The Trunk: Tests-fbs.262.mcz

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The Trunk: Tests-fbs.262.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-fbs.262
Author: fbs
Time: 5 November 2013, 11:11:11.449 pm
UUID: a2f38f3a-e82e-a244-a13b-54fe7c22d6ab
Ancestors: Tests-fbs.261

More #shouldnt:raise: Error removals.

A lot of the time one line says "shouldnt: [foo := bar baz] raise: Error" which makes as much sense as "foo := bar baz" only it's less readable.

=============== Diff against Tests-fbs.261 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testDrawingWayOutside (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb f2 |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  f2 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb sourceForm: f2.
  bb destOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
  bb width: 100; height: 100.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testDrawingWayOutside2 (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb f2 |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  f2 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb sourceForm: f2.
  bb destOrigin: 0@0.
  bb width: SmallInteger maxVal squared; height: SmallInteger maxVal squared.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.!
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testDrawingWayOutside3 (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb f2 |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  f2 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb sourceForm: f2.
  bb destOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
  bb width: SmallInteger maxVal squared; height: SmallInteger maxVal squared.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testDrawingWayOutside4 (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb f2 |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  f2 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb sourceForm: f2.
  bb destOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
  bb width: 100; height: 100.
  bb sourceOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testDrawingWayOutside5 (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb f2 |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  f2 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb sourceForm: f2.
  bb destOrigin: 0@0.
  bb width: SmallInteger maxVal squared; height: SmallInteger maxVal squared.
  bb sourceOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.!
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testDrawingWayOutside6 (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb f2 |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  f2 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb sourceForm: f2.
  bb destOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
  bb width: SmallInteger maxVal squared; height: SmallInteger maxVal squared.
  bb sourceOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testFillingWayOutside (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb fillColor: Color black.
  bb destOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
  bb width: 100; height: 100.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testFillingWayOutside2 (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb fillColor: Color black.
  bb destOrigin: 0@0.
  bb width: SmallInteger maxVal squared; height: SmallInteger maxVal squared.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.!
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BitBltClipBugs>>testFillingWayOutside3 (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | f1 bb |
  f1 := Form extent: 100@100 depth: 1.
  bb := BitBlt toForm: f1.
  bb combinationRule: 3.
  bb fillColor: Color black.
  bb destOrigin: SmallInteger maxVal squared asPoint.
  bb width: SmallInteger maxVal squared; height: SmallInteger maxVal squared.
+ "This should not throw an exception:"
+ bb copyBits.
- self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>testBlockDoitDecompilation (in category 'tests') -----
  "Tests that decompile of a doit block with remote vars executes correcly"
  "Tests that decompilation of a Block, when 'method' of block is equivalent to that compiled by a DoIt, preserves the temp names "
  |blockSourceStream methodNode compiledMethod block decompiledBlock|
  blockSourceStream := '|x y| [:a :b | x := a. y := b. x + y]' readStream.
  methodNode := nil class evaluatorClass new
  compileNoPattern: blockSourceStream in: nil class notifying: nil ifFail: [nil]..
  compiledMethod := methodNode generateWithTempNames.
  block := nil withArgs: #() executeMethod: compiledMethod.
+ decompiledBlock := block decompile.
- self shouldnt: [decompiledBlock := block decompile] raise: Error.
  self assert: '{[:a :b |
  x := a.
  y := b.
  x + y]}' equals: decompiledBlock printString

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClosureTests>>testCopyNonLocalReturn (in category 'testing') -----
+ "This should not fail."
+ self methodWithNonLocalReturn!
- self
- shouldnt: [self methodWithNonLocalReturn]
- raise: Error!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompilerTest>>testMaxLiterals (in category 'limits') -----
  "Document the maximum number of literals in a compiled method"
  | maxLiterals stringThatCanBeCompiled stringWithOneTooManyLiterals |
  maxLiterals := 249.
  stringThatCanBeCompiled := '{ ', (String streamContents: [:strm |
  1 to: maxLiterals do: [:e | strm nextPutAll: '''', e asString, '''', ' . ']]), '}'.
  stringWithOneTooManyLiterals := '{ ', (String streamContents: [:strm |
  1 to: maxLiterals + 1 do: [:e | strm nextPutAll: '''', e asString, '''', ' . ']]), '}'.
+ self assert: ((1 to: 249) asArray collect: #printString) equals: (Compiler evaluate: stringThatCanBeCompiled logged: false).
- self shouldnt: [Compiler evaluate: stringThatCanBeCompiled logged: false] raise: Error.
  self should: (Compiler evaluate: stringThatCanBeCompiled logged: false) size = maxLiterals.
  "If the following test fails, it means that the limit has been raised or eliminated,
  and this test should be updated to reflect the improvement."
  self should: [Compiler evaluate: stringWithOneTooManyLiterals logged: false] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompilerTest>>testMaxLiteralsWithClassReferenceInClosure (in category 'limits') -----
  "Document the maximum number of literals in a compiled method. A class
  reference in a closure reduces the maximum literals."
  | maxLiterals stringThatCanBeCompiled stringWithOneTooManyLiterals |
  maxLiterals := 244.
  stringThatCanBeCompiled := '[ DateAndTime now. Date today. Time ]. { ',
  (String streamContents: [:strm |
  1 to: maxLiterals do: [:e | strm nextPutAll: '''', e asString, '''', ' . ']]), '}'.
  stringWithOneTooManyLiterals := '[ DateAndTime now. Date today. Time ]. { ',
  (String streamContents: [:strm |
  1 to: maxLiterals + 1 do: [:e | strm nextPutAll: '''', e asString, '''', ' . ']]), '}'.
+ self assert: maxLiterals equals: (Compiler evaluate: stringThatCanBeCompiled logged: false) size.
- self shouldnt: [Compiler evaluate: stringThatCanBeCompiled logged: false] raise: Error.
- self should: (Compiler evaluate: stringThatCanBeCompiled logged: false) size = maxLiterals.
  "If the following test fails, it means that the limit has been raised or eliminated,
  and this test should be updated to reflect the improvement."
  self should: [Compiler evaluate: stringWithOneTooManyLiterals logged: false] raise: Error.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompilerTest>>testToDoModifiesTheLimit (in category 'testing') -----
  "This is a non regression test for
  When blocks writes into to:do: loop limit, optimization shall be carried with care."
+ assert: 4
+ equals:
- shouldnt:
  [ | n |
  n := 2.
  1 to: n do: [:i | (n := n+1)>10 ifTrue: [self error: 'Should not get here']].
+ n] value.
- n]
- raise: Error.
+ assert: 4
+ equals:
- assert:
  [ | n |
  n := 2.
- 1 to: n do: [:i | (n := n+1)>10 ifTrue: [self error: 'Should not get here']].
- n] value = 4.
- self
- assert:
- [ | n |
- n := 2.
  1 to: n by: 1 do: [:i | (n := n+1)>10 ifTrue: [self error: 'Should not get here']].
+ n] value.
- n] value = 4.
+ assert: 4
+ equals:
- assert:
  [ | n inc |
  n := 2.
  inc := 1.
  1 to: n by: inc do: [:i | (n := n+1)>10 ifTrue: [self error: 'Should not get here']].
+ n] value.!
- n] value = 4!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>testDecompileAnswerToDoLoop (in category 'tests') -----
  "This is a non regression test for Compiler-nice.224."
  "DecompilerTests new testDecompileAnswerToDoLoop"
  | sourceCode mn decompiledCode  |
  sourceCode := '^nil to: 3 do: [:i| i class]'.
+ mn := self class newCompiler compileNoPattern: sourceCode in: self class notifying: nil ifFail: [self error: 'failed'].
+ decompiledCode := mn generateWithTempNames decompileWithTemps asString.
- self
- shouldnt: [mn := self class newCompiler compileNoPattern: sourceCode in: self class notifying: nil ifFail: [self error: 'failed']]
- raise: Error.
- self
- shouldnt: [decompiledCode := mn generateWithTempNames decompileWithTemps asString]
- raise: Error.
  "This to avoid getting fooled by changes in decompilation due to code formatting preferences."
  decompiledCode := decompiledCode copyReplaceAll: {Character cr. Character tab. Character tab } with: ' '.
  decompiledCode := decompiledCode copyReplaceAll: '^ ' with: '^'.
  decompiledCode := decompiledCode copyReplaceAll: ' |' with: '|'.
  assert: (decompiledCode endsWith: sourceCode)
  description: 'decompilation should match source'.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>testDecompileLoopWithMovingLimit (in category 'tests') -----
  "This is a non regression test for"
  | decompiledCode sourceCode |
  sourceCode := 'loopWithMovingLimit
  "This loop might be decompiled as a to:do: but should not because it does modify its limit"
  | n i |
  n := 4.
  i := 1.
  [i <= n] whileTrue: [
  n := n - 1.
  i := i + 1].
+ self class compile: sourceCode.
+ self assert: (self class includesSelector: #loopWithMovingLimit).
+ self assert: 2 equals: (self perform: #loopWithMovingLimit).
+ decompiledCode := self class decompile: #loopWithMovingLimit.
+ self class compile: decompiledCode decompileString.
+ assert: 2
+ equals: (self perform: #loopWithMovingLimit)
- shouldnt: [self class compile: sourceCode]
- raise: Error.
- self assert: (self perform: #loopWithMovingLimit) = 2.
- self
- shouldnt: [decompiledCode := self class decompile: #loopWithMovingLimit]
- raise: Error.
- self
- shouldnt: [self class compile: decompiledCode decompileString]
- raise: Error.
- self
- assert: (self perform: #loopWithMovingLimit) = 2
  description: 'result from decompiledCode should not differ from sourceCode'.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>testDecompileUnreachableParameter (in category 'failing decompile tests') -----
  "The call to #value: is unreachable because both blocks in the #ifTrue:ifFalse: send force a return."
+ [self value: (true ifTrue: [^true] ifFalse: [^false])] decompile.!
- self shouldnt: [[self value: (true ifTrue: [^true] ifFalse: [^false])] decompile] raise: Error.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>testRemoteTemp (in category 'tests') -----
  | aBlock |
  aBlock := Compiler evaluate: '| x y |  [:a :b | x := a. y := b. x+y]'.
+ "This should not fail."
+ aBlock decompile
- self shouldnt: [aBlock decompile] raise: Error

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExpandedSourceFileArrayTest>>testSourcePointerFromFileIndexAndPosition (in category 'testing') -----
  "Test valid input ranges"
  | sf |
  sf := ExpandedSourceFileArray new.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 0 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 0 andPosition: 3] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: -1] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r2000000] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 3 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 4 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
+ self assert: 16r1000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 0).
+ self assert: 16r1000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r13).
+ self assert: 16r1FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
+ self assert: 16r2000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 0).
+ self assert: 16r2000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r13).
+ self assert: 16r2FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
+ self assert: 16r3000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000000).
+ self assert: 16r3000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000013).
+ self assert: 16r3FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF).
+ self assert: 16r4000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000000).
+ self assert: 16r4000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000013).
+ self assert: 16r4FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF).
+ self assert: 16r5000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r2000000).!
- self assert: 16r1000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 0).
- self assert: 16r1000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r13).
- self assert: 16r1FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
- self assert: 16r2000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 0).
- self assert: 16r2000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r13).
- self assert: 16r2FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
- self assert: 16r3000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000000).
- self assert: 16r3000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000013).
- self assert: 16r3FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF).
- self assert: 16r4000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000000).
- self assert: 16r4000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000013).
- self assert: 16r4FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF)
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HandBugs>>testTargetPoint (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  "self new testTargetPoint"
  "self run: #testTargetPoint"
+ "This should not throw an exception."
+ ActiveHand targetPoint
- self shouldnt: [ ActiveHand targetPoint ] raise: Error .

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ImageSegmentTest>>testImageSegmentsShouldBeWritableToaFile (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ "This should not throw an exception"
+ ImageSegment new
- self shouldnt: [
- ImageSegment new
  copyFromRoots: (Array with: TestCase) sizeHint: 100;
  writeToFile: 'TestCase';
+ yourself.
+ "TODO: write assertions showing that something meaningful actually happened."!
- yourself] raise: Error.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LangEnvBugs>>testIsFontAvailable (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  "self new testIsFontAvailable"
  "self run: #testIsFontAvailable"
  | oldPref |
  oldPref := Preferences valueOfPreference: #tinyDisplay.
+ Preferences restoreFontsAfter: [
+ [Preferences enable: #tinyDisplay.
+ "This should not throw an exception."
+ (LanguageEnvironment localeID: 'en' ) isFontAvailable]
+ ensure: [Preferences setPreference: #tinyDisplay toValue: oldPref]].!
- Preferences restoreFontsAfter:[
- [Preferences enable: #tinyDisplay .
- self
- shouldnt:[(LanguageEnvironment localeID: 'en' ) isFontAvailable]
- raise: Error.
- ] ensure: [Preferences setPreference: #tinyDisplay toValue: oldPref].
- ].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSerializationTest>>assertExtensionProvidedBy: (in category 'asserting') -----
  assertExtensionProvidedBy: aClass
+ "This shouldn't raise an exception."
+ aClass readerClass extension.!
- self shouldnt: [aClass readerClass extension] raise: Exception.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowserTest>>testTextPane (in category 'testing') -----
+ "This shouldn't raise an exception."
+ self textMorph.!
- self shouldnt: [self textMorph] raise: Exception.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyTest>>testDoubleRepeatedMerge (in category 'tests') -----
  | base motherA1 motherA2 motherB1 motherB2 inst |
  <timeout: 30> "takes a little longer"
  base := self snapshot.
  self change: #a toReturn: 'a1'.
  motherA1 :=  self snapshot.
  self change: #c toReturn: 'c1'.
  motherA2 :=  self snapshot.
  self load: base.
  self change: #b toReturn: 'b1'.
  motherB1 :=  self snapshot.
  self change: #d toReturn: 'd1'.
  motherB2 :=  self snapshot.
  self load: base.
  self merge: motherA1.
  self merge: motherB1.
  self change: #a toReturn: 'a2'.
  self change: #b toReturn: 'b2'.
  self snapshot.
+ self merge: motherA2.
+ self merge: motherB2.
- self shouldnt: [self merge: motherA2] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [self merge: motherB2] raise: Error.
  inst := self mockInstanceA.
  self assert: inst a = 'a2'.
  self assert: inst b = 'b2'.
  self assert: inst c = 'c1'.
  self assert: inst d = 'd1'.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyTest>>testRedundantMerge (in category 'tests') -----
  | base |
  base :=  self snapshot.
  self merge: base.
+ "This shouldn't throw an exception"
+ self merge: base.!
- self shouldnt: [self merge: base] raise: Error.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyTest>>testRepeatedMerge (in category 'tests') -----
  | base mother1 mother2 inst |
  <timeout: 30> "takes a little longer"
  base :=  self snapshot.
  self change: #one toReturn: 2.
  mother1 :=  self snapshot.
  self change: #two toReturn: 3.
  mother2 :=  self snapshot.
  self load: base.
  self change: #truth toReturn: false.
  self snapshot.
  inst := self mockInstanceA.
  self assert: inst one = 1.
  self assert: inst two = 2.
  self merge: mother1.
  self assert: inst one = 2.
  self assert: inst two = 2.
  self change: #one toReturn: 7.
  self assert: inst one = 7.
  self assert: inst two = 2.
+ "This shouldn't raise an exception"
+ self merge: mother2.
- self shouldnt: [self merge: mother2] raise: Error.
  self assert: inst one = 7.
  self assert: inst two = 3.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PrimCallControllerAbstractTest>>testSwitchPrimCallOffOn (in category 'tests') -----
  | res |
  pcc disableCallInMethod: self realExternalCallOrPrimitiveFailedSelector class: self class.
  should: [self perform: self realExternalCallOrPrimitiveFailedSelector]
  raise: TestResult error.
  pcc enableCallInMethod: self realExternalCallOrPrimitiveFailedSelector class: self class.
+ res := self perform: self realExternalCallOrPrimitiveFailedSelector.
- self
- shouldnt: [res := self perform: self realExternalCallOrPrimitiveFailedSelector]
- raise: TestResult error.
  self assert: res isString!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StandardSourceFileArrayTest>>testSourcePointerFromFileIndexAndPosition (in category 'testing') -----
  "Test valid input ranges"
  | sf |
  sf := StandardSourceFileArray new.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 0 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 0 andPosition: 3] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: -1] raise: Error.
- self shouldnt: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r2000000] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 3 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
  self should: [sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 4 andPosition: 0] raise: Error.
+ self assert: 16r1000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 0).
+ self assert: 16r1000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r13).
+ self assert: 16r1FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
+ self assert: 16r2000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 0).
+ self assert: 16r2000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r13).
+ self assert: 16r2FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
+ self assert: 16r3000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000000).
+ self assert: 16r3000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000013).
+ self assert: 16r3FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF).
+ self assert: 16r4000000 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000000).
+ self assert: 16r4000013 equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000013).
+ self assert: 16r4FFFFFF equals: (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF).!
- self assert: 16r1000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 0).
- self assert: 16r1000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r13).
- self assert: 16r1FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
- self assert: 16r2000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 0).
- self assert: 16r2000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r13).
- self assert: 16r2FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16rFFFFFF).
- self assert: 16r3000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000000).
- self assert: 16r3000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1000013).
- self assert: 16r3FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 1 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF).
- self assert: 16r4000000 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000000).
- self assert: 16r4000013 = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1000013).
- self assert: 16r4FFFFFF = (sf sourcePointerFromFileIndex: 2 andPosition: 16r1FFFFFF)
- !