The Trunk: ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.129.mcz

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The Trunk: ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.129.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of ToolBuilder-Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.129
Author: mt
Time: 2 August 2019, 9:42:26.409893 am
UUID: 599e842a-df92-144c-9a4e-a2ad7d0a5664
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Kernel-ul.128

Complements System-mt.1077.

=============== Diff against ToolBuilder-Kernel-ul.128 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UIManager>>classOrTraitFrom:pattern:label: (in category 'system introspecting') -----
  classOrTraitFrom: environment pattern: pattern label: label
- "Given a pattern and an environment, try to find a class or trait using several strategies:
- - EXACT: If there is a class or trait whose name exactly given by pattern, return it.
- - UPPER: If the pattern is upper-case only, find camel-case letters with that sequence.
- - WILD: Try the pattern as-is for regular wild-card search.
- - FEATURE: Split patterns at feature boundaries and insert wild cards between.
- - FUZZY: Split patterns at feature boundaries BUT treat each feature as a full class name.
- If there is only one class or trait in the given environment whose name matches pattern, return it. Otherwise, put up a menu offering the names of all classes that match pattern, and return the class chosen, else nil if nothing chosen.
+ ^ ((SystemNavigation for: environment) allClassesAndTraitsMatching: pattern)
+ ifEmpty: [nil]
+ ifNotEmpty: [:results |
+ results size = 1
+ ifTrue: [results first]
+ ifFalse: [self
+ chooseFrom: (results collect: [:each | each name])
+ values: results
+ title: label]]!
- !!!! In any case, separator characters in the pattern are ignored."
- | toMatch potentialNames names selectedIndex |
- "If there's a class or trait named as pattern, then return it."
- (environment classOrTraitNamed: pattern) ifNotNil: [:classOrTrait | ^ classOrTrait].
- "Validate pattern."
- toMatch := pattern copyWithoutAll: Character separators.
- toMatch := toMatch asLowercase copyWithout: $..
- toMatch ifEmpty: [ ^nil ].
- "Fetch search space."
- names := OrderedCollection new.
- potentialNames := environment classAndTraitNames.
- "Try uppercase-only patterns for patterns such as 'WKD' to find 'WeakIdentityKeyDictionary' etc."
- (pattern allSatisfy: [:char | char isUppercase]) ifTrue: [
- | patternSize |
- patternSize := pattern size.
- potentialNames do: [ :eachName |
- | lookupIndex characterIndex |
- lookupIndex := 0.
- characterIndex := 1.
- [ (lookupIndex := eachName
- indexOf: (pattern at: characterIndex)
- startingAt: lookupIndex + 1) > 0
- and: [ (characterIndex := characterIndex + 1) <= patternSize ] ] whileTrue.
- lookupIndex > 0 ifTrue: [ names add: eachName ] ] ].
- "Try wildcard search for patterns such as 'Weak*Dict*' to find 'WeakIdentityKeyDictionary' etc."
- names ifEmpty: [
- potentialNames do: [ :each | (toMatch match: each) ifTrue: [ names add: each ] ].
- "Try feature-based search for patterns such as 'WeakDict' to find 'WeakIdentityKeyDictionary' etc."
- names ifEmpty: [
- "1) Insert wildcards between features and at the end."
- toMatch := ((pattern copyWithoutAll: '.*#') findFeatures joinSeparatedBy: '*'), '*'.
- potentialNames do: [ :each | (toMatch match: each) ifTrue: [ names add: each ] ].
- names ifEmpty: [
- "2) Insert wildcards before, between, and after features."
- toMatch := '*', toMatch.
- potentialNames do: [ :each | (toMatch match: each) ifTrue: [ names add: each ] ] ] ] ].
- "Try some fuzzy matching."
- pattern suggestedTypeNames do: [ :each |
- (potentialNames includes: each) ifTrue: [ names add: each ] ].
- "Still no match?"
- names ifEmpty: [ ^nil ].
- "Let the user select if there's more than one possible match. This may give surprising results."
- selectedIndex := names size = 1
- ifTrue: [ 1 ]
- ifFalse: [ self chooseFrom: names title: label ].
- selectedIndex = 0 ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
- ^environment at: (names at: selectedIndex) asSymbol!