Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-ar.159 Author: ar Time: 4 January 2010, 12:54:43 pm UUID: a4cc75ec-086a-cb47-8306-b82b0c28d165 Ancestors: Tools-nice.157 Make Etoys unloadable: Remove support for isolatedCodePane and installTilesAsSelection since both require Etoys to be present. =============== Diff against Tools-nice.157 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>shiftedMessageMenu: (in category 'message list') ----- shiftedMessageMenu: aMenu "Arm the menu so that it holds items appropriate to the message-list while the shift key is down. Answer the menu." ^ aMenu addList: #( - - ('method pane' makeIsolatedCodePane) ('toggle diffing (D)' toggleDiffing) ('implementors of sent messages' browseAllMessages) ('change category...' changeCategory) - ('sample instance' makeSampleInstance) ('inspect instances' inspectInstances) ('inspect subinstances' inspectSubInstances) - ('change sets with this method' findMethodInChangeSets) ('revert to previous version' revertToPreviousVersion) ('revert & remove from changes' revertAndForget) - ('more...' unshiftedYellowButtonActivity))! Item was changed: ----- Method: Browser>>messageListMenu:shifted: (in category 'message functions') ----- messageListMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted "Answer the message-list menu" (self menuHook: aMenu named: #messageListMenu shifted: shifted) ifTrue:[^aMenu]. shifted ifTrue: [^ self shiftedMessageListMenu: aMenu]. aMenu addList: #( ('what to show...' offerWhatToShowMenu) ('toggle break on entry' toggleBreakOnEntry) - ('browse full (b)' browseMethodFull) ('browse hierarchy (h)' classHierarchy) ('browse method (O)' openSingleMessageBrowser) ('browse protocol (p)' browseFullProtocol) - ('fileOut' fileOutMessage) ('printOut' printOutMessage) - ('senders of... (n)' browseSendersOfMessages) ('implementors of... (m)' browseMessages) ('inheritance (i)' methodHierarchy) - ('tile scriptor' openSyntaxView) ('versions (v)' browseVersions) - ('inst var refs...' browseInstVarRefs) ('inst var defs...' browseInstVarDefs) ('class var refs...' browseClassVarRefs) ('class variables' browseClassVariables) ('class refs (N)' browseClassRefs) - ('remove method (x)' removeMessage) - ('more...' shiftedYellowButtonActivity)). ^ aMenu! Item was changed: ----- Method: CodeHolder class>>defaultContentsSymbolQuints (in category 'controls') ----- defaultContentsSymbolQuints "Default list of quintuplets representing information on the alternative views available in the code pane first element: the contentsSymbol used second element: the selector to call when this item is chosen. third element: the selector to call to obtain the wording of the menu item. fourth element: the wording to represent this view fifth element: balloon help A hypen indicates a need for a seperator line in a menu of such choices" ^ { {#source . #togglePlainSource . #showingPlainSourceString . 'source' . 'the textual source code as written' translated} . {#documentation . #toggleShowDocumentation . #showingDocumentationString . 'documentation' . 'the first comment in the method' translated} . #- . {#prettyPrint . #togglePrettyPrint . #prettyPrintString . 'prettyPrint' . 'the method source presented in a standard text format' translated} . #- . {#showDiffs . #toggleRegularDiffing . #showingRegularDiffsString . 'showDiffs' . 'the textual source diffed from its prior version' translated} . #- . {#decompile . #toggleDecompile . #showingDecompileString . 'decompile' . 'source code decompiled from byteCodes' translated} . {#byteCodes . #toggleShowingByteCodes . #showingByteCodesString . 'byteCodes' . 'the bytecodes that comprise the compiled method' translated} . - - #- . - {#tiles - . #toggleShowingTiles - . #showingTilesString - . 'tiles' - . 'universal tiles representing the method' translated} }! Item was changed: ----- Method: MethodHolder>>doItReceiver (in category 'menu') ----- doItReceiver "If there is an instance associated with me, answer it, for true mapping of self. If not, then do what other code-bearing tools do, viz. give access to the class vars." - - (self dependents detect: [:m | m isKindOf: MethodMorph]) ifNotNil: - [:mm | (mm owner isKindOf: ScriptEditorMorph) ifTrue: - [^ mm owner playerScripted]]. - ^ self selectedClass ifNil: [FakeClassPool new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Browser>>shiftedMessageListMenu: (in category 'message functions') ----- shiftedMessageListMenu: aMenu "Fill aMenu with the items appropriate when the shift key is held down" Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [aMenu addStayUpItem]. aMenu addList: #( - ('method pane' makeIsolatedCodePane) - ('tile scriptor' openSyntaxView) ('toggle diffing (D)' toggleDiffing) ('implementors of sent messages' browseAllMessages) - ('local senders of...' browseLocalSendersOfMessages) ('local implementors of...' browseLocalImplementors) - ('spawn sub-protocol' spawnProtocol) ('spawn full protocol' spawnFullProtocol) - ('sample instance' makeSampleInstance) ('inspect instances' inspectInstances) ('inspect subinstances' inspectSubInstances)). self addExtraShiftedItemsTo: aMenu. aMenu addList: #( - ('change category...' changeCategory)). self canShowMultipleMessageCategories ifTrue: [aMenu addList: #(('show category (C)' showHomeCategory))]. aMenu addList: #( - ('change sets with this method' findMethodInChangeSets) ('revert to previous version' revertToPreviousVersion) ('remove from current change set' removeFromCurrentChanges) ('revert & remove from changes' revertAndForget) ('add to current change set' adoptMessageInCurrentChangeset) ('copy up or copy down...' copyUpOrCopyDown) - ('more...' unshiftedYellowButtonActivity)). ^ aMenu ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CodeHolder>>installTextualCodingPane (in category 'diffs') ----- - ----- Method: CodeHolder>>installTextualCodingPane (in category 'misc') ----- installTextualCodingPane "Install text into the code pane" | aWindow codePane aPane boundsToUse | (aWindow := self containingWindow) ifNil: [self error: 'where''s that window?']. codePane := aWindow findDeepSubmorphThat: + [:m | ((m isKindOf: PluggableTextMorph) and: [m getTextSelector == #contents])] + ifAbsent: [self error: 'no code pane']. - [:m | ((m isKindOf: PluggableTextMorph) and: [m getTextSelector == #contents]) or: - [m isKindOf: PluggableTileScriptorMorph]] ifAbsent: [self error: 'no code pane']. aPane := self buildMorphicCodePaneWith: nil. boundsToUse := (codePane bounds origin- (1@1)) corner: (codePane owner bounds corner " (1@1"). aWindow replacePane: codePane with: aPane. aPane vResizing: #spaceFill; hResizing: #spaceFill; borderWidth: 0. aPane bounds: boundsToUse. aPane owner clipSubmorphs: false. self contentsChanged! Item was removed: - ----- Method: MethodHolder class>>makeIsolatedCodePaneForClass:selector: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - makeIsolatedCodePaneForClass: aClass selector: aSelector - "Create, and place in the morphic Hand, an isolated code pane bearing source code for the given class and selector" - - (self isolatedCodePaneForClass: aClass selector: aSelector) openInHand! Item was removed: - ----- Method: StringHolder>>makeIsolatedCodePane (in category '*Tools') ----- - makeIsolatedCodePane - | msgName | - - (msgName := self selectedMessageName) ifNil: [^ Beeper beep]. - MethodHolder makeIsolatedCodePaneForClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass selector: msgName! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ComponentLayout>>inspectModelInMorphic (in category '*Tools') ----- - inspectModelInMorphic - | insp | - insp := InspectorBrowser openOn: self model. - self world addMorph: insp; startStepping: insp! Item was removed: - ----- Method: MethodHolder class>>isolatedCodePaneForClass:selector: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - isolatedCodePaneForClass: aClass selector: aSelector - "Answer a MethodMorph on the given class and selector" - - | aCodePane aMethodHolder | - - aMethodHolder := self new. - aMethodHolder methodClass: aClass methodSelector: aSelector. - - aCodePane := MethodMorph on: aMethodHolder text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying: - readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:. - aMethodHolder addDependent: aCodePane. - aCodePane borderWidth: 2; color: Color white. - aCodePane scrollBarOnLeft: false. - aCodePane width: 300. - ^ aCodePane! |
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