David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tools-dtl.776.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-dtl.776 Author: dtl Time: 24 November 2017, 6:08:14.219652 pm UUID: c9c948eb-74b4-426b-8378-50d3ed174f81 Ancestors: Tools-tpr.775 Remove unnecessary references to global World. =============== Diff against Tools-tpr.775 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Debugger>>contents:notifying: (in category 'accessing') ----- contents: aText notifying: aController "The retrieved information has changed and its source must now be updated. In this case, the retrieved information is the method of the selected context." | result selector classOfMethod category h ctxt newMethod | contextStackIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^false]. self selectedContext isExecutingBlock ifTrue: [h := self selectedContext activeHome. h ifNil: [self inform: 'Method for block not found on stack, can''t edit and continue'. ^false]. (self confirm: 'I will have to revert to the method from\which this block originated. Is that OK?' withCRs) ifFalse: [^false]. self resetContext: h changeContents: false. "N.B. Only reset the contents if the compilation succeeds. If contents are reset when compilation fails both compiler error message and modifications are lost." (result := self contents: aText notifying: aController) ifTrue: [self contentsChanged]. ^result]. classOfMethod := self selectedClass. category := self selectedMessageCategoryName. selector := self selectedClass newParser parseSelector: aText. (selector == self selectedMessageName or: [(self selectedMessageName beginsWith: 'DoIt') and: [selector numArgs = self selectedMessageName numArgs]]) ifFalse: [self inform: 'can''t change selector'. ^false]. selector := classOfMethod compile: aText classified: category notifying: aController. selector ifNil: [^false]. "compile cancelled" contents := aText. newMethod := classOfMethod compiledMethodAt: selector. newMethod isQuick ifTrue: [self cutBackExecutionToSenderContext]. ctxt := interruptedProcess popTo: self selectedContext. ctxt == self selectedContext ifFalse: [self inform: 'Method saved, but current context unchanged\because of unwind error. Click OK to see error' withCRs] ifTrue: [newMethod isQuick ifFalse: [interruptedProcess restartTopWith: newMethod; stepToSendOrReturn]. contextVariablesInspector object: nil]. self resetContext: ctxt. Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: + [Project current world - [World addAlarm: #changed: withArguments: #(contentsSelection) for: self at: (Time millisecondClockValue + 200)]. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: Debugger>>runUntil (in category 'code pane menu') ----- runUntil "Step until an expression evaluates to other than false, reporting an error if it doesn't evaluate to true. Remember the expression in an inst var. If shift is pressed when the expression is supplied, don't update the UI. If shift is pressed while stepping, stop stepping. Using a user interrupt to break out would be more natural but Squeak currently doesn't provide a UserInterrupt expection. It should do." | expression receiver context method value lastUpdate updateUI breakOnShift | expression := UIManager default request: 'run until expression is true (shift to disable ui update; shift to break).' initialAnswer: (untilExpression ifNil: 'boolean expression'). (expression isNil or: [expression isEmpty]) ifTrue: [^self]. updateUI := breakOnShift := Sensor shiftPressed not. untilExpression := expression. context := self selectedContext. receiver := context receiver. method := receiver class evaluatorClass new compiledMethodFor: untilExpression in: context to: receiver notifying: nil ifFail: [^ #failedDoit]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue. Cursor execute showWhile: [[self selectedContext == context and: [context willReturn not and: [(value := receiver with: context executeMethod: method) == false]]] whileTrue: [interruptedProcess completeStep: self selectedContext. self selectedContext == context ifTrue: [self resetContext: interruptedProcess stepToSendOrReturn changeContents: false]. Time millisecondClockValue - lastUpdate > 50 ifTrue: [updateUI ifTrue: [self changed: #contentsSelection. + Project current world displayWorldSafely]. - World displayWorldSafely]. breakOnShift ifTrue: [Sensor shiftPressed ifTrue: [self changed: #contentsSelection. self updateInspectors. ^self]] ifFalse: [Sensor shiftPressed ifFalse: [breakOnShift := true]]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue]]]. self changed: #contentsSelection. self updateInspectors. (value ~~ false and: [value ~~ true]) ifTrue: [UIManager default inform: 'expression ', (untilExpression contractTo: 40), ' answered ', (value printString contractTo: 20), '!!!!']! |
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