Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Tools-eem.796.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tools-eem.796
Author: eem
Time: 5 February 2018, 10:55:12.092928 am
UUID: cc39c046-0da0-4dc7-b932-e00c98e1b729
Ancestors: Tools-tpr.795
Show a Character's code in the inspector label, as per SmallInteger.
=============== Diff against Tools-tpr.795 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Character>>defaultLabelForInspector (in category '*Tools-Inspecting-label') -----
+ defaultLabelForInspector
+ "Answer the default label to be used for an Inspector window on the receiver."
+ ^ super defaultLabelForInspector, ': code ', self asInteger printString!
Item was changed:
----- Method: StandardToolSet class>>inspectorClassOf: (in category 'inspecting') -----
inspectorClassOf: anObject
"Answer the inspector class for the given object. The tool set must know which inspector type to use for which object - the object cannot possibly know what kind of inspectors the toolset provides."
| map |
map := Dictionary new.
+ (CompiledCode CompiledMethodInspector)
- (CompiledMethod CompiledMethodInspector)
(CompositeEvent OrderedCollectionInspector)
(Dictionary DictionaryInspector)
(ExternalStructure ExternalStructureInspector)
(FloatArray OrderedCollectionInspector)
(OrderedCollection OrderedCollectionInspector)
(Set SetInspector)
(WeakSet WeakSetInspector)
) do:[:spec|
map at: spec first put: spec last.
anObject class withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls|
map at: cls name ifPresent:[:inspectorName| ^Smalltalk classNamed: inspectorName].