The Trunk: Tests-nice.253.mcz

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The Trunk: Tests-nice.253.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-nice.253
Author: nice
Time: 20 September 2013, 9:46:53.846 pm
UUID: d1fa080c-74c8-421c-baff-e6c0b87b119c
Ancestors: Tests-nice.252

Don't pass a category to a Compiler, classifying is not its job.
Also, avoid passing a nil context, that sounds superfluous.

=============== Diff against Tests-nice.252 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BlockLocalTemporariesRemovalTest>>assert:isChangedDuringParsingTo:withRemovalOfTemporariesNamed: (in category 'test helper') -----
  assert: someCode isChangedDuringParsingTo: someOtherCode withRemovalOfTemporariesNamed: someTempNames
  | failBlock |
  self sourceCode: someCode.
  failBlock := [self fail].
  [self class
  compile: self sourceCode
- classified: nil
  notifying: self
  trailer: self class defaultMethodTrailer
  ifFail: failBlock]
  on: UnusedVariable
  do: [:aNotification | aNotification
  openMenuIn: [:options :emptyCollection :someText |
  (someTempNames anySatisfy: [:tempName | someText startsWith: tempName])
  ifTrue: [aNotification resume: true]
  ifFalse: [aNotification resume: false]]].
  self assert: self sourceCode = someOtherCode!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>testBlockDoitDecompilation (in category 'tests') -----
  "Tests that decompile of a doit block with remote vars executes correcly"
  "Tests that decompilation of a Block, when 'method' of block is equivalent to that compiled by a DoIt, preserves the temp names "
  |blockSourceStream methodNode compiledMethod block decompiledBlock|
  blockSourceStream := '|x y| [:a :b | x := a. y := b. x + y]' readStream.
  methodNode := nil class evaluatorClass new
+ compileNoPattern: blockSourceStream in: nil class notifying: nil ifFail: [nil]..
- compileNoPattern: blockSourceStream in: nil class context: nil notifying: nil ifFail: [nil]..
  compiledMethod := methodNode generateWithTempNames.
  block := nil withArgs: #() executeMethod: compiledMethod.
  self shouldnt: [decompiledBlock := block decompile] raise: Error.
  self assert: '{[:a :b |
  x := a.
  y := b.
  x + y]}' equals: decompiledBlock printString

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>testDecompiledDoitMethodTempNames (in category 'tests') -----
  "self new testDecompiledDoitMethodTempNames"
  "Test that a decompiled doit that has been copied with temps decompiles to the input"
  | removeComments |
  removeComments := [:n| n comment: nil].
  self closureCases do:
  [:source| | mns m mps mnps |
  "Need to compare an ungenerated tree with the generated method's methodNode
  because generating code alters the tree when it introduces remote temp vectors."
  mns := #(first last) collect:
  source first isLetter
  [self class newCompiler
  compile: source
  in: self class
  notifying: nil
  ifFail: [self error: 'compilation error']]
  [self class newCompiler
  compileNoPattern: source
  in: self class
- context: nil
  notifying: nil
  ifFail: [self error: 'compilation error']]].
  m := (mns last generateWithTempNames).
  removeComments value: mns first.
  mns first nodesDo: removeComments.
  self assert: (mnps := mns first printString) = (mps := m methodNode printString)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>testMethodAndNodeTempNames (in category 'tests') -----
  "self new testMethodAndNodeTempNames"
  "Test that BytecodeAgnosticMethodNode>>blockExtentsToTempRefs answers the same
  structure as CompiledMethod>>blockExtentsToTempRefs when the method has been
  copied with the appropriate temps.  This tests whether doit methods are debuggable
  since they carry their own temps."
  self closureCases do:
  [:source| | mn om m mbe obe |
  mn := source first isLetter
  [self class newCompiler
  compile: source
  in: self class
  notifying: nil
  ifFail: [self error: 'compilation error']]
  [self class newCompiler
  compileNoPattern: source
  in: self class
- context: nil
  notifying: nil
  ifFail: [self error: 'compilation error']].
  m := (om := mn generate) copyWithTempsFromMethodNode: mn.
  self assert: m holdsTempNames.
  self assert: m endPC = om endPC.
  mbe := m blockExtentsToTempsMap.
  obe := mn blockExtentsToTempsMap.
  self assert: mbe keys asSet = obe keys asSet.
  (mbe keys intersection: obe keys) do:
  self assert: (mbe at: interval) = (obe at: interval)]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompilerTest>>testBinarySelectorWithBar (in category 'syntax') -----
  "Acknowledge the fact that $| is now allowed at any place in a binary selector"
  #(#'||' #'|||' #'|||++' #'<|>') do: [:selector | | source tree |
  source := ('1 ' , selector , ' 2') readStream.
  tree := (Compiler new)
+ compileNoPattern: source in: Object notifying: nil ifFail: [nil].
- compileNoPattern: source in: Object context: nil notifying: nil ifFail: [nil].
  self assert: tree notNil.
  "Hem, this test is really ugly..."
  self assert: tree block statements first expr selector key = selector].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompilerTest>>testBinarySelectorWithMinus (in category 'syntax') -----
  "Acknowledge the fact that $- is now allowed at any place in a binary selector"
  | source tree |
  source := '1 @- 2' readStream.
  tree := (Compiler new)
+ compileNoPattern: source in: Object notifying: nil ifFail: [nil].
- compileNoPattern: source in: Object context: nil notifying: nil ifFail: [nil].
  self assert: tree notNil.
  "Hem, this test is really ugly..."
  self assert: tree block statements first expr selector key = #'@-'.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>testDecompileAnswerToDoLoop (in category 'tests') -----
  "This is a non regression test for Compiler-nice.224."
  "DecompilerTests new testDecompileAnswerToDoLoop"
  | sourceCode mn decompiledCode  |
  sourceCode := '^nil to: 3 do: [:i| i class]'.
+ shouldnt: [mn := self class newCompiler compileNoPattern: sourceCode in: self class notifying: nil ifFail: [self error: 'failed']]
- shouldnt: [mn := self class newCompiler compileNoPattern: sourceCode in: self class context: nil notifying: nil ifFail: [self error: 'failed']]
  raise: Error.
  shouldnt: [decompiledCode := mn generateWithTempNames decompileWithTemps asString]
  raise: Error.
  "This to avoid getting fooled by changes in decompilation due to code formatting preferences."
  decompiledCode := decompiledCode copyReplaceAll: {Character cr. Character tab. Character tab } with: ' '.
  decompiledCode := decompiledCode copyReplaceAll: '^ ' with: '^'.
  decompiledCode := decompiledCode copyReplaceAll: ' |' with: '|'.
  assert: (decompiledCode endsWith: sourceCode)
  description: 'decompilation should match source'.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCStWriterTest>>assertChunkIsWellFormed: (in category 'asserting') -----
  assertChunkIsWellFormed: chunk
  self class newParser
  parse: chunk readStream
  class: UndefinedObject
  noPattern: true
- context: nil
  notifying: nil
  ifFail: [self assert: false]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCStWriterTest>>assertMethodChunkIsWellFormed: (in category 'asserting') -----
  assertMethodChunkIsWellFormed: chunk
  self class newParser
  parse: chunk readStream
  class: UndefinedObject
  noPattern: false
- context: nil
  notifying: nil
  ifFail: [self assert: false]!