The Trunk: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.254.mcz

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The Trunk: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.254.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of ToolBuilder-Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.254
Author: mt
Time: 5 March 2020, 1:26:05.319611 pm
UUID: 45169801-abd8-8f48-b2e8-685ab7516e3d
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-ct.253

Removes some static configuration of alternate multi-selection list, which is not used anymore and which triggered a deprecated message send.

=============== Diff against ToolBuilder-Morphic-ct.253 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MorphicToolBuilder>>buildPluggableAlternateMultiSelectionList: (in category 'widgets optional') -----
  buildPluggableAlternateMultiSelectionList: aSpec
  | listMorph listClass |
  aSpec getSelected ifNotNil: [ ^ self error: 'There is no PluggableAlternateListMorphOfManyByItem' ].
  listClass := self alternateMultiSelectListClass.
  listMorph := listClass
  on: aSpec model
  list: aSpec list
  primarySelection: aSpec getIndex
  changePrimarySelection: aSpec setIndex
  listSelection: aSpec getSelectionList
  changeListSelection: aSpec setSelectionList
  menu: aSpec menu.
  setProperty: #highlightSelector toValue: #highlightMessageList:with: ;
- setProperty: #itemConversionMethod toValue: #asStringOrText ;
- setProperty: #balloonTextSelectorForSubMorphs toValue: #balloonTextForClassAndMethodString ;
  enableDragNDrop: SystemBrowser browseWithDragNDrop ;
  menuTitleSelector: #messageListSelectorTitle.
  register: listMorph
  id: aSpec name.
  keystrokeActionSelector: aSpec keyPress ;
  getListElementSelector: aSpec listItem ;
  getListSizeSelector: aSpec listSize;
  getIconSelector: aSpec icon;
  getHelpSelector: aSpec helpItem.
  self buildHelpFor: listMorph spec: aSpec.
  setFrame: aSpec frame
  in: listMorph.
  self setLayoutHintsFor: listMorph spec: aSpec.
  parent ifNotNil: [ self add: listMorph to: parent ].
  panes ifNotNil: [ aSpec list ifNotNil:[panes add: aSpec list ] ].
  ^ listMorph!