The Trunk: Tools-eem.996.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-eem.996.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-eem.996
Author: eem
Time: 9 October 2020, 1:02:29.144211 am
UUID: 2eb2e1bc-fc68-4a5c-9c91-1db99303db6e
Ancestors: Tools-eem.995

Fix the ProcessBrowser's browse function for full blocks.

=============== Diff against Tools-eem.995 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ProcessBrowser>>browseContext (in category 'stack list') -----
+ ToolSet browseMethod: selectedContext home!
- ToolSet browseMethod: selectedContext method!