The Trunk: Tests-pre.348.mcz

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The Trunk: Tests-pre.348.mcz

Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-pre.348
Author: pre
Time: 8 August 2016, 5:49:40.802858 pm
UUID: 5727ac06-7f21-fa42-b2b8-cd0fc0023f05
Ancestors: Tests-mt.347, Tests-pre.347

Fixes tests affected by the change of Morphic widgets and adds a set of expected failures to the compiler tests which are only supposed to work on V3 bytecode images.

=============== Diff against Tests-mt.347 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BlockLocalTemporariesRemovalTest>>assert:isChangedDuringParsingTo:withRemovalOfTemporariesNamed: (in category 'test helper') -----
  assert: someCode isChangedDuringParsingTo: someOtherCode withRemovalOfTemporariesNamed: someTempNames
  | failBlock |
  self sourceCode: someCode.
  failBlock := [ self fail ].
  [ self class
  compile: self sourceCode
  notifying: self
  trailer: CompiledMethodTrailer empty
  ifFail: failBlock ]
+ on: UnusedVariable
+ do:
+ [ : aNotification | [ aNotification openMenuIn: nil ]
+ valueSupplyingAnswers: (someTempNames
+ collect: [:tempName | {tempName . true}]) , {{'*' . false }} ].
- on: UnusedVariable
- do:
- [ : aNotification | aNotification openMenuIn:
- [ : options : emptyCollection : someText | aNotification resume:
- (someTempNames anySatisfy:
- [ : tempName | someText beginsWith: tempName ]) ] ].
  self assert: self sourceCode = someOtherCode!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>expectedFailures (in category 'failures') -----
+ ^#(testDebuggerTempAccess testInjectIntoDecompilations testInjectIntoDecompiledDebugs)  ,
+ (({CompiledMethod classPool at: #SecondaryBytecodeSetEncoderClass .
+   CompiledMethod classPool at: #PrimaryBytecodeSetEncoderClass}
+ includes: EncoderForV3)
+ ifFalse: [#(testSourceRangeAccessForBlueBookInjectInto)]
+ ifTrue: [#()])
+ !
- ^#(testDebuggerTempAccess testInjectIntoDecompilations testInjectIntoDecompiledDebugs)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClosureCompilerTest>>testSourceRangeAccessForBlueBookInjectInto (in category 'tests') -----
  "Test debugger source range selection for inject:into: for a version compiled with closures"
  "self new testSourceRangeAccessForBlueBookInjectInto"
  | source method |
+ [source := (Collection sourceCodeAt: #inject:into:) asString.
- source := (Collection sourceCodeAt: #inject:into:) asString.
  method := (Parser new
  encoderClass: EncoderForV3;
  parse: source
  class: Collection)
  generate: (Collection compiledMethodAt: #inject:into:) trailer.
+ self supportTestSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto: method source: source.]
+ on: Error
+ do: [:e | self fail: e.]!
- self supportTestSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto: method source: source!