The Trunk: Tools-jr.930.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-jr.930.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-jr.930
Author: jr
Time: 8 February 2020, 10:41:43.910741 am
UUID: c64775b8-3ea3-9d41-81a3-8eea293ee438
Ancestors: Tools-jr.929, Tools-mt.929

Speed up removing of messages from MessageTrace.

In an existing MessageTrace, try "senders of at:put:", then remove them again with "remove from this browser (d)". Took several seconds before, finishes in an instant now.

Replaces autoSelectStrings and messageSelections with new OrderedCollections. The other method deleteFromMessageList: removes one element from the existing collections instead.

=============== Diff against Tools-jr.929 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MessageSet>>deleteAllFromMessageList: (in category 'message functions') -----
+ deleteAllFromMessageList: aCollection
+ "Delete the given messages from the receiver's message list"
+ | currIdx |
+ currIdx := self messageListIndex.
+ messageList := messageList copyWithoutAll: aCollection.
+ messageList ifNotEmpty: [self messageListIndex: {currIdx. messageList size.} min]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MessageTrace>>deleteAllFromMessageList: (in category 'building') -----
+ deleteAllFromMessageList: aCollection
+ "Delete the given messages from the receiver's message list"
+ | newAutoSelectStrings newMessageSelections newSize set |
+ newSize := self messageList size - aCollection size.
+ newAutoSelectStrings := OrderedCollection new: newSize.
+ newMessageSelections := OrderedCollection new: newSize.
+ set := aCollection asSet.
+ self messageList withIndexDo: [:each :index |
+ (set includes: each) ifFalse:
+ [newAutoSelectStrings add: (autoSelectStrings at: index).
+ newMessageSelections add: (messageSelections at: index)]].
+ super deleteAllFromMessageList: aCollection.
+ autoSelectStrings := newAutoSelectStrings.
+ messageSelections := newMessageSelections.
+ anchorIndex ifNotNil:
+ [ anchorIndex := anchorIndex min: messageList size ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageTrace>>removeMessageFromBrowser (in category 'building') -----
  | indexToSelect |
  "Try to keep the same selection index."
  indexToSelect := (messageSelections indexOf: true) max: 1.
+ self deleteAllFromMessageList: self selectedMessages.
- self selectedMessages do: [ :eachMethodReference | self deleteFromMessageList: eachMethodReference ].
  self deselectAll.
  messageSelections ifNotEmpty:
  [ messageSelections
  at: (indexToSelect min: messageSelections size)  "safety"
  put: true ].
  anchorIndex := indexToSelect min: messageSelections size.
  messageListIndex: anchorIndex ;