Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of ToolBuilder-Kernel to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/ToolBuilder-Kernel-tfel.108.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: ToolBuilder-Kernel-tfel.108
Author: tfel
Time: 29 August 2016, 4:18:36.699946 pm
UUID: 065fa494-8874-124c-b3aa-6e33726275bb
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.107
adapt code from Etoys to indicate sequential progress
=============== Diff against ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.107 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>displaySequentialProgress: (in category '*toolbuilder-kernel') -----
+ displaySequentialProgress: aBlock
+ "
+ 'This takes some time...' displaySequentialProgress: [
+ (Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait.
+ ProgressNotification signal: 0.1 extra: 'just starting'.
+ (Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait.
+ ProgressNotification signal: 0.5.
+ (Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait.
+ ProgressNotification signal: '1.0' extra: 'done'.
+ (Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait.
+ ]
+ "
+ ProgressInitiationException
+ display: self
+ from: 0 to: 1
+ during: [:bar | aBlock
+ on: ProgressNotification
+ do: [:e |
+ bar value: e messageText asNumber.
+ e extraParam: self, (e extraParam ifNil: ['']).
+ e pass]].
+ !