Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tests-eem.96.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tests-eem.96 Author: eem Time: 9 October 2010, 5:50:13.075 pm UUID: 8800404e-9468-4032-bee6-fe8400f7334a Ancestors: Tests-eem.95 Reduce DecompilerTest failures to three legitimate failures. Do so by restricting tests to base classes in 4.1, by using deocmpileWithTempNames: to eliminate temp orderig issues, and by adding a few expected failures (but eliminating many more). The expected failures are due to incorrect printing of Array literals containing literal characters that have a name (Character space), and of decmpiling whiles that modify their limit as to:do:. =============== Diff against Tests-eem.95 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>assert:description:resumable: (in category 'accessing') ----- assert: aBoolean description: aString resumable: resumableBoolean aBoolean ifFalse: [failures isNil ifTrue: [failures := OrderedCollection new]. + failures addLast: (thisContext sender home tempAt: 1) methodReference]! - failures addLast: (thisContext sender tempAt: 1) methodReference]! Item was added: + ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>checkDecompileMethod: (in category 'utilities') ----- + checkDecompileMethod: oldMethod + + [^super checkDecompileMethod: oldMethod] + on: SyntaxErrorNotification + do: [:ex| + self assert: false + description: 'syntax error' + resumable: true].! Item was added: + ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>computeFailures (in category 'accessing') ----- + computeFailures + (DecompilerTests organization listAtCategoryNamed: #tests) do: + [:s| + (s beginsWith: 'testDecompilerInClasses') ifTrue: + [self perform: s]]. + ^failures! Item was added: + ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>isFailure:sel: (in category 'accessing') ----- + isFailure: cls sel: selector + ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>blockingClasses (in category 'utilities') ----- - blockingClasses - - - ^ #(CompiledMethod)! Item was changed: ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>checkDecompileMethod: (in category 'utilities') ----- checkDecompileMethod: oldMethod | cls selector oldMethodNode methodNode newMethod oldCodeString newCodeString | cls := oldMethod methodClass. selector := oldMethod selector. + oldMethodNode := (cls decompilerClass new withTempNames: oldMethod methodNode schematicTempNamesString) - oldMethodNode := cls decompilerClass new decompile: selector in: cls method: oldMethod. [oldMethodNode properties includesKey: #warning] whileTrue: [oldMethodNode properties removeKey: #warning]. oldCodeString := oldMethodNode decompileString. methodNode := [cls compilerClass new compile: oldCodeString in: cls notifying: nil ifFail: []] on: SyntaxErrorNotification do: [:ex| ex errorMessage = 'Cannot store into' ifTrue: [ex return: #badStore]. ex pass]. "Ignore cannot store into block arg errors; they're not our issue." methodNode ~~ #badStore ifTrue: [newMethod := methodNode generate. + newCodeString := ((cls decompilerClass new withTempNames: methodNode schematicTempNamesString) - newCodeString := (cls decompilerClass new decompile: selector in: cls method: newMethod) decompileString. "(StringHolder new textContents: (TextDiffBuilder buildDisplayPatchFrom: oldCodeString to: newCodeString)) openLabel: 'Decompilation Differences for ', cls name,'>>',selector" "(StringHolder new textContents: (TextDiffBuilder buildDisplayPatchFrom: oldMethod abstractSymbolic to: newMethod abstractSymbolic)) openLabel: 'Bytecode Differences for ', cls name,'>>',selector" self assert: oldCodeString = newCodeString description: cls name asString, ' ', selector asString resumable: true]! Item was added: + ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>classNames (in category 'utilities') ----- + classNames + | base41packageCategories classNames | + "(SystemOrganization categories collect: [:ea| (ea copyUpTo: $-) asString]) asSet asSortedCollection asArray" + base41packageCategories := + #( '311Deprecated' + 'Balloon' + 'Collections' 'CollectionsTests' 'Compiler' 'Compression' + 'Etoys' 'Exceptions' + 'Files' + 'Graphics' 'GraphicsTests' + 'Help' 'HelpSystem' + 'Installer' + 'Kernel' 'KernelTests' + 'Monticello' 'MonticelloConfigurations' 'Morphic' 'MorphicExtras' 'MorphicTests' 'Multilingual' 'MultilingualTests' + 'Nebraska' 'Network' 'NetworkTests' + 'PackageInfo' 'PreferenceBrowser' 'Protocols' + 'ReleaseBuilder' + 'SMBase' 'SMLoader' 'ST80' 'SUnit' 'SUnitGUI' 'ScriptLoader' 'Services' 'ShoutCore' 'Simulation' 'Sound' 'System' 'SystemChangeNotification' + 'Tests' 'ToolBuilder' 'Tools' 'ToolsTests' 'Traits' 'TraitsTests' 'TrueType' + 'Universes' + 'VersionNumber' 'VersionNumberTests' + 'XML') asSet. + classNames := Set new. + SystemOrganization categories do: + [:cat| + (base41packageCategories includes: (cat copyUpTo: $-) asString) ifTrue: + [classNames addAll: (SystemOrganization listAtCategoryNamed: cat)]]. + ^classNames asSortedCollection! Item was changed: ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>decompileClassesSelect: (in category 'utilities') ----- decompileClassesSelect: aBlock + + (self classNames select: aBlock) do: - - (Smalltalk classNames select: aBlock) do: [:cn | | cls | cls := Smalltalk globals at: cn. + cls selectorsAndMethodsDo: - cls selectorsAndMethodsDo: [:selector :meth | (self isFailure: cls sel: selector) ifFalse: + [self checkDecompileMethod: meth]]]! - [" to help making progress - (self - isStoredProblems: cls theNonMetaClass - sel: selector - meta: cls isMeta) - ifFalse: [ " - self checkDecompileMethod: meth]]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>decompileStringForParseTree: (in category 'utilities') ----- + decompileStringForParseTree: aMethodNode + "Renumber the temps in the tree in parse tree order to eliminate that as a source of extraneous difference." + | visited count counter | + visited := IdentitySet new. + count := 0. + counter := [:temp| + (visited includes: temp) ifFalse: + [temp name: 't', (count := count + 1) printString. + visited add: temp]]. + aMethodNode nodesDo: + [:node| + (node == aMethodNode or: [node isBlockNode and: [node optimized not]]) ifTrue: + [node arguments do: counter]. + node isTemp ifTrue: + [counter value: node]]. + + aMethodNode nodesDo: + [:node| + (node == aMethodNode or: [node isBlockNode and: [node optimized not]]) ifTrue: + [node temporaries do: counter. + node temporaries: (node temporaries asSortedCollection: ParseNode tempSortBlock) asArray]]. + ^aMethodNode decompileString! Item was changed: ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>decompilerFailures (in category 'utilities') ----- decompilerFailures + "Here is the list of failures: either a syntax error, a hard error or some failure to decompile correctly. + Collected via + DecompilerTestFailuresCollector new computeFailures collect: + [:mr| { mr classSymbol. mr selector }]) asArray" - "here is the list of failures: DNU resulting in trying to decompile the following methods" + ^#( (BrowserCommentTextMorph showPane) + (ClassDescription replaceSilently:to:) + (CodeHolder getSelectorAndSendQuery:to:with:) - ^ #((AdditionalMethodState at:ifAbsent:) - (AdditionalMethodState at:ifAbsentPut:) - (AdditionalMethodState at:put:) - (AdditionalMethodState hasLiteralSuchThat:) - (AdditionalMethodState hasLiteralThorough:) - (AdditionalMethodState includesProperty:) - (AdditionalMethodState keysAndValuesDo:) - (AdditionalMethodState pragmas) - (AdditionalMethodState properties) - (AdditionalMethodState propertyKeysAndValuesDo:) - (AdditionalMethodState propertyValueAt:ifAbsent:) - (AdditionalMethodState removeKey:ifAbsent:) - (AdditionalMethodState setMethod:) - (BalloonEngineSimulation circleCosTable "-0.3826834323650903 => -0.38268343236509 or -0.3826834323650902") - (BalloonEngineSimulation circleSinTable "-0.3826834323650903 => -0.38268343236509 or -0.3826834323650902") - (BlockNode emitCodeExceptLast:encoder:) - (BlockNode sizeCodeExceptLast:) - (Categorizer changeFromCategorySpecs:) - (Categorizer elementCategoryDict) - (ChatNotes storeAIFFOnFile:) - (ClosureTests testToDoInsideTemp) - (Command veryDeepFixupWith:) - (CompiledMethod =) - (CompiledMethod allEmbeddedBlockMethods) - (CompiledMethod embeddedBlockMethods) - (CompiledMethod getPreambleFrom:at:) - (CompiledMethod hasLiteralSuchThat:) - (CompiledMethod hasLiteralThorough:) - (CompiledMethod sameTraitCodeAs:) (Date printOn:) + (FileDirectory checkForReadability) - (DependencyBrowser computePackageDependencies:) - (EventSensor eventTickler) (Float printPaddedWith:to:) + (GIFReadWriter nextImageWithPlugin) - (FMSound mixSampleCount:into:startingAt:leftVol:rightVol:) - (Form preMultiplyAlpha) - (FTPClient getDataInto:) - (GeniePlugin primSameClassAbsoluteStrokeDistanceMyPoints:otherPoints:myVectors:otherVectors:mySquaredLengths:otherSquaredLengths:myAngles:otherAngles:maxSizeAndReferenceFlag:rowBase:rowInsertRemove:rowInsertRemoveCount: "Cannot compile -- stack including temps is too deep") - (GZipReadStream on:from:to:) - (GraphMorph drawDataOn:) (HttpUrl checkAuthorization:retry:) + (MCConfigurationBrowser post) + (MailComposition breakLinesInMessage:) + (MVCToolBuilder setLayout:in:) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks" + (ParagraphEditor inOutdent:delta:) - (Integer asBytesDescription) - (IntegerTest testNumberOfDigits) - (IntegerTest testPrintStringBase) - (JPEGReadWriter decodeBlockInto:component:dcTable:acTable:) - (LoopedSampledSound mixSampleCount:into:startingAt:leftVol:rightVol:) - (MessageTally treePrintOn:tabs:thisTab:total:totalTime:tallyExact:orThreshold:) - (MessageTrace selectAllBetweenAnchorAnd:) - (MethodPragmaTest testCompileCharacter) - (MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream next:) - (MultiByteFileStream next:) - (MVCProject textWindows) - (MVCToolBuilder setLayout:in:) - (NewParagraph selectionRectsFrom:to:) - (PackageDependencyTest testPackage:dependsExactlyOn:) - (PasteUpMorph dropFiles:) - (Player veryDeepFixupWith:) - (PluggableTabButtonMorph calculateArcLengths) - (PluggableTabButtonMorph drawTabOn:) - (PluckedSound reset) (PNGReadWriter copyPixelsGray:) + (PointTest testNormal) "fraction printing??" + (PointTest testTheta) "fraction printing??" + (ScaledDecimalTest testConvertFromFraction) "local/non-local temps" + (StandardScriptingSystem holderWithAlphabet) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks" + (SystemWindow convertAlignment) + (TextEditor inOutdent:delta:) - (PNGReadWriter processInterlaced) - (PNMReadWriter nextPutRGB:) - (PNMReadWriter nextPutBW:reverse:) - (PNMReadWriter readBWreverse:) - (PNMReadWriter readGray) - (PNMReadWriter readPlainRGB) - (PNMReadWriter writeHeader:) - (PointTest testTheta) - (PopUpMenu readKeyboard) - (PostscriptCanvas outlineQuadraticBezierShape:) - (QPickable2D pick:) "foo ifTrue: [^bar] ifFalse: [^baz]. ^huh?" - (QUsersPane userEntryCompare:to:) "foo ifTrue: [^bar] ifFalse: [^baz]. ^huh?" - (RelativeInstructionPrinter print:) - (RemoteHandMorph appendNewDataToReceiveBuffer) - (ScaledDecimalTest testConvertFromFraction) - (SHMCClassDefinition allInstVarNames) - (SHMCClassDefinition withAllSuperclasses) - (ShortIntegerArray writeOn:) - (SHParserST80 isBinary) - (StandardScriptingSystem holderWithAlphabet) - (StrikeFontSet displayStringR2L:on:from:to:at:kern:) - (String howManyMatch:) - (String keywords) - (StringTest testWthNoLineLongerThan) - (SyntaxMorph replaceKeyWord:menuItem:) - (SyntaxMorph replaceSel:menuItem:) - (TextDiffBuilder lcsFor:and:) (TextURL actOnClickFor:) + (TTContourConstruction segmentsDo:) "Worth fixing; these two are mistaken conversion from a whileTrue: to a to:do: but the index is used outside the whileTrue:" + (TTFontReader processHorizontalMetricsTable:length:))! - (TShaderProgram vertexStrings) "foo ifTrue: []. => foo. => ." - (TShaderProgram fragmentStrings) "foo ifTrue: []. => foo. => ." - (TTContourConstruction segmentsDo:) "out of scope variable" - (TTCFontReader processCharacterMappingTable:) - (TTFileDescription getGlyphFlagsFrom:size:) - (TTFileDescription processCharacterMappingTable:) - (TTFontReader getGlyphFlagsFrom:size:) - (TTFontReader processCharacterMappingTable:) - (TTFontReader processHorizontalMetricsTable:length:) - (TWindow zoomWindow:) "foo ifTrue: [^bar] ifFalse: [^baz]. ^huh?" - (WaveEditor showEnvelope) - (WeakSet scanForLoadedSymbol:) - - "(PNMReadWriter nextImage) (Collection #ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty:) (Collection #ifEmpty:) (Collection #ifNotEmpty:ifEmpty:) (Text #alignmentAt:ifAbsent:) (ObjectWithDocumentation propertyAt:ifAbsent:)")! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMethodDefinitionTest>>override (in category 'mocks') ----- override ^ 1! |
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