The Trunk: Tools-cmm.243.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-cmm.243.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-cmm.243
Author: cmm
Time: 13 June 2010, 9:08:18.975 pm
UUID: e069da40-6c37-40ea-975c-fe41f45b0459
Ancestors: Tools-nice.242

- Recovered World-level command-key, (R) to open a recent-submissions browser.

=============== Diff against Tools-nice.242 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>defaultDesktopCommandKeyTriplets (in category '*Tools') -----
  "Answer a list of triplets of the form
  <key> <receiver> <selector>   [+ optional fourth element, a <description> for use in desktop-command-key-help]
  that will provide the default desktop command key handlers.  If the selector takes an argument, that argument will be the command-key event"
  | noviceKeys expertKeys |
  noviceKeys := {
  { $o. ActiveWorld. #activateObjectsTool. 'Activate the "Objects Tool"'}.
  { $r. ActiveWorld. #restoreMorphicDisplay. 'Redraw the screen'}.
  { $z. self. #undoOrRedoCommand. 'Undo or redo the last undoable command'}.
  { $F. Project current. #toggleFlapsSuppressed. 'Toggle the display of flaps'}.
  { $N. self. #toggleClassicNavigatorIfAppropriate. 'Show/Hide the classic Navigator, if appropriate'}.
  { $M. self. #toggleShowWorldMainDockingBar. 'Show/Hide the Main Docking Bar'}.
  Preferences noviceMode
  ifTrue:[^ noviceKeys].
  expertKeys := {
  { $b. SystemBrowser. #defaultOpenBrowser. 'Open a new System Browser'}.
  { $k. StringHolder. #open. 'Open a new, blank Workspace'}.
  { $m. self. #putUpNewMorphMenu. 'Put up the "New Morph" menu'}.
  { $t. self. #findATranscript:. 'Make a System Transcript visible'}.
  { $w. SystemWindow. #closeTopWindow. 'Close the topmost window'}.
  { $C. self. #findAChangeSorter:. 'Make a Change Sorter visible'}.
  { $L. self. #findAFileList:. 'Make a File List visible'}.
  { $P. self. #findAPreferencesPanel:. 'Activate the Preferences tool'}.
+ { $R. Utilities. #browseRecentSubmissions. 'Make a Recent Submissions browser visible'}.
- { $R. self. #openRecentSubmissionsBrowser:. 'Make a Recent Submissions browser visible'}.
  { $W. self. #findAMessageNamesWindow:. 'Make a MessageNames tool visible'}.
  { $Z. ChangeList. #browseRecentLog. 'Browse recently-logged changes'}.
  { $\. SystemWindow. #sendTopWindowToBack. 'Send the top window to the back'}.
  ^ noviceKeys, expertKeys

Item was added:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Tools') postscript: '"below, add code to be run after the loading of this package"
+ World isWorldMorph ifTrue: [ : aPasteUpMorph | aPasteUpMorph initializeDesktopCommandKeySelectors ]'!