The Trunk: Tools-bf.438.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-bf.438.mcz

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-bf.438
Author: bf
Time: 9 January 2013, 4:12:54.976 pm
UUID: 868eb56e-ccc4-449e-b221-f0a7491d345b
Ancestors: Tools-fbs.437, Tools-bf.429

Fix changes in debugger getting lost when reverting to method from an inner block. As reported by Aran Lunzer:

Set up the following method on some class:

  | a1 |
  a1 := 0.
  [ 2 / a1 ] value

then send   <class> new bugger

In the walkback, try changing the last line to

  [ b1:=2.  2 / a1 ] value

(oops - said b1 instead of a1...)

Debugger asks if it's ok to revert to the method in which the block was defined.  Say ok.  Then it asks about adding b1 as a new variable (NB: at this stage, the code edits have already disappeared).  Then cancel, intending to fix the variable name.  But your edits are lost.

=============== Diff against Tools-fbs.437 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Debugger>>contents:notifying: (in category 'accessing') -----
  contents: aText notifying: aController
  "The retrieved information has changed and its source must now be updated.
  In this case, the retrieved information is the method of the selected context."
  | result selector classOfMethod category h ctxt newMethod |
  contextStackIndex = 0 ifTrue:
  self selectedContext isExecutingBlock ifTrue:
  [h := self selectedContext activeHome.
  h ifNil:
  [self inform: 'Method for block not found on stack, can''t edit and continue'.
  (self confirm: 'I will have to revert to the method from\which this block originated.  Is that OK?' withCRs) ifFalse:
+ self resetContext: h changeContents: false.
- self resetContext: h.
  "N.B. Only reset the contents if the compilation succeeds.  If contents are reset
  when compilation fails both compiler error message and modifications are lost."
  (result := self contents: aText notifying: aController) ifTrue:
  [self contentsChanged].
  classOfMethod := self selectedClass.
  category := self selectedMessageCategoryName.
  selector := self selectedClass newParser parseSelector: aText.
  (selector == self selectedMessageName
  or: [(self selectedMessageName beginsWith: 'DoIt')
  and: [selector numArgs = self selectedMessageName numArgs]]) ifFalse:
  [self inform: 'can''t change selector'.
  selector := classOfMethod
  compile: aText
  classified: category
  notifying: aController.
  selector ifNil: [^false]. "compile cancelled"
  contents := aText.
  newMethod := classOfMethod compiledMethodAt: selector.
  newMethod isQuick ifTrue:
  [self down.
  self selectedContext jump: (self selectedContext previousPc - self selectedContext pc)].
  ctxt := interruptedProcess popTo: self selectedContext.
  ctxt == self selectedContext
  [self inform: 'Method saved, but current context unchanged\because of unwind error. Click OK to see error' withCRs]
  [newMethod isQuick ifFalse:
  restartTopWith: newMethod;
  contextVariablesInspector object: nil].
  self resetContext: ctxt.
  Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue:
  addAlarm: #changed:
  withArguments: #(contentsSelection)
  for: self
  at: (Time millisecondClockValue + 200)].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Debugger>>resetContext: (in category 'private') -----
  resetContext: aContext
+ ^ self resetContext: aContext changeContents: true!
- "Used when a new context becomes top-of-stack, for instance when the
- method of the selected context is re-compiled, or the simulator steps or
- returns to a new method. There is room for much optimization here, first
- to save recomputing the whole stack list (and text), and secondly to avoid
- recomposing all that text (by editing the paragraph instead of recreating it)."
- | oldContext |
- oldContext := self selectedContext.
- self newStack: aContext contextStack.
- self changed: #contextStackList.
- self contextStackIndex: 1 oldContextWas: oldContext.
- self contentsChanged.
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Debugger>>resetContext:changeContents: (in category 'private') -----
+ resetContext: aContext changeContents: aBoolean
+ "Used when a new context becomes top-of-stack, for instance when the
+ method of the selected context is re-compiled, or the simulator steps or
+ returns to a new method. There is room for much optimization here, first
+ to save recomputing the whole stack list (and text), and secondly to avoid
+ recomposing all that text (by editing the paragraph instead of recreating it)."
+ | oldContext |
+ oldContext := self selectedContext.
+ self newStack: aContext contextStack.
+ self changed: #contextStackList.
+ self contextStackIndex: 1 oldContextWas: oldContext.
+ aBoolean ifTrue: [self contentsChanged].
+ !