Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tests-nice.455 Author: nice Time: 19 April 2021, 9:18:01.955183 pm UUID: 94f23508-c48c-0d47-8588-b2367071c298 Ancestors: Tests-nice.454 Two unrelated changes: 1) Kernel does not depend on Multilingual anymore (really?) Aknowledge this little victory before the dependecy come back. Alas, Kernel now depend on Morphic due to MouseEvent so the test still fails. Either EventSensor shouldn't be in Kernel, or MouseEvent should not be in Morphic (or both?)... 2) workaround source range test in presence of FullBlockClosure My understanding is that full block bytecodes are not hosted in their home method. As a consequence, full block also have their own PC. So a simple PC map is not elaborate enough to test the selection inside the block. By now, just skip the test of selection inside the full block closure. If some good soul wants to revise the test and make it thorough again, welcome! =============== Diff against Tests-nice.454 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>supportTestSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto:source: (in category 'tests') ----- supportTestSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto: method source: source "Test debugger source range selection for inject:into:" ^self supportTestSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto: method source: source + selectionSequence: (method encoderClass supportsFullBlocks + ifTrue: ["Full blocks are searated from home method, with their own PC" + #( ':= thisValue' + 'do: [:each | nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each]' + '^nextValue')] + ifFalse: [#( ':= thisValue' + 'do: [:each | nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each]' + 'value: nextValue value: each' + ':= binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' + 'nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' + 'value: nextValue value: each' + ':= binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' + 'nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' + '^nextValue')]).! - selectionSequence: #( ':= thisValue' - 'do: [:each | nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each]' - 'value: nextValue value: each' - ':= binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' - 'nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' - 'value: nextValue value: each' - ':= binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' - 'nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each' - '^nextValue')! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>supportTestSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto:source:selectionSequence: (in category 'tests') ----- supportTestSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto: method source: source selectionSequence: selections "Test debugger source range selection for inject:into:" | evaluationCount sourceMap debugTokenSequence debugCount | DebuggerMethodMap voidMapCache. evaluationCount := 0. + sourceMap := method debuggerMap abstractSourceMapForMethod: method. - sourceMap := method debuggerMap abstractSourceMap. debugTokenSequence := selections collect: [:string| Scanner new scanTokens: string]. debugCount := 0. thisContext runSimulated: [(1 to: 2) withArgs: { 0. [:sum :each| evaluationCount := evaluationCount + 1. sum + each]} executeMethod: method] contextAtEachStep: [:ctxt| | range debugTokens | (ctxt method == method and: ["Exclude the send of #blockCopy: or #closureCopy:copiedValues: and braceWith:with: to create the block, and the #new: and #at:'s for the indirect temp vector. This for compilation without closure bytecodes. (Note that at:put:'s correspond to stores)" (ctxt willSend and: [(#(closureCopy:copiedValues: blockCopy: new: at: braceWith:with:) includes: ctxt selectorToSendOrSelf) not]) "Exclude the store of the argument into the home context (for BlueBook blocks) and the store of an indirection vector into an initial temp" or: [(ctxt willStore and: [(ctxt isBlock and: [ctxt pc = ctxt startpc]) not and: [(ctxt isBlock not and: [(method usesClosureBytecodes and: [ctxt abstractPC = 2])]) not]]) or: [ctxt willReturn]]]) ifTrue: [debugTokens := debugTokenSequence at: (debugCount := debugCount + 1) ifAbsent: [#(bogusToken)]. self assert: (sourceMap includesKey: ctxt abstractPC). range := sourceMap at: ctxt abstractPC ifAbsent: [(1 to: 0)]. self assert: (Scanner new scanTokens: (source copyFrom: range first to: range last)) = debugTokens]]. self assert: evaluationCount = 2! Item was changed: ----- Method: PackageDependencyTest>>testKernel (in category 'tests') ----- testKernel self testPackage: #Kernel dependsExactlyOn: #( #'Chronology-Core' Collections Compiler Environments Files - Multilingual System #'ToolBuilder-Kernel' ).! |
Hi Nicolas. > Alas, Kernel now depend on Morphic due to MouseEvent so the test still fails. > Either EventSensor shouldn't be in Kernel, or MouseEvent should not be in Morphic (or both?)...Yes, it is not really specific to Morphic to have (and want to have) objects for user-input events. Considering the realm of "headless" scenarios, EventSensor might not fit into Kernel either. Anyway, "MouseEvent numButtons" is a good abstraction! We should keep it. Best, Marcel
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