The Trunk: ToolBuilder-MVC-tpr.53.mcz

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The Trunk: ToolBuilder-MVC-tpr.53.mcz

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of ToolBuilder-MVC to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ToolBuilder-MVC-tpr.53
Author: tpr
Time: 1 February 2018, 3:47:08.838874 pm
UUID: d2e088ac-0eab-4037-a454-9df0563e8f29
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-MVC-tpr.52

Preliminary support for changes involved in removing the Project>>dispatchTo:addPrefixAndSend:withArguments: method.

=============== Diff against ToolBuilder-MVC-tpr.52 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCUIManager>>openDebugger:on:context:label:contents:fullView: (in category 'ui project indirecting') -----
+ openDebugger: aDebugger on: process context: context label: title contents: contentsStringOrNil fullView: bool
+ "open a debugger - the two versions for mvc & morphic are very close and can surely be merged so that this can be removed"
+ ^aDebugger mvcOpenOn: process context: context label: title contents: contentsStringOrNil fullView: bool!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCUIManager>>openFancyMailComposition: (in category 'ui project indirecting') -----
+ openFancyMailComposition: fancyMail
+ "FancyMailComposition should probably be removed in favour of MailComposition, but at least ought to be made a ToolBuilder thing"
+ ^fancyMail mvcOpen!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCUIManager>>openPluggableFileList:label:in: (in category 'ui project indirecting') -----
+ openPluggableFileList: aPluggableFileList label: aString in: aWorld
+ "PluggableFileList is being deprecated and this can go away soon"
+ ^aPluggableFileList mvcOpenLabel: aString in: aWorld!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCUIManager>>openSyntaxError: (in category 'ui project indirecting') -----
+ openSyntaxError: aSyntaxError
+ "Syntax error opening probably ought to be handled with a ToolBuilder dance instead of this"
+ ^SyntaxError mvcOpen: aSyntaxError!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCUIManager>>resumeDebugger:process: (in category 'ui project indirecting') -----
+ resumeDebugger: aDebugger process: aTopView
+ "resume a debugger - the two versions for mvc & morphic are very close and can surely be merged so that this can be removed"
+ ^aDebugger mvcResumeProcess: aTopView!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCUIManager>>startUpMenu:withCaption:icon:at:allowKeyboard: (in category 'ui project indirecting') -----
+ startUpMenu: aMenu withCaption: captionOrNil icon: aForm at: location allowKeyboard: aBoolean
+ "A menu needs to startup and depends on the current type of ui manager for what sort of startup to do. Very ugly, and really needs replacing with a much better menu system"
+ ^aMenu mvcStartUpWithCaption: captionOrNil icon: aForm at: location allowKeyboard: aBoolean
+ !