The Trunk: Tests-ul.319.mcz

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The Trunk: Tests-ul.319.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-ul.319
Author: ul
Time: 6 May 2015, 6:03:36.809 pm
UUID: d83e9ef7-c5df-441a-938e-a5ccb76827a7
Ancestors: Tests-ul.318

Actualized the list in DecompilerTests >> #decompilerFailures.
Refactored DecompilerTests and DecompilerTestFailuresCollector: the class of the exception is noted and verified.

=============== Diff against Tests-ul.318 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>assert:description:resumable: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ assert: aBoolean description: aString resumable: resumableBoolean
+ | method |
+ aBoolean ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+ method := thisContext sender home tempAt: 1.
+ self noteFailure: TestFailure for: method!
- assert: aBoolean description: aString resumable: resumableBoolean
- aBoolean ifFalse:
- [failures isNil ifTrue:
- [failures := OrderedCollection new].
- failures addLast: (thisContext sender home tempAt: 1) methodReference]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>checkDecompileMethod: (in category 'utilities') -----
  checkDecompileMethod: oldMethod
+ [ super checkDecompileMethod: oldMethod ]
+ on: Error
+ do: [ :error | self noteFailure: error class for: oldMethod ]!
- [^super checkDecompileMethod: oldMethod]
- on: SyntaxErrorNotification
- do: [:ex|
- self assert: false
- description: 'syntax error'
- resumable: true].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>computeFailures (in category 'accessing') -----
+ | tests |
+ failures := nil.
+ tests := (DecompilerTests organization listAtCategoryNamed: #tests) select: [ :s |
+ (s beginsWith: 'testDecompilerInClasses') ].
+ CurrentReadOnlySourceFiles cacheDuring: [
+ tests
+ do: [ :each | self perform: each ]
+ displayingProgress: 'Computing failures...' ].
+ ^self decompilerFailures!
- (DecompilerTests organization listAtCategoryNamed: #tests) do:
- [:s|
- (s beginsWith: 'testDecompilerInClasses') ifTrue:
- [self perform: s]].
- ^failures!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>decompilerFailures (in category 'accessing') -----
+ decompilerFailures
+ failures ifNil: [ ^#() ].
+ ^failures asArray sort: [ :a :b |
+ | r |
+ r := a first compare: b first caseSensitive: false.
+ r = 1 or: [ r = 2 and: [
+ (a second compare: b second caseSensitive: false) <= 2 ] ] ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>errorClassForFailureFor:selector: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ errorClassForFailureFor: class selector: selector
+ ^nil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>exceptionClassForFailureFor:selector: (in category 'utilities') -----
+ exceptionClassForFailureFor: class  selector: selector
+ ^nil!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>isFailure:sel: (in category 'accessing') -----
- isFailure: cls sel: selector
- ^false!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DecompilerTestFailuresCollector>>noteFailure:for: (in category 'utilities') -----
+ noteFailure: exceptionClass for: method
+ (failures ifNil: [ failures := OrderedCollection new ]) add: {
+ method methodClass name.
+ method selector.
+ exceptionClass name }!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>decompileClassesSelect: (in category 'utilities') -----
  decompileClassesSelect: aBlock
  CurrentReadOnlySourceFiles cacheDuring: [
+ (self classNames select: aBlock) do: [ :cn |
+ | class |
+ (class := Smalltalk classNamed: cn) selectorsAndMethodsDo: [ :selector :method |
+ (self exceptionClassForFailureFor: class  selector: selector)
+ ifNil: [ self checkDecompileMethod: method ]
+ ifNotNil: [ :exceptionClass |
+ self
+ should: [ self checkDecompileMethod: method ]
+ raise: exceptionClass ] ] ] ]!
- (self classNames select: aBlock) do:
- [:cn | | cls |
- cls := Smalltalk globals at: cn.
- cls selectorsAndMethodsDo:
- [:selector :meth |
- (self isFailure: cls sel: selector) ifFalse:
- [self checkDecompileMethod: meth]]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>decompilerFailures (in category 'utilities') -----
  "Here is the list of failures: either a syntax error, a hard error or some failure to decompile correctly.
+ Collected via
+ DecompilerTestFailuresCollector new computeFailures."
- Collected via
- CurrentReadOnlySourceFiles cacheDuring: [
- (DecompilerTestFailuresCollector new computeFailures collect:
- [:mr| { mr classSymbol. mr selector }]) asArray ]."
+ "class name, selector, error class name or nil"
+ ^#( (Behavior toolIconSelector: TestFailure)
+ (BrowserCommentTextMorph showPane SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (ClassDescription replaceSilently:to: SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (CodeHolder getSelectorAndSendQuery:to:with: SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (Date printOn: TestFailure)
+ (DecompilerTests testDecompileUnreachableParameter Error)
+ (FontImporterTool fontFromFamily: SyntaxErrorNotification) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
+ (HttpUrl checkAuthorization:retry: TestFailure)
+ (LargeNegativeIntegerTest testReplaceFromToWithStartingAt SyntaxErrorNotification) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
+ (LargePositiveIntegerTest testReplaceFromToWithStartingAt SyntaxErrorNotification) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
+ (MailComposition breakLinesInMessage: SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (MCConfigurationBrowser post SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (MVCToolBuilder setLayout:in: SyntaxErrorNotification) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
+ (ParagraphEditor inOutdent:delta: SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (PNGReadWriter copyPixelsGray: SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (PointTest testNormal TestFailure) "fraction printing??"
+ (PointTest testTheta TestFailure) "fraction printing??"
+ (ScaledDecimalTest testConvertFromFraction SyntaxErrorNotification) "local/non-local temps"
+ (SHMCClassDefinition withAllSuperclassesDo: SyntaxErrorNotification) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
+ (StandardScriptingSystem holderWithAlphabet SyntaxErrorNotification) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
+ (SystemWindow convertAlignment SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (TextEditor inOutdent:delta: SyntaxErrorNotification)
+ (TextURL actOnClickFor: TestFailure)
+ (TTContourConstruction segmentsDo: SyntaxErrorNotification) "Worth fixing; these two are mistaken conversion from a whileTrue: to a to:do: but the index is used outside the whileTrue:"
+ (TTFontReader processHorizontalMetricsTable:length: SyntaxErrorNotification))!
- ^#( (Behavior toolIconSelector:)
- (BrowserCommentTextMorph showPane)
- (ClassDescription replaceSilently:to:)
- (CodeHolder getSelectorAndSendQuery:to:with:)
- (Date printOn:)
- (DecompilerTests testDecompileUnreachableParameter)
- (HttpUrl checkAuthorization:retry:)
- (MCConfigurationBrowser post)
- (MailComposition breakLinesInMessage:)
- (MVCToolBuilder setLayout:in:) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
- (ParagraphEditor inOutdent:delta:)
- (PNGReadWriter copyPixelsGray:)
- (PointTest testNormal) "fraction printing??"
- (PointTest testTheta) "fraction printing??"
- (ScaledDecimalTest testConvertFromFraction) "local/non-local temps"
- (StandardScriptingSystem holderWithAlphabet) "same-name block-local temps in optimized blocks"
- (SystemWindow convertAlignment)
- (TextEditor inOutdent:delta:)
- (TextURL actOnClickFor:)
- (TTContourConstruction segmentsDo:) "Worth fixing; these two are mistaken conversion from a whileTrue: to a to:do: but the index is used outside the whileTrue:"
- (TTFontReader processHorizontalMetricsTable:length:))!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>exceptionClassForFailureFor:selector: (in category 'utilities') -----
+ exceptionClassForFailureFor: class selector: selector
+ ^self decompilerFailures
+ detect: [ :each | each first = class name and: [ each second = selector ] ]
+ ifFound: [ :each | each third ifNotNil: [ Smalltalk classNamed: each third ] ]
+ ifNone: [ nil ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: DecompilerTests>>isFailure:sel: (in category 'utilities') -----
- isFailure: cls sel: selector
- "self new isKnowProblem: PNMReaderWriter sel: #nextImage"
- "#((PNMReadWriter nextImage)) includes: {PNMReadWriter
- name asSymbol . #nextImage}."
- ^(#(#DoIt #DoItIn:) includes: selector)
-   or: [self decompilerFailures includes: {cls name asSymbol. selector}]!