The Trunk: Tests-fbs.217.mcz

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The Trunk: Tests-fbs.217.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-fbs.217
Author: fbs
Time: 21 May 2013, 10:56:07.474 pm
UUID: 3c35b7ed-a8fe-4b2d-ae22-3562d5c31344
Ancestors: Tests-fbs.216

MethodReference new setStandardClass: foo methodSymbol: bar -> MethodReference class: foo selector: bar.

=============== Diff against Tests-fbs.216 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCDirtyPackageInfo>>methods (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  ^ MCMockClassA selectors
  select: [:ea | ea beginsWith: 'ordinal']
  [:ea |
+ MethodReference
+ class: MCMockClassA
+ selector: ea].!
- MethodReference new
- setStandardClass: MCMockClassA
- methodSymbol: ea].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCMockPackageInfo>>extensionMethods (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ ^ Array with: (MethodReference
+ class: MCSnapshotTest
+ selector: #mockClassExtension)!
- ^ Array with: (MethodReference new
- setStandardClass: MCSnapshotTest
- methodSymbol: #mockClassExtension)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PCCByCompilation>>methodsWithDisabledCall (in category 'ui querying') -----
  "Answer a SortedCollection of all the methods that contain, in source  
  code, the substring indicating a disabled prim."
  "The alternative implementation  
  ^ SystemNavigation new allMethodsWithSourceString: self disabledPrimStartString
  matchCase: true  
  also searches in class comments."
  | list string |
  string := self disabledPrimStartString.
  list := Set new.
  'Searching all method source code...'
  displayProgressFrom: 0
  to: Smalltalk classNames size * 2 "classes with their metaclasses"
  during: [:bar | | classCount |
  classCount := 0.
  SystemNavigation default
  allBehaviorsDo: [:class |
  bar value: (classCount := classCount + 1).
  selectorsDo: [:sel |
  | src |
  "higher priority to avoid source file accessing  
  src := [class sourceCodeAt: sel]
  valueAt: self higherPriority.
  findString: string
  startingAt: 1
  caseSensitive: true) > 0
  ifTrue: [sel isDoIt ifFalse: [
+ list add: (MethodReference class: class selector: sel)]]]]].
- list add: (MethodReference new setStandardClass: class methodSymbol: sel)]]]]].
  ^ list asSortedCollection!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstract>>changeCallMethod:class:enable: (in category 'private user interface') -----
  changeCallMethod: selector class: classOrSymbol enable: enableFlag
  "Enables disabled or disables enabled external prim call by recompiling  
  method with prim call taken from comment."
  | methodRef |
+ methodRef := MethodReference
+ class: (classOrSymbol isSymbol
- methodRef := MethodReference new
- setStandardClass: (classOrSymbol isSymbol
  ifTrue: [Smalltalk at: classOrSymbol]
  ifFalse: [classOrSymbol])
+ selector: selector.
- methodSymbol: selector.
  ifTrue: [self enableCallIn: methodRef]
  ifFalse: [self disableCallIn: methodRef]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstract>>methodsWithCallForClass:enabled: (in category 'private user interface') -----
  methodsWithCallForClass: class enabled: enabledFlag
  ^ class selectors
+ collect: [:sel | MethodReference class: class selector: sel]
- collect: [:sel | MethodReference new setStandardClass: class methodSymbol: sel]
  thenSelect: (enabledFlag
  ifNil: [[:mRef | self existsCallIn: mRef]]
  ifNotNil: [enabledFlag
  ifTrue: [[:mRef | self existsEnabledCallIn: mRef]]
  ifFalse: [[:mRef | self existsDisabledCallIn: mRef]]])!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstract>>methodsWithFailedCallForClass: (in category 'ui querying') -----
  methodsWithFailedCallForClass: class
  ^ class selectors
+ collect: [:sel | MethodReference class: class selector: sel]
- collect: [:sel | MethodReference new setStandardClass: class methodSymbol: sel]
  thenSelect: [:mRef | self existsFailedCallIn: mRef]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>disabledCallRefs (in category 'helper') -----
  ^ self disabledCallSelectors
+ collect: [:sel | MethodReference class: self class selector: sel]!
- collect: [:sel | MethodReference new setStandardClass: self class methodSymbol: sel]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>enabledCallRefs (in category 'helper') -----
  ^ self enabledCallSelectors
+ collect: [:sel | MethodReference class: self class selector: sel]!
- collect: [:sel | MethodReference new setStandardClass: self class methodSymbol: sel]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>failedCallRef (in category 'constants') -----
+ ^ MethodReference class: self class selector: self failedCallSelector!
- ^ MethodReference new setStandardClass: self class methodSymbol: self failedCallSelector!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>methodRefsToExampleModule (in category 'constants') -----
  ^ self methodSelectorsToExampleModule
+ collect: [:sym | MethodReference class: self class selector: sym]!
- collect: [:sym | MethodReference new setStandardClass: self class methodSymbol: sym]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>noExternalCallRef (in category 'constants') -----
+ ^ MethodReference class: self class selector: self noExternalCallSelector!
- ^ MethodReference new setStandardClass: self class methodSymbol: self noExternalCallSelector!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>singularCallRef (in category 'constants') -----
+ ^ MethodReference class: self class selector: self singularCallSelector!
- ^ MethodReference new setStandardClass: self class methodSymbol: self singularCallSelector!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>wrongCallRef (in category 'constants') -----
+ ^ MethodReference class: self class selector: #nonExistingCall!
- ^ MethodReference new setStandardClass: self class methodSymbol: #nonExistingCall!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>wrongClassRef (in category 'constants') -----
+ ^ MethodReference class: Integer selector: self methodSelectorsToExampleModule first!
- ^ MethodReference new setStandardClass: Integer methodSymbol: self methodSelectorsToExampleModule first!