The Trunk: Tools-cmm.409.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-cmm.409.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-cmm.409
Author: cmm
Time: 27 May 2012, 10:01:04.714 pm
UUID: a45e1538-f3ab-4ca2-954a-13cb6caeff7c
Ancestors: Tools-cmm.408

- Recover FileList's drag-and-drop capabilities.
- Recover HierarchyBrowser's drag-and-drop capabilities.

=============== Diff against Tools-cmm.408 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Browser>>dragFromClassList: (in category 'drag and drop') -----
+ dragFromClassList: index
- dragFromClassList: index
  "Drag a class from the browser"
  | name envt |
+ (name := self classList at: index) ifNil: [ ^ nil ].
+ (envt := self selectedEnvironment) ifNil: [ ^ nil ].
+ ^ envt
+ at: name withBlanksTrimmed asSymbol
+ ifAbsent: [  ]!
- (name := self classList at: index) ifNil: [^ nil].
- (envt := self selectedEnvironment) ifNil: [^ nil].
- ^ envt at: name ifAbsent:[nil]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList class>>windowColorSpecification (in category 'window color') -----
  "Answer a WindowColorSpec object that declares my preference"
+ ^ WindowColorSpec
+ classSymbol: self name
+ wording: 'File List'
+ brightColor: #lightGray
+ pastelColor: #lightGray
+ helpMessage: 'A tool for looking at files'!
- ^ WindowColorSpec classSymbol: self name  wording: 'File List' brightColor: #lightMagenta pastelColor: #paleMagenta helpMessage: 'A tool for looking at files'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList>>buildDirectoryTreeWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ buildDirectoryTreeWith: builder
- buildDirectoryTreeWith: builder
  | treeSpec |
  treeSpec := builder pluggableTreeSpec new.
+ treeSpec
+ model: self ;
+ roots: #rootDirectoryList ;
+ hasChildren: #hasMoreDirectories: ;
+ getChildren: #subDirectoriesOf: ;
+ getSelectedPath: #selectedPath ;
+ setSelected: #setDirectoryTo: ;
+ label: #directoryNameOf: ;
+ menu: #volumeMenu: ;
+ autoDeselect: false.
+ Preferences browseWithDragNDrop ifTrue:
+ [ treeSpec
+ dragItem: #dragFromDirectoryList: ;
+ dropItem: #drop:ontoDirectory:shouldCopy: ].
+ ^ treeSpec!
- treeSpec
- model: self;
- roots: #rootDirectoryList;
- hasChildren: #hasMoreDirectories:;
- getChildren: #subDirectoriesOf:;
- getSelectedPath: #selectedPath;
- setSelected: #setDirectoryTo:;
- label: #directoryNameOf:;
- menu: #volumeMenu:;
- autoDeselect: false.
- ^treeSpec
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList>>buildFileListWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ buildFileListWith: builder
- buildFileListWith: builder
  | buttons listSpec top |
  top := builder pluggablePanelSpec new.
  top children: OrderedCollection new.
  buttons := self buildButtonPaneWith: builder.
+ buttons frame:
+ (self
+ topConstantHeightFrame: self buttonHeight
+ fromLeft: 0
+ width: 1).
- buttons frame: (self topConstantHeightFrame: self buttonHeight fromLeft: 0 width: 1).
  top children add: buttons.
  listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
+ listSpec
+ model: self ;
+ list: #fileList ;
+ getIndex: #fileListIndex ;
+ setIndex: #fileListIndex: ;
+ menu: #fileListMenu: ;
+ keyPress: nil ;
+ frame:
+ (self
+ frameOffsetFromTop: self buttonHeight + 4
+ fromLeft: 0
+ width: 1
+ bottomFraction: 1) ;
+ color: Color white.
+ Preferences browseWithDragNDrop ifTrue: [ listSpec dragItem: #dragFromFileList: ].
- listSpec
- model: self;
- list: #fileList;
- getIndex: #fileListIndex;
- setIndex: #fileListIndex:;
- menu: #fileListMenu:;
- keyPress: nil;
- frame: (self frameOffsetFromTop: self buttonHeight + 4 fromLeft: 0 width: 1 bottomFraction: 1);
- color: Color white.
  top children add: listSpec.
+ ^ top!
- ^top.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList>>directory: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ directory: aFileDirectory
- directory: dir
  "Set the path of the volume to be displayed."
+ self okToChange ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
- self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self].
  self modelSleep.
+ directory := aFileDirectory.
- directory := dir.
  self modelWakeUp.
+ sortMode == nil ifTrue: [ sortMode := #date ].
+ volList := (Array with: '[]') , directory pathParts withIndexCollect:
+ [ : each : i | (String
+ new: i - 1
+ withAll: Character space) , each ].
- sortMode == nil ifTrue: [sortMode := #date].
- volList := ((Array with: '[]'), directory pathParts)  "Nesting suggestion from RvL"
- withIndexCollect: [:each :i | ( String new: i-1 withAll: $ ), each].
  volListIndex := volList size.
  self changed: #relabel.
  self changed: #volumeList.
+ self pattern: pattern!
- self pattern: pattern.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FileList>>dragFromDirectoryList: (in category 'file list') -----
+ dragFromDirectoryList: anIndex
+ ^ self directory!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FileList>>dragFromFileList: (in category 'file list') -----
+ dragFromFileList: anIndex
+ ^ self directory entryAt: (self fileNameFromFormattedItem: (self fileList at: self fileListIndex))!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FileList>>dragPassengerFor:inMorph: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
+ dragPassengerFor: item inMorph: dragSource
+ ^self directory fullNameFor: ((self fileNameFromFormattedItem: item contents copy)
+ copyReplaceAll: self folderString with: '').
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FileList>>drop:ontoDirectory: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ drop: aDirectoryEntryFile ontoDirectory: aFileDirectory
+ | oldName oldEntry  newName newEntry baseName response |
+ self halt.
+ oldName := aDirectoryEntryFile fullName.
+ baseName := FileDirectory localNameFor: oldName.
+ newName := aFileDirectory fullNameFor: baseName.
+ newName = oldName ifTrue: [ "Transcript nextPutAll: 'same as old name'; cr."
+ ^ true ].
+ oldEntry := FileDirectory directoryEntryFor: oldName.
+ newEntry := FileDirectory directoryEntryFor: newName.
+ newEntry ifNotNil:
+ [ | msg |
+ msg := String streamContents:
+ [ : s | s
+ nextPutAll: 'destination file ' ;
+ nextPutAll: newName ;
+ nextPutAll: ' exists already,' ;
+ cr ;
+ nextPutAll: 'and is ' ;
+ nextPutAll:
+ (oldEntry modificationTime < newEntry modificationTime
+ ifTrue: [ 'newer' ]
+ ifFalse: [ 'not newer' ]) ;
+ nextPutAll: ' than source file ' ;
+ nextPutAll: oldName ;
+ nextPut: $. ;
+ cr ;
+ nextPutAll: 'Overwrite file ' ;
+ nextPutAll: newName ;
+ nextPut: $? ].
+ response := self confirm: msg.
+ response ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
+ " aTransferMorph shouldCopy
+ ifTrue:
+ [ self
+ primitiveCopyFileNamed: oldName
+ to: newName ]
+ "  false ifFalse:
+ [ directory
+ rename: oldName
+ toBe: newName ].
+ self
+ updateFileList ;
+ fileListIndex: 0.
+ ^ true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FileList>>drop:ontoDirectory:shouldCopy: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
+ drop: aDirectoryEntryFile ontoDirectory: aFileDirectory shouldCopy: aBoolean
+ aDirectoryEntryFile containingDirectory = aFileDirectory ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+ aBoolean
+ ifTrue: [ aFileDirectory copyHere: aDirectoryEntryFile ]
+ ifFalse:
+ [ directory
+ rename: aDirectoryEntryFile fullName
+ toBe: (aFileDirectory fullNameFor: aDirectoryEntryFile name).
+ self setDirectoryTo: directory ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2>>dropDestinationDirectory:event: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
  dropDestinationDirectory: dest event: evt
  "Answer a FileDirectory representing the drop destination in the directory hierarchy morph dest"
+ self isThisEverCalled.
  ^ (dest itemFromPoint: evt position) withoutListWrapper!

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Re: The Trunk: Tools-cmm.409.mcz

Chris Muller-3
I accidently left an unsent method in here -- I'll remove it soon.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 10:01 PM,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Tools-cmm.409
> Author: cmm
> Time: 27 May 2012, 10:01:04.714 pm
> UUID: a45e1538-f3ab-4ca2-954a-13cb6caeff7c
> Ancestors: Tools-cmm.408
> - Recover FileList's drag-and-drop capabilities.
> - Recover HierarchyBrowser's drag-and-drop capabilities.
> =============== Diff against Tools-cmm.408 ===============
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: Browser>>dragFromClassList: (in category 'drag and drop') -----
> + dragFromClassList: index
> - dragFromClassList: index
>        "Drag a class from the browser"
>        | name envt |
> +       (name := self classList at: index) ifNil: [ ^ nil ].
> +       (envt := self selectedEnvironment) ifNil: [ ^ nil ].
> +       ^ envt
> +               at: name withBlanksTrimmed asSymbol
> +               ifAbsent: [  ]!
> -       (name := self classList at: index) ifNil: [^ nil].
> -       (envt := self selectedEnvironment) ifNil: [^ nil].
> -       ^ envt at: name ifAbsent:[nil]!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: FileList class>>windowColorSpecification (in category 'window color') -----
>  windowColorSpecification
>        "Answer a WindowColorSpec object that declares my preference"
> +       ^ WindowColorSpec
> +               classSymbol: self name
> +               wording: 'File List'
> +               brightColor: #lightGray
> +               pastelColor: #lightGray
> +               helpMessage: 'A tool for looking at files'!
> -
> -       ^ WindowColorSpec classSymbol: self name  wording: 'File List' brightColor: #lightMagenta pastelColor: #paleMagenta helpMessage: 'A tool for looking at files'!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: FileList>>buildDirectoryTreeWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
> + buildDirectoryTreeWith: builder
> - buildDirectoryTreeWith: builder
>        | treeSpec |
>        treeSpec := builder pluggableTreeSpec new.
> +       treeSpec
> +                model: self ;
> +                roots: #rootDirectoryList ;
> +                hasChildren: #hasMoreDirectories: ;
> +                getChildren: #subDirectoriesOf: ;
> +                getSelectedPath: #selectedPath ;
> +                setSelected: #setDirectoryTo: ;
> +                label: #directoryNameOf: ;
> +                menu: #volumeMenu: ;
> +                autoDeselect: false.
> +       Preferences browseWithDragNDrop ifTrue:
> +               [ treeSpec
> +                        dragItem: #dragFromDirectoryList: ;
> +                        dropItem: #drop:ontoDirectory:shouldCopy: ].
> +       ^ treeSpec!
> -       treeSpec
> -                       model: self;
> -                       roots: #rootDirectoryList;
> -                       hasChildren: #hasMoreDirectories:;
> -                       getChildren: #subDirectoriesOf:;
> -                       getSelectedPath: #selectedPath;
> -                       setSelected: #setDirectoryTo:;
> -                       label: #directoryNameOf:;
> -                       menu: #volumeMenu:;
> -                       autoDeselect: false.
> -       ^treeSpec
> - !
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: FileList>>buildFileListWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
> + buildFileListWith: builder
> - buildFileListWith: builder
>        | buttons listSpec top |
>        top := builder pluggablePanelSpec new.
>        top children: OrderedCollection new.
> -
>        buttons := self buildButtonPaneWith: builder.
> +       buttons frame:
> +               (self
> +                       topConstantHeightFrame: self buttonHeight
> +                       fromLeft: 0
> +                       width: 1).
> -       buttons frame: (self topConstantHeightFrame: self buttonHeight fromLeft: 0 width: 1).
>        top children add: buttons.
> -
>        listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new.
> +       listSpec
> +                model: self ;
> +                list: #fileList ;
> +                getIndex: #fileListIndex ;
> +                setIndex: #fileListIndex: ;
> +                menu: #fileListMenu: ;
> +                keyPress: nil ;
> +                frame:
> +               (self
> +                       frameOffsetFromTop: self buttonHeight + 4
> +                       fromLeft: 0
> +                       width: 1
> +                       bottomFraction: 1) ;
> +                color: Color white.
> +       Preferences browseWithDragNDrop ifTrue: [ listSpec dragItem: #dragFromFileList: ].
> -       listSpec
> -               model: self;
> -               list: #fileList;
> -               getIndex: #fileListIndex;
> -               setIndex: #fileListIndex:;
> -               menu: #fileListMenu:;
> -               keyPress: nil;
> -               frame: (self frameOffsetFromTop: self buttonHeight + 4 fromLeft: 0 width: 1 bottomFraction: 1);
> -               color: Color white.
>        top children add: listSpec.
> +       ^ top!
> -       ^top.
> - !
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: FileList>>directory: (in category 'initialization') -----
> + directory: aFileDirectory
> - directory: dir
>        "Set the path of the volume to be displayed."
> +       self okToChange ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
> -
> -       self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self].
> -
>        self modelSleep.
> +       directory := aFileDirectory.
> -       directory := dir.
>        self modelWakeUp.
> +       sortMode == nil ifTrue: [ sortMode := #date ].
> +       volList := (Array with: '[]') , directory pathParts withIndexCollect:
> +               [ : each : i | (String
> +                       new: i - 1
> +                       withAll: Character space) , each ].
> -
> -       sortMode == nil ifTrue: [sortMode := #date].
> -       volList := ((Array with: '[]'), directory pathParts)  "Nesting suggestion from RvL"
> -                       withIndexCollect: [:each :i | ( String new: i-1 withAll: $ ), each].
>        volListIndex := volList size.
>        self changed: #relabel.
>        self changed: #volumeList.
> +       self pattern: pattern!
> -       self pattern: pattern.!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: FileList>>dragFromDirectoryList: (in category 'file list') -----
> + dragFromDirectoryList: anIndex
> +       ^ self directory!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: FileList>>dragFromFileList: (in category 'file list') -----
> + dragFromFileList: anIndex
> +       ^ self directory entryAt: (self fileNameFromFormattedItem: (self fileList at: self fileListIndex))!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: FileList>>dragPassengerFor:inMorph: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
> + dragPassengerFor: item inMorph: dragSource
> +       ^self directory fullNameFor: ((self fileNameFromFormattedItem: item contents copy)
> +               copyReplaceAll: self folderString with: '').
> + !
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: FileList>>drop:ontoDirectory: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
> + drop: aDirectoryEntryFile ontoDirectory: aFileDirectory
> +       | oldName oldEntry  newName newEntry baseName response |
> + self halt.
> +       oldName := aDirectoryEntryFile fullName.
> +       baseName := FileDirectory localNameFor: oldName.
> +       newName := aFileDirectory fullNameFor: baseName.
> +       newName = oldName ifTrue: [ "Transcript nextPutAll: 'same as old name'; cr."
> +               ^ true ].
> +       oldEntry := FileDirectory directoryEntryFor: oldName.
> +       newEntry := FileDirectory directoryEntryFor: newName.
> +       newEntry ifNotNil:
> +               [ | msg |
> +               msg := String streamContents:
> +                       [ : s | s
> +                                nextPutAll: 'destination file ' ;
> +                                nextPutAll: newName ;
> +                                nextPutAll: ' exists already,' ;
> +                                cr ;
> +                                nextPutAll: 'and is ' ;
> +                                nextPutAll:
> +                               (oldEntry modificationTime < newEntry modificationTime
> +                                       ifTrue: [ 'newer' ]
> +                                       ifFalse: [ 'not newer' ]) ;
> +                                nextPutAll: ' than source file ' ;
> +                                nextPutAll: oldName ;
> +                                nextPut: $. ;
> +                                cr ;
> +                                nextPutAll: 'Overwrite file ' ;
> +                                nextPutAll: newName ;
> +                                nextPut: $? ].
> +               response := self confirm: msg.
> +               response ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
> + "     aTransferMorph shouldCopy
> +               ifTrue:
> +                       [ self
> +                               primitiveCopyFileNamed: oldName
> +                               to: newName ]
> + "  false              ifFalse:
> +                       [ directory
> +                               rename: oldName
> +                               toBe: newName ].
> +       self
> +                updateFileList ;
> +                fileListIndex: 0.
> +       ^ true!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: FileList>>drop:ontoDirectory:shouldCopy: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
> + drop: aDirectoryEntryFile ontoDirectory: aFileDirectory shouldCopy: aBoolean
> +       aDirectoryEntryFile containingDirectory = aFileDirectory ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
> +       aBoolean
> +               ifTrue: [ aFileDirectory copyHere: aDirectoryEntryFile ]
> +               ifFalse:
> +                       [ directory
> +                               rename: aDirectoryEntryFile fullName
> +                               toBe: (aFileDirectory fullNameFor: aDirectoryEntryFile name).
> +                       self setDirectoryTo: directory ]!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: FileList2>>dropDestinationDirectory:event: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
>  dropDestinationDirectory: dest event: evt
>        "Answer a FileDirectory representing the drop destination in the directory hierarchy morph dest"
> + self isThisEverCalled.
>        ^ (dest itemFromPoint: evt position) withoutListWrapper!