Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tests-eem.389.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tests-eem.389
Author: eem
Time: 23 December 2017, 2:56:56.034589 pm
UUID: 2a2295d5-c146-4bd0-8082-b57e86c617a4
Ancestors: Tests-eem.388
Reenable the ImageSegmentTest if the VM is mature enough.
=============== Diff against Tests-eem.388 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ImageSegmentTest class>>testSelectors (in category 'Accessing') -----
+ (Smalltalk isRunningSpur
+ and: [Smalltalk vmVMMakerVersion < 2295]) ifTrue:
+ "The ImageSegment Test is known to not work on older Spur VMs
+ with the prospect of crashing. #expectedFailures does not cut it here;
+ don't even try to run them"
+ [^#()].
+ ^super testSelectors!
- Smalltalk isRunningSpur ifTrue: [
- "The ImageSegment Test is known to not work on SPUR VMs
- with the prospect of crashing. #expectedFailure does not cut it here,
- don't even try to run them"
- ^ #()].
- ^ super testSelectors!