The Trunk: Tests-eem.85.mcz

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The Trunk: Tests-eem.85.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-eem.85
Author: eem
Time: 17 July 2010, 5:16:01.983 pm
UUID: c6df7edd-c322-48b5-ac1f-44df117a3392
Ancestors: Tests-ar.84

Update the hex tests to document the reverted old behaviour of hex required by the Cog VMMaker (i.e. that hex prints with the base prefix 16r).

=============== Diff against Tests-ar.84 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HexTest>>testIntegerHex (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ | result |
+ result := 15 asInteger hex.
+ self assert: result = '16rF'.
+ result := 0 asInteger hex.
+ self assert: result = '16r0'.
+ result := 255 asInteger hex.
+ self assert: result = '16rFF'.
+ result := 90 asInteger hex.
+ self assert: result = '16r5A'!
- | result |
- result _ 15 asInteger hex.
- self assert: result = '0F'.
- result _ 0 asInteger hex.
- self assert: result = '00'.
- result _ 255 asInteger hex.
- self assert: result = 'FF'.
- result _ 90 asInteger hex.
- self assert: result = '5A'.
- !