The Trunk: Tools-eem.256.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-eem.256.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-eem.256
Author: eem
Time: 14 August 2010, 6:39:45.243 pm
UUID: b6d2c00a-55b7-42ec-911b-8eb801388d7f
Ancestors: Tools-cbr.255

Fix multi-window menu labelling for unselected windows
(old code broke if system organization changed).

=============== Diff against Tools-cbr.255 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PackagePaneBrowser>>multiWindowName (in category 'multi-window support') -----
  "Answer the string to display for the receiver in a multi-window."
  ^String streamContents:
  [:s| | str |
  self package
  ifNil: [s nextPut: $a; space; nextPutAll: self defaultBrowserTitle]
+ self selectedClass
+ ifNil: [self selectedSystemCategoryName
+ ifNil: [s nextPutAll: pkg]
+ ifNotNil: [:cat| s nextPutAll: cat]]
+ ifNotNil:
+ [:class|
+ s nextPutAll: pkg; space; print: class.
+ self metaClassIndicated ifTrue:
+ [s nextPutAll: ' class']]].
- s nextPutAll: pkg; space.
- self selectedClass ifNotNil: [:class| s print: class].
- self metaClassIndicated ifTrue:
- [s nextPutAll: ' class']].
  (str := self selectedMessageName) notNil
  ifTrue: [s nextPutAll: '>>'; nextPutAll: str]
  [(str := self selectedMessageCategoryName) notNil
  ifTrue: [s space; nextPut: ${; nextPutAll: str; nextPut: $}]]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PackagePaneBrowser>>multiWindowNameForState: (in category 'multi-window support') -----
+ multiWindowNameForState: savedStateMessage
+ "Answer the string to display for the receiver in a multi-window."
+ | getarg |
+ getarg := [:keyword| savedStateMessage arguments at: (savedStateMessage selector keywords indexOf: keyword)].
+ ^String streamContents:
+ [:s|
+ (getarg value: 'restoreToPackage:')
+ ifNil: [s nextPut: $a; space; nextPutAll: self defaultBrowserTitle]
+ ifNotNil:
+ [:pkg|
+ s nextPutAll: pkg.
+ (getarg value: 'className:')
+ ifNil: [(getarg value: 'category:') ifNotNil:
+ [:categoryName| s nextPut: $-; nextPutAll: categoryName]]
+ ifNotNil:
+ [:className|
+ s space; nextPutAll: className.
+ (getarg value: 'meta:') ifTrue:
+ [s nextPutAll: ' class'].
+  self isHierarchy ifTrue:
+ [s space; nextPutAll: ' Hierarchy'].
+ (getarg value: 'selector:')
+ ifNil: [(getarg value: 'protocol:') ifNotNil:
+ [:protocol| s space; nextPut: ${; nextPutAll: protocol; nextPut: $}]]
+ ifNotNil: [:selector| s nextPutAll: '>>'; nextPutAll: selector]]]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Browser>>multiWindowNameForState: (in category 'multi-window support') -----
+ multiWindowNameForState: savedStateMessage
+ "Answer the string to display for the receiver in a multi-window."
+ | getarg |
+ getarg := [:keyword| savedStateMessage arguments at: (savedStateMessage selector keywords indexOf: keyword)].
+ ^String streamContents:
+ [:s|
+ (getarg value: 'className:')
+ ifNil: [(getarg value: 'restoreToCategory:')
+ ifNil: [s nextPut: $a; space; nextPutAll: self defaultBrowserTitle]
+ ifNotNil: [:categoryName| s nextPutAll: categoryName]]
+ ifNotNil:
+ [:className|
+ s nextPutAll: className.
+ (getarg value: 'meta:') ifTrue:
+ [s nextPutAll: ' class'].
+  self isHierarchy ifTrue:
+ [s space; nextPutAll: ' Hierarchy'].
+ (getarg value: 'selector:')
+ ifNil: [(getarg value: 'protocol:') ifNotNil:
+ [:protocol| s space; nextPut: ${; nextPutAll: protocol; nextPut: $}]]
+ ifNotNil: [:selector| s nextPutAll: '>>'; nextPutAll: selector]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SavedMultiWindowState>>selectWindowsMenu (in category 'operations') -----
  | menu currentItem |
  menu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  models withIndexDo:
+ [:model :index| | modelLabel |
+ modelLabel := index = currentModelIndex
+ ifTrue: [model multiWindowName]
+ ifFalse: [model multiWindowNameForState: (modelStates at: index) first].
+ models size > 1 ifTrue:
+ [modelLabel := index printString, '. ', modelLabel].
- [:model :index| | entry |
- entry := models size > 1
- ifTrue: [index printString, '. ', model multiWindowName]
- ifFalse: [model multiWindowName].
  add: (index = currentModelIndex
+ ifTrue: [Text string: modelLabel attribute: TextEmphasis bold]
- ifTrue: [Text string: entry attribute: TextEmphasis bold]
  [((modelStates at: index) last anySatisfy: [:editState| editState notNil])
+ ifTrue: [Text string: modelLabel attribute: TextColor red]
+ ifFalse: [modelLabel]])
- ifTrue: [Text string: entry attribute: TextColor red]
- ifFalse: [entry]])
  target: self
  selector: #selectWindowIndex:
  argument: index.
  index = currentModelIndex ifTrue:
  [currentItem := menu lastItem]].
  add: 'new window' target: self selector: #addNewWindow;
  add: 'copy this window' target: self selector: #copyWindow;
  add: 'remove this window' target: self selector: #removeCurrentWindow.
  models size <= 1 ifTrue:
  [menu lastItem isEnabled: false].
  menu selectItem: currentItem event: nil.