Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Tools-cmm.209
Author: cmm
Time: 12 March 2010, 12:09:05.12 am
UUID: 4b0cd6e8-3f1c-4388-94d4-6e0657a49de5
Ancestors: Tools-cmm.208
When removing message from a MessageTrace, maintain the selection index.
=============== Diff against Tools-cmm.208 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MessageTrace>>removeMessageFromBrowser (in category 'building') -----
| indexToSelect |
+ "Try to keep the same selection index."
+ indexToSelect := (messageSelections indexOf: true) max: 1.
self selectedMessages do: [ :eachMethodReference | self deleteFromMessageList: eachMethodReference ].
self deselectAll.
- indexToSelect := messageSelections
- ifEmpty: [ 0 ]
- ifNotEmpty: [ (messageSelections indexOf: true) max: 1 ].
messageSelections ifNotEmpty:
[ messageSelections
at: (indexToSelect min: messageSelections size) "safety"
put: true ].
+ anchorIndex := indexToSelect min: messageSelections size.
- anchorIndex := indexToSelect.
messageListIndex: anchorIndex ;