiling:shouldRaise: (in category 'private') ----- - compiling: sourceCode shouldRaise: exceptionClass - - self should: [ self compile: sourceCode ] raise: exceptionClass! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>compiling:shouldRaise:andSelect:testing: (in category 'private') ----- + compiling: sourceCode shouldRaise: exceptionClass andSelect: selectionMatch testing: tests + + | referenceTest | + referenceTest := [] -> []. + (tests copyWithFirst: referenceTest) associationsDo: [:test | + self + should: [self compile: sourceCode] + raise: exceptionClass + thenDo: [:exception | + self assertSelection: selectionMatch. + previousSelection := self selectionInterval. + (self handlerBlockFor: test key) cull: exception]. + (self testBlockFor: test value) value].! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>correctFrom:to:with: (in category 'emulating') ----- + correctFrom: start to: stop with: aString + + | delta userSelection | + userSelection := self selectionInterval. + text := (text first: start - 1) , aString , (text allButFirst: stop). + delta := aString size - (stop - start + 1). + self + selectInvisiblyFrom: userSelection first + (userSelection first > start ifFalse: [ 0 ] ifTrue: [ delta ]) + to: userSelection last + (userSelection last > start ifFalse: [ 0 ] ifTrue: [ delta ]).! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>deselect (in category 'emulating') ----- + deselect + + selectionInterval := nextSelectionInterval.! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>handlerBlockFor: (in category 'private') ----- + handlerBlockFor: message + + ^ message isBlock + ifTrue: [message] + ifFalse: [[:ex | [ex pass] valueSupplyingAnswer: message]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>nextTokenFrom:direction: (in category 'emulating') ----- + nextTokenFrom: start direction: dir + "simple token-finder for compiler automated corrections" + | loc str | + loc := start + dir. + str := self text. + [(loc between: 1 and: str size) and: [(str at: loc) isSeparator]] + whileTrue: [loc := loc + dir]. + ^ loc! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>select (in category 'emulating') ----- select + + selectionInterval := nextSelectionInterval.! - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>selectFrom:to: (in category 'emulating') ----- selectFrom: start to: end + + nextSelectionInterval := start to: end.! - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>selectInvisiblyFrom:to: (in category 'emulating') ----- + selectInvisiblyFrom: start to: end + + ^ self + selectFrom: start to: end; + select! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>selection (in category 'private') ----- + selection + + ^ text copyFrom: self selectionInterval start to: self selectionInterval stop! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>selectionInterval (in category 'emulating') ----- selectionInterval + + ^ selectionInterval ifNil: [1 to: self text size]! - ^ 1 to: 0! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>setUp (in category 'running') ----- setUp + super setUp. + tearDowns := OrderedCollection new. + Symbol hasInterned: self unknownSelector ifTrue: [:symbol | + tearDowns add: [Symbol intern: symbol]]. + Symbol extern: self unknownSelector.! - self removeGeneratedMethods! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>should:raise:thenDo: (in category 'assertions') ----- + should: aBlock raise: anExceptionalEvent thenDo: aHandlerBlock + + | raised result | + raised := false. + result := aBlock + on: anExceptionalEvent + do: [:ex | + raised := true. + aHandlerBlock cull: ex]. + self assert: raised description: ('aBlock should have raised {1}' translated format: {anExceptionalEvent}). + ^ result! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>tearDown (in category 'running') ----- tearDown + self removeGeneratedMethods. + Symbol extern: self unknownSelector. + tearDowns do: #value. + super tearDown.! - self removeGeneratedMethods! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>testAmbiguousSelector (in category 'tests') ----- testAmbiguousSelector + self - self compiling: 'griffle ^1--1' + shouldRaise: AmbiguousSelector + andSelect: '--' + testing: { + [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled]. + [:ex | ex resume: '-- '] -> 'griffle ^1-- 1' }. + self - shouldRaise: AmbiguousSelector; compiling: 'griffle ^1@-1' + shouldRaise: AmbiguousSelector + andSelect: '@-' + testing: { + [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled]. + [:ex | ex resume: '@ -'] -> 'griffle ^1@ -1' }. + self - shouldRaise: AmbiguousSelector; compiling: 'griffle ^1+-1' + shouldRaise: AmbiguousSelector + andSelect: '+-' + testing: { + [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled]. + [:ex | ex resume: '+- '] -> ['griffle ^1+- 1'] }.! - shouldRaise: AmbiguousSelector ! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>testBlockFor: (in category 'private') ----- + testBlockFor: test + + ^ test isBlock + ifTrue: [test] + ifFalse: [[self assertSucceeded: test]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>testUndeclaredVariable (in category 'tests') ----- testUndeclaredVariable self compiling: 'griffle ^ goo' + shouldRaise: UndeclaredVariable + andSelect: 'goo' + testing: { + false -> [self assertCanceled] }. + self - shouldRaise: UndeclaredVariable; compiling: 'griffle ^ [ goo ] value' + shouldRaise: UndeclaredVariable + andSelect: 'goo' + testing: { + false -> [self assertCanceled] }. + self + compiling: 'griffle goo := 42' + shouldRaise: UndeclaredVariable + andSelect: 'goo' + testing: { + false -> [self assertCanceled]. + 'declare method temp' -> 'griffle | goo |\goo := 42' withCRs }. + self + compiling: 'griffle ^ [ goo := 42 ] value' + shouldRaise: UndeclaredVariable + andSelect: 'goo' + testing: { + false -> [self assertCanceled]. + 'declare method temp' -> 'griffle | goo |\^ [ goo := 42 ] value' withCRs. + 'declare block-local temp' -> 'griffle ^ [ | goo | goo := 42 ] value' withCRs }.! - shouldRaise: UndeclaredVariable! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>testUndefinedVariable (in category 'tests') ----- testUndefinedVariable self compiling: 'griffle | goo | ^ goo' + shouldRaise: UndefinedVariable + andSelect: [(text allRangesOfRegexMatches: '(?<=\^ )goo') first] + testing: { + true -> [self assertSucceeded]. + false -> [self assertCanceled] }. + self - shouldRaise: UndefinedVariable; compiling: 'griffle [ | goo | ^ goo ] value' + shouldRaise: UndefinedVariable + andSelect: [(text allRangesOfRegexMatches: '(?<=\^ )goo') first] + testing: { + true -> [self assertSucceeded]. + false -> [self assertCanceled] }.! - shouldRaise: UndefinedVariable! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>testUnknownSelector (in category 'tests') ----- testUnknownSelector + - self + compiling: 'griffle self ' , self unknownSelector + shouldRaise: UnknownSelector + andSelect: self unknownSelector + testing: { + false -> [self assertCanceled]. + 'yourself' -> [self assertSucceeded: 'griffle self yourself']. + self unknownSelector -> [ + self assertSucceeded. + self assert: (Symbol hasInterned: self unknownSelector ifTrue: [:symbol |]). + Symbol extern: self unknownSelector] }. + self + compiling: 'griffle [ self ' , self unknownSelector , ' ] value' + shouldRaise: UnknownSelector + andSelect: self unknownSelector + testing: { + false -> [self assertCanceled]. + 'yourself' -> [self assertSucceeded: 'griffle [ self yourself ] value']. + self unknownSelector -> [ + self assertSucceeded. + self assert: (Symbol hasInterned: self unknownSelector ifTrue: [:symbol |])] }.! - compiling: 'griffle self reallyHopeThisIsntImplementedAnywhere' - shouldRaise: UnknownSelector; - compiling: 'griffle [ self reallyHopeThisIsntImplementedAnywhere ] value' - shouldRaise: UnknownSelector! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>testUnusedVariable (in category 'tests') ----- testUnusedVariable self compiling: 'griffle | goo | ^nil' + shouldRaise: UnusedVariable + andSelect: [self text] + testing: { + [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled]. + false -> [self assertSucceeded]. + true -> [self assertSucceeded: 'griffle\s*\^nil' asRegex] }. + self - shouldRaise: UnusedVariable; compiling: 'griffle ^[ | goo | ]' + shouldRaise: UnusedVariable + andSelect: [self text] + testing: { + [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled]. + false -> [self assertSucceeded]. + true -> [self assertSucceeded: 'griffle \^\[\s*\]' asRegex] }.! - shouldRaise: UnusedVariable! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompilerExceptionsTest>>unknownSelector (in category 'private') ----- + unknownSelector + + ^ 'yourrsellff'! Item was added: + ----- Method: Symbol class>>extern: (in category '*Tests-release') ----- + extern: aStringOrSymbol + + {NewSymbols. SymbolTable} do: [:table | + table remove: aStringOrSymbol ifAbsent: []].! |
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