Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tests-eem.375.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tests-eem.375
Author: eem
Time: 3 April 2017, 4:00:50.101733 pm
UUID: df4cfe45-7986-49dd-85e7-cf2ba01055f2
Ancestors: Tests-eem.374
Fix a regression in the DecompilerTests when running in the context of the entire test suite.
=============== Diff against Tests-eem.374 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DecompilerTests>>classNames (in category 'utilities') -----
"A list of the classes in most of the base packages; excluding EToys arbitrarily for now"
^Smalltalk globals allClassesAndTraits
#( 'Balloon'
'Chronology' 'Collections' 'CommandLine' 'Compiler' 'Compression'
'Environments' 'Exceptions'
'GetText' 'Graphics' 'Help-' 'HelpSystem-'
'Kernel-' 'KernelTests-'
'Morphic-' 'MorphicExtras-' 'MorphicExtrasTests-' 'MorphicTests-'
'Multilingual' 'MultilingualTests'
'Nebraska' 'Network' 'NetworkTests'
'PackageInfo-Base' 'PreferenceBrowser' 'Protocols'
'SMBase' 'SMLoader' 'ST80' 'ST80Tests' 'ST80Tools' 'SUnit' 'ScriptLoader' 'Services-Base' 'Shout'
'Sound' 'Squeak-Version' 'SqueakSSL' 'System'
'Tests' 'ToolBuilder' 'Tools' 'Traits' 'TrueType'
'Universes' 'UpdateStream' 'VersionNumber'
'XML-') anySatisfy:
+ classOrTrait category ifNil: [false] ifNotNil: [:cat| cat beginsWith: packageRoot]]]
- classOrTrait category beginsWith: packageRoot]]
[:classOrTrait| classOrTrait name]!